Blood Source Era

Chapter 692: : Blood Castle

But in any case, Aaron finally, when facing the matter in front of him, dragged to where he wanted to be.

Once he entered the gate of the castle in front of him, Alfred had to close his curious mouth.

The castle can already see the very large scale he presented.

Therefore, there is no doubt that when entering the castle, there is no need to have any other ideas about things.

This is what happened to their group, passing through the empty atrium in front of them and everything seemed very barren.

After passing through the atrium of the castle on the top of the mountain, and finally entered the castle.

The closed door slowly opened, and the soldiers wearing silver-grey armor, holding their weapons in their hands, stood on both sides of the door to welcome these strange guests.

Everything does not need to have any notice, and naturally there is no need to face the things in front of you, to make more people think that it may be a more appropriate explanation.

These soldiers seemed to have known for a long time that such a thing would happen, so they had no worries about the guests in front of them.

Despite their sharp weapons, there was still a sharp chill.

Alfred, subconsciously using his own eyes, could not help but looked at the guards up and down.

No one knows these soldiers wearing such high-quality armor, where are they soldiers, and no one knows exactly what strength they have.

He wanted to try to use magic to get to know each other, but the final answer was like using a stone and plunging deep into the dark ancient well.

It feels like it is under the ancient well, but there is only an underground lake.

If this is the case, then naturally there is no other inappropriate consideration of the problem.

More, some of the problems should not have this idea, at this moment, it will only make people feel very sorry.

So the natural situation no longer needs to have anything else. Too many inappropriate preparations or ideas for problems.

Although this made Alfred feel frustrated and annoyed by such failure during his temptation.

But looking at the height that is half a body taller than ordinary people, and the equipment specially built for them.

How much he can still rely on what he sees on the surface to make a more clear analysis and understanding of the problem, and then have other inappropriate considerations for the problem.

Therefore, it will only make people very sorry.

Isn't the thing itself just like what you saw on the surface, it is already a very simple one, which can be understood and judged by people?

When responding to what has been seen in front of your eyes and what happened.

Some other thoughts or hesitations that should not be encountered when facing problems, so in such a situation, there is no more rhetoric.

The situation is like Alfred. At the beginning, he is ready for the situation he has already done, facing the reality before him.

Although he clearly felt that the other party seemed to perceive that he was turning his head at the moment's temptation to his own strength.

But that turned his head, what was conveyed to Alfred was more curious and inquiring.

So naturally, so when facing the things in front of you, that is to say, there is no other saving, and it is more worth thinking or judging?

Perhaps the situation is likely to be like what happened on its own surface, it has become a very simple thing that can be understood by people.

Then naturally there is no need to have too many other things that deserve special attention or consideration.

The thing is such a simple understanding of the problem that Alfred can be accepted by people. Although he was a little careful, he finally relaxed slowly.

Many things, therefore, at this time it no longer needs to have any other thinking about the problem.

It seems that the castle in front of me definitely has a lot of secrets that he didn't know at the beginning, and there is no way to know.

When dealing with these realities encountered before, we naturally no longer need to have any other inappropriate guesses about the problem.

Regarding what you see in front of you, what kind of thing is that, in fact, it does not need to have any other good special thinking about the problem, which is also Aaron's judgment.

All of the architectural styles, as well as these inexplicable atmospheres that made Aaron feel extremely familiar, seemed to be constantly using implied attitudes.

At this moment, he was telling Aaron what kind of thing he encountered before.

Although it was extremely strange, the hint of familiarity gave Yalun Xiu the taste of the vampire family.

Is it just that? I'm afraid not only that.

If things are not so easy, there will be an easy answer that can be accepted by people very simply.

Certainly there will be some kind of things that cannot be clearly understood or understood by people, and what kind of things it is.

Faced with the situation in front of him in this way, and accepting the reality that happened, for Aaron, he still needs to have some other preparations for things that he feels more about.

In this way, with a cautious attitude about what is happening in front of you in your heart.

The matter therefore becomes no other choice for the problem.

You should go to any other self when facing the problem, and you should not have too many ideas, or other things. Shouldn't this consideration be given to the problem?

All in all, these people, they are the soldiers in this castle that seem to have been trained for a long time and are responsible for guarding the castle.

When Alfred looked at the people in front of him, a very curious expression appeared on his face. With regard to their capacity, they then felt some worries in their hearts.

These people, what kind of existence they are.

And when they face things, what kind of considerations do they have? All things cannot have a clear enough understanding of the problem.

So therefore it is when facing these things and conditions that I saw in front of my eyes.

If there are any other things, there are too many thoughts about the problem, and there should not be too many ideas, or if there are other people facing things, there should not be too many.

There is nothing else in itself that deserves special attention or consideration.

Why bother to make other things, to get a better understanding of the people in front of you, or other things. When facing these people, shouldn't you have too much awareness of thinking and judgment?

Aaron, when facing the people in front of him, he still had some understanding of things.

He was looking at the people he met in front of him.

To a certain extent, these people can no longer be regarded as real human beings.

The blood of the blood tribe transformed their bodies and shaped them into what they were seeing.

The figure has a height of one and a half, but to a certain extent, it still maintains its human appearance, and does not need to **** blood.

But more importantly, they are more powerful than ordinary soldiers.

And in the face of monsters, they have stronger and able to resist monsters, the kind of evil spiritual erosion they exude.

Therefore, these special reformed soldiers have become the most effective and most valuable guardians in this castle.

When facing these people, Aaron just sniffed his nose a little, and was already able to smell the strange smell that filled the air.

However, these people are all hiding their faces under the thick armor, so that people can't see exactly what his face looks like.

Even Alfred, no matter how he wanted to face the things he was seeing, what other curious eyes did he have for the problem.

That cannot be changed. When dealing with a problem, what kind of understanding and thinking should be given to it.

So the situation, and therefore under such circumstances, naturally becomes that there is no need for anyone to have any other understanding of the problem, or to face the things in front of them, and then make more responses Thinking about the problem.

When he saw these people, Alfred was almost immediately distracted from his attention. For Aaron, it was a natural opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief.

There is no need to have any other worries about things.

From the door that was pushed open, it came to the inside of the castle, and what was greeted was only one word to describe it clearly, and it was very clear.

That is, all of this is like what I saw on the surface, it is very empty.

There is no furnishing, and the wide hall has no servants other than clean slate.

Except for the soldiers guarding the gate, it seems that there is no longer any other existence that can be said.

But at the height of the hall close to the second floor, the luxurious chandelier hanging, exuding the divine white light, so that all darkness is invisible.

No one can think of who would make such a huge castle on the top of the mountain, but would not have anything inside.

So when facing the scenes that I saw in front of me, it was natural for Alfred that the expression on his face became a very weird look to the problem.

This seems too extravagant.

It was when he faced the matter in front of him, what kind of thinking and judgment he wanted to say about it.

In fact, the problems encountered in front of my own eyes do not need to be carried out by myself. I have too many problems for myself. Should I not have this consideration or idea.

Those who make people think it may be inappropriate. Special thinking about the problem is not necessary to be understood or judged by people.

In fact, the situation is much simpler than what people imagine.

When Aaron walked into this empty room and took the first step, he heard something strange and reverberating, and he already felt something, but in fact hidden the furnishings in front of him.

It is only because the magic is not used, so there is not much obvious fluctuation of magic, if you observe the surrounding scene as a vampire.

Then Aaron can clearly realize some special magic arrays that are very specific to himself.

You just need to raise your hand a little, then you can change things, and then show those hidden things, but this becomes nothing particularly necessary.

"Does this seem to be my home?" Aaron said subconsciously, as if he had noticed what the situation was.

Regarding Aaron, he walked into the hall and subconsciously said such words. The girl could not help turning her head to look at Aaron curiously.

If it weren't the blood manor, then I wouldn't have this kind of fluctuation of blood magic that I could feel very clearly.

Why waste time and effort to make this kind of protection ~ ~ or those strange arrangements?

Situation, so in such a situation, it becomes unnecessary to have any other too much unsuitable preparation for the problem and more guesses about the problem.

Any other person feels inappropriate, and the consideration of the problem, or any other patient, will only feel very regrettable. In fact, the judgment of the problem is actually not necessary to be considered and selected.

In this way, it copes with the reality that occurs in front of your eyes, so that you no longer need to have any other thoughts or relationships about the problem.

"It seems that you are aware of the existence of Lord Aaron."

The girl showed a smile on her face as if she knew exactly what it was.

Regarding such inquiries, Aaron faced these things before him, but did not make any explanation or answer to the question that he seemed to want to make.

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