Blood Source Era

Chapter 702: : Indifferent Alfred

Aaron, he came to Alfred's door and knocked.

After a moment, Alfred opened the door, and the two eyes were interacting with each other, as if Alfred had long known that Aaron would definitely come to himself.

Without too much explanation, or asking curiously about the question, Alfred behaved as if waiting for the other party.

He did not have any surprises, nor any curiosity. The message conveyed in his eyes seemed to feel very calm when faced with things.

In such a state, even if Aaron sees that the other party has not taken any action, he now has a comprehensible understanding of the situation in his heart.

Then he turned sideways, giving Aaron a space to walk into the room.

Anything else that has more understanding and guessing about the things that are facing is gone, and too much passion is worth being thought and judged by people.

Accept the situation that happens in front of your own eyes. From the beginning, you should not have too much wrong understanding or consideration of the problem.

After entering the room, Aaron confronted Alfred, and then said.

"So, you can still adapt to this castle."

The tone still sounded like a friend asked as a friend, and he was most concerned about the matter.

In such a situation, the result itself should not be used for other things that are too valuable for problem thinking and judgment.

Perhaps at this time, accepting what happened in front of your own eyes has become a thing worth knowing and understanding.

It seems that the answer from the beginning is a thing that makes people feel as if there is no need to do anything else to understand or understand the problem.

Alfred, he faced the inquiry made by Aaron.

Eventually, he behaved like a friend. After a slight sigh, he shrugged and his actions did not look like an emperor at all.

The shock that the old man he saw before seemed to have severely destroyed his self-confidence in things to some extent.

And at this time, in the face of the situation at hand, it seems that this kind of thing for Alfred is indeed a feeling that it should not be naive and prepared for the problem.

Aaron, he looked at him like Alfred seemed to understand that the other party was considering, or in his heart, what he was worried about.

He raised his hand, then patted Alfred's shoulder, and finally set his tone for the matter, very seriously, and said very firmly.

"There is nothing special about this matter, so it is worth worrying about. In fact, it's not a big deal."

Aaron's tone is at the moment, it seems very focused at the moment, and the attitude he shows seems to be indeed comforting people at this time.

So the situation, therefore, naturally becomes that there is no longer any need for some people and other things that are faced to do other things that require more thinking or judgment.

So when facing the things you see in front of you, what kind of understanding of the problem can you have a good problem facing, should this judgment be made?

That left Alfred for a while, not knowing how to face Aaron's comfort, what kind of self he should make, and the answer to the question can be said to be more appropriate, and the explanation of the question.

It seems that the situation is actually to some extent already a clear judgment and understanding of the problem.

But it seems that the situation is not like what people know. It can be said that it is a very simple necessity that can be clearly understood by people.

Therefore, in such a situation, what kind of understanding of the problem should people have, and it can be said that it is more appropriate.

Alfred weighed the tone he might express. For Yawen, what kind of influence it might have. After careful consideration, he finally said very surely.

"What is the relationship between you and me? If you want to be a friend, you are willing to make it clear to me."

As she said these words, her eyes were fixed on Aaron at the same time.

Any evasion, or any slight thinking in the face of this matter, Alfred will clearly realize that Aaron ’s actions will never want to answer himself normally.

So looking at each other in this way, Aaron saw that there was no chance of any dodge that could be done.

In this way, facing the fact that what happened before him, any other thinking about the problem, in fact, does not have much to be understood by people.

As if it were the case, it doesn't need to have too many things worth thinking or judging.

Therefore, Aaron straightened himself, and finally faced the matter in front of him, what kind of mentality should he have, and began to make his own answer very seriously.

"I can assure you that this matter is completely arranged in the family. This has nothing to do with me. You should also know that for the family, everything may not be understood."

Aaron's answer was so quick, without any hesitation.

Then, if you go further, you feel that it should not be there. It seems that the understanding of the problem has become a thing that makes people feel realistic.

The thing is that this is a very simple thing that people see in front of them. Any other situation that faces more problems and makes more thinking and judgments, itself becomes too little to be worth being Specially understand and care about things.

This kind of answer has to say that although Aaron does seem very frank, Alfred was secretly disappointed in his heart.

More in the face of problems, too much work, should not have this idea, or think about it, so there will be no other value of other good thinking and judgment.

Just accepting the reality that happened in front of my eyes seems to have become the best understanding of the problem.

Aaron, his answer, can be said to ask himself at this time, there is nothing to think about the problem, too much else.

What kind of understanding of the problem should the situation have, and may not have any other, more judgments facing the problem.

He can almost at this time. Faced with a state of near empathy very calmly, facing the things in front of you, knowing what such a situation is like?

Alfred has this kind of suspicion of himself, which is not an offense. In the alternative, Aaron will also face things.

There is nothing else at all. More thinking and judgment on the problem.

It seems that the matter is in this one, and it becomes unnecessary to have any other too many guesses about the problem.

Then I should have an understanding of the problem when facing what I see.

"How about, are you satisfied with my answer?"

Aaron can say that at this time he chose to spread his hands.

At Alfred, he faced his own answer without making any expressive attitude.

What's more, when faced with things, and then proceed with inappropriate ones, thinking or judging the problem, in fact, itself has become too little value worthy of special understanding.

As for Alfred, he did not expect Aaron to ask himself at this time, what kind of thought he had about this matter.

In fact, the situation itself is therefore in such a situation, and it is no longer looking for whether there are other things that think more about the problem and judgment.

This is a very simple thing that can be clearly understood and understood by people.

The situation is no longer necessary. Others need to think too much about this problem or make judgments.

The matter itself, therefore, in such a situation, it will no longer be too much other doubts, or things of special concern.

"Nothing, I'm actually just curious."

He showed this, showing himself as a very indifferent gesture to the question, and in doing so gave out the answers he had when facing the question.

This is how things can be made clear by them. Faced with and accepted a realistic situation.

As if by itself, the situation does not require any other attitude, thinking, or judgment.

In the face of such a situation, to make other judgments too much, it seems that it has become too much to be worthy of special understanding or concern.

Instead, Aaron could not help but take a deep breath at this time, he felt the answer to such a thing.

It seems to be true that under certain circumstances it is necessary to be carefully understood and judged by people.

But it's not like what I saw on the surface.

So go on to think about any other things that are particularly problematic, or to go on to have any other things, too much judgment on the problem.

It is better to continue to have other things at this moment in the next. More discussion and thinking about the problem may have more valuable understanding.

Then. In this way, responding to the situation you see in front of you, let everything no longer need to have any other, more thinking about the problem.

The thing is such a realistic result, just accept what you see in front of your eyes, maybe you can get a clear solution.

Anything else is too much to go on facing the problem. There should be no such idea. There are not many things that deserve special attention or understanding.

So naturally, when you have other things that you are facing, you shouldn't have this idea, so you don't need too much to be concerned about by people, or the need for judgment.

Doesn't the situation itself become something that can be seen by people?

"Well, since this is the case, let's talk about other things that are more valuable and more meaningful."

In the end, Aaron faced the intentionally displayed indifferent gesture displayed by the other party. They could only helplessly sigh at this time.

Perhaps the state of the facts he presents is like what he sees on his own surface, that is such a thing.

Faced with what I saw on my face, and then there are other and more inappropriate doubts about the problem, or questioning of thinking, it becomes less special and needs to be changed. Learn more.

Naturally, there is no need to do anything else to face too much, and there should not be too much speculation.

Alfred seems to have something to hide himself.

These concealments, in fact, are not too much to be carried out by people too much to illustrate a necessity.

This is the one that should be seen in front of people and can be done, the most frank acceptance of things.

So in such a situation, why not do anything else. Think more about the problem, or a consideration of judgment.

When faced with things, I do n’t need more explanation or understanding.

The situation in which things are developing, at most, is the impact and change that they have caused, or it is beyond the original expectations of everyone.

The situation is not a good one, it can be faced and accepted by people.

‘Whether it is accepted or not, this matter can only pass first. ’

Perhaps from the very beginning, what happened in front of you is itself something that needs to be done. Things that think and judge too much about problems.

Aaron, he thought a little helplessly in his own heart.

What kind of thinking about the situation should be carried out again, or doubts may allow people to accept and face calmly when dealing with human problems?

It seems that the problem is that at this time it becomes unnecessary to have any other time to face the problem ~ ~ to think more, or say things that are not used to.

That's what I saw in front of me, and it finally showed such a result.

In the face of such a result, any other act of thinking too much, or suspicion, may make people feel inappropriate and have a wrong understanding of the problem.

Whatever it is, the understanding of the problem, or whatever it is. For your own consideration of the problem.

Those are all things that make people feel that they are worthy of doubt.

And at this time, Alfred still showed a pair of faces, that intentionally showed a very clever attitude towards the problem.

There are other things that are too much for the problem and should not be considered, so it becomes meaningless to be understood by people. Epoch of blood

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