Blood Source Era

Chapter 676: : The collapse of the warrior's heart

Regarding this matter that is happening in front of us, what kind of changes may happen next.

This became the first issue that Aaron would bear the brunt of when he took his own approach to things.

The more the other party shows this kind of mindlessness about the problem, it means that he may be prepared for his biggest sacrifice when facing the problem.

So in the face of this problem, you still can't take anything lightly about things, which will cause you to make a mistake that should not be made.

For Aaron, it might have been a thing that didn't have much to be worthy of special consideration or choice.

But what does the other party think about this problem, it is likely to lead to volatility.

Therefore, Aaron must not be able to take any other issues lightly when facing the things in front of him.

It is only necessary to continue fighting at this time, he has no other other ideas.

But the dark mud, at this time, oppressed Aaron not to make his own choice, or means.

Time at this time suddenly became something that seemed to be very tense.

The situation does not always make people look like what they see on the surface, and there is a satisfactory result and answer that makes people feel happy.

Therefore, when dealing with human problems, it is necessary to have a very accurate understanding and understanding.

What we see in front of us is always something that makes everyone feel very surprised.

Then what kind of thoughts about the problem can one make people no longer need any other considerations of the problem?

When Aaron realized that time was starting to get a little nervous for himself, he began to take a deep breath, and then quickly began to sort out the information in his mind about the problems before him, so he got the information.

Time is very urgent at this time, but the other party chose to take the initiative to fight against himself.

What about yourself? But I just want to avoid the bad things that I should not bear when facing the things in front of me.

Such as the bad dark mud that is gradually approaching at this time.

Aaron felt very dissatisfied with the things in front of him, because he had already seen that the other party wanted to drag himself into the water.

In making this choice of question in this way, Aaron didn't have much to accept and understand the question.

When these things finally become the reality that is seen in front of you, some conditions become so that it is no longer necessary to have any other other ideas about the problem.

"If you want to continue fighting with me, it just wants to drag me to **** with you."

Aaron started to make such a statement very bluntly about the things in front of him.

His face was gloomy, and at this time it became very ugly, and his posture when dealing with problems was also very serious.

"Drink ... If you are going to **** together, then let's be together! If there must be a president of the Hunter Guild in this world, why are there two?"

At this time, it was faced with Aaron, this very simple question of the question.

In other words, I made such a statement about the answer.

Therefore, the situation may be the same as the result seen on the surface. It becomes a very simple one, and you can have a relaxed and sensible understanding of the problem.

This suddenly emerged, I do n’t know the president of the hunter ’s guild of which era, he has begun to gradually lose some of his eternal firm heart that he had in the night of hunting here. .

When he lost the last line of defense in his heart and the last reason for the problem, he could no longer have the idea of ​​continuing to support himself.

He is the only president of the hunter's guild who has been fighting in the long night in order to prevent the night of hunting, and has such a mission.

But why did things bring such despair to themselves, after traversing the endless time, some people have replaced themselves.

He was not the last person to seal fear and death in the dark.

In the real world, the day has not yet arrived, and the world will still appear with him in this same tragic night with the birth of darkness.

In such a situation, there may not be anything else that needs to be said in the beginning.

All the situations have already become reality in the situation that can be seen in front of you at this time, and what should you think of the problem?

Despair began to devour the heart of his steadfast soldier at this time.

What kind of hesitation should you have about the problem?

Facing the scene he saw in front of him, Aaron pulled out the corner of his mouth and shook his head. He did not believe that this was the choice that the other party would actually make at this time.

That seemed to be the guy who had just recovered his sense of reason for a while, and suddenly at this time he completely lost an accurate understanding of the problem.

This final result still makes people feel too crazy, the other party has been hysterical, and lost their sanity.

It seems that he is completely due to the death he may face, and thus thinks that he has no longer any value that can exist.

This is Aaron's own view of the things in front of him.

The result may itself be at the beginning, as it is the situation seen on the surface, there is already a very clear thing that can be clearly understood by people.

More inappropriate ideas about the problem are also very likely, but they are just some of the irrelevant considerations for the problem.

In the face of all the things that he saw in front of his eyes, Aaron's own response was more exactly the same rhythm as the other party, very simple.

"I think you have to clearly understand that although you say I am a monster here, you and I are exactly the same."

At this time, Aaron put an arm across his chest, and at the same time raised the chain whip in his hand with his right hand, ready to prepare for the next fire.

The other party also undoubtedly saw this behavior by Aaron at this time.

Regarding what he saw next in front of his eyes, Aaron made a very clear explanation and explanation of the problem.

"Think carefully, how long have you been fighting in such a night?"

This inquiry is undoubtedly accelerating the collapse of the other party's heart.

These situations, such inquiries, can even be regarded as an optional existence that people can call.

If I go to have more inappropriate ideas about the problem, I will be completely without any other hesitation about the problem.

"Enough is enough, don't say anything ... I am carrying out meaningless killing in this darkness, isn't it useless?"

And this man, as if he was facing something, did not have a clear conclusion.

What is the result of that fact? He already knew it very clearly in his own heart, and knew that it was something that he could not resist.

The reality he faced made him very clear in his heart when he was dealing with the problem.

Next, what kind of behavior should be taken about the situation that is seen in front of yourself, which also makes people feel that they need to understand more.

His fingers were bent, like the claws of a monster, and he seemed to want to grab his head and then think of the time behind Aaron's inquiry.

But the result did not have such a clear answer as he imagined.

Seeing the other party's sudden action, Aaron stepped back almost two steps, almost alert.

Nothing can be clearly understood by people. What kind of situation does that matter mean to oneself? It also means that people will judge whether it needs to be remembered.

And this man who killed in the shadows for not knowing how long, he chose to forget about time.

When the other party suddenly took such an action, Aaron realized at this time that he seemed to have made the wrong choice of question.

It was these errors that Aaron didn't realize before.

So instead of going to someone who feels inappropriate, think about the problem.

In other words, it makes people feel that it should not be. For the consideration of the problem, those conditions are likely to become too little at this time and need to be particularly concerned by people.

In other words, something that deserves special understanding by people, the situation is just like the situation seen on the surface, people feel that this is already very realistic.

There is no need to have more inappropriate guesses about the problem ...

My own inquiry completely caused this matter to accelerate to a worse result at this time.

Maybe this is the final result that the implementation should have.

"Enough is enough, you don't need to say anything more, I know! I can no longer be called a human."

Just when Aaron was going to continue to ask what happened to him in the future, this man suddenly ranted so loudly.

When faced with what is happening in front of you, if you have your own thoughts about the problem, or if you have something to face, you have consideration.

It ’s best to know first if you have the ability to take the measures you have in mind.

In response to these reality presented in front of his eyes, Aaron knew what kind of situation he was facing.

In situations where there is not enough ability to solve the problem, think of other inappropriate ideas for the problem.

This is all a consideration that has no meaning at all, so the situation becomes that it is no longer necessary to leave any other unsuitable preparations for the problem.

"Relax, buddy, what did you feel?"

Aaron started to try to extend the distance between himself and the other party, and at this moment he began to ask the other party how he felt in this change.

At this time, the toxin penetrated into the nerve of the former hunter ’s guild leader, and he moaned painfully.

The whole body twitched at this time, and curled up.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand exactly what the situation was like. He grabbed his head and then growled hysterically!

"Damn, it really changed!"

Aaron's almost instinctive subconsciousness screamed at the assassin.

The situation was like what he knew. Aaron was startled when he saw such an action taken by the other party suddenly.

This is actually a very simple thing. It should have its own consideration of the problem, or use its own clear understanding of the problem.

In fact, this presents itself as a choice for the problem that people have no attitude and need to make.

And just behind this guy who has started to mutate, the dark mud has no way to spread over at this time.

When people face the problem at hand, they will not have other choices.

Aaron clearly realized that for himself, it had actually become a thing with no choice, and he immediately chose to turn around!

Run away as fast as you can as fast as possible at this time.

It makes people feel that it is inappropriate, and the wrong understanding of the problem is as if the situation itself is like what it first saw on the surface.

This guy ~ ~ It's just a problem, or because of the situation of the underwear series I realized before, my nerves collapsed completely.

What kind of influence does the dark shadow bring to people, and there is no other thing to talk about.

It growled hysterically, then its body gradually twisted, and finally showed the monster's posture.

The bones swelled and his hair spread, he lost all the equipment on his body, and the necklace hanging on his neck was also corroded by the dark pollution at this time.

"It's such a pitiful fellow." Aaron finally sighed a little helplessly at this time.

There is not much that needs special attention or understanding.

There is nothing too much and people need to have a very serious attitude towards the problem when they face the things they face, and accept what is happening in front of them. Epoch of blood

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