Blood Source Era

Chapter 713: : Fear of the crowd

Before this happened, no one thought that it might appear like this at this time.

After all, everyone is still more or less in their own hearts, and they are kind to everything that is happening in front of them.

Until that thing was confirmed, what kind of thing was it.

The darkness has not completely dissipated, it still exists in the crowd to some extent, and some people hide such secrets for their own safety.

Although no one knows what the result might look like, it's like saying that you are infected with the dark mud.

Will you really get the pity or help from others on this matter?

After seeing the mad scene, things are gone, more things people talk about, and other considerations about the problem.

Naturally, it will no longer need to be understood or cared about by people at this time.

The hunter, he did nothing wrong with this action, so he only needs to continue with this action.

Watching what happened before me.

When it was confirmed how the situation would appear.

Any other actions will present a completely redundant action at this time.

Other things we face, no matter how prepared and compassionate, we no longer need to be understood by people.

Then what the **** is going on, other things that people are particularly concerned about and understand!

Some kind of tyranny hidden in the heart is that it suddenly seems to be hidden for a long time in the crowd, and finally burst out.

No one will face what they see in front of them, and then have anything that people understand and care about.

For the situation, if there is something that makes people feel inappropriate, understanding of the problem, or care, these seem to be not very good in themselves, and they are necessary to be clearly understood by people.

Situation, so it becomes a very simple thing.

The actions taken by the people are indeed correct, and all this is just that people still do not have enough understanding of what is happening in front of their eyes.

So there is no need to go to any other people's ideas about the problem, and there is no need to go to any other people to face the problem and then divide the labor to explain what the thing should do, there is no doubt!

Whatever it is for yourself, it should be something that should be known, or something that should not be known.

Regardless of these hunters, did they make a clear explanation of these things?

There are still some scammers among the survivors. They still hide their identities and hide in the crowd.

Facing these shameful survivors,

It is inappropriate to carry out other things. It seems that there is nothing special that people understand about the problem.

Naturally, more thoughts or suspicions about things that shouldn't be there will no longer be particularly related to people, or the need to know.

It can be said that this is the group of people. When they face things, the changes in their emotions, and the things they deal with, respond to changes in one thing.

However, it was when the crowd began to understand what kind of actions the lover was doing.

The hunters are still facing the situation in front of them, maintaining the almost indifferent expression they have for the problem.

Whether the crowd understands or doesn't understand, none of these can affect their own ability to judge things.

There is no other kind of unsuitable suspicion about what happened to me because I was facing the situation in front of me.

It seems that everything is as simple as seeing what happened in front of me at first.

There are some ideas that make people feel inappropriate, maybe at this time it has become something that makes people feel meaningless?

There is no particular need to tell people that they are worth knowing or caring about.

Emotions do not have the slightest fluctuations in things, even if they can express the kind of ridicule at this time.

The hunter also kept from beginning to end, and seemed to have no feelings about this matter.

There are other things that people deserve to understand or care about, which are all the ideas of the crowd.

"Gentlemen, then please find out the liars among us."

There was a resident, and he stood up, although he was dressed in a decent gentleman, but under the glasses he wore, his eyes looked like hungry ghosts.

For this matter, all the ideas are very simple and straightforward, and he just stood up to make things clear at this time.

Why bother to do such meaningless things?

This does not bring him any effective understanding of things, nor does it bring any effective changes to things.

But at this time, standing up to explain this matter also means to a certain extent that they have their own position on the matter.

So no one refuted this.

Therefore, other considerations of this issue and other issues seem to have disappeared, which is necessary for people to understand.

More on things and other things too much. In the face of things, there should not be this idea. In fact, only Tongtong has become too much to be thought or doubted by people.

As if things no longer need anything else, it is necessary for people to understand more, or to care.

Why didn't the hunter take his own action quickly, or make his own response to the problem?

In this way, there may be better results that need to be clearly understood by people.


The body of the girl lying on the ground was motionless like that, and the blood flowing from it gradually changed from bright red to black.

The hunter raised the torch silently and threw the torch on the pitch black as if it had lost grease.

The suddenly rising flame startled everyone.

So should we have our own ideas about things, or that we can have a better understanding, and we should have judgments or preparations for problems?

Even the blood flowing out is no longer human blood.

The situation no longer requires other things that people understand or care about.

More and more in such a situation, he realized what he was facing in front of him.

Other inappropriate ideas about the problem, or doubts, seem to have no choice.

These things have happened. It might be a good idea to understand what kind of problem you should understand.

It itself no longer needs to be considered by people.

What should the situation think?

Other things that need to be thought or judged by people are not definite actions.

You should have your own preparation for the problem, which may be a relatively good understanding of the problem.

It seems that all these have become unnecessary from the beginning when they are understood and judged by people.

In the end everyone faced the swaying flame in front of their eyes, which seemed to be like the fire of the soul, and chose to retreat.

No one is thinking, trying to face what they see in front of them, and then stand up and say something.

Everything in nature is therefore just like what was seen on the first surface. The things presented are very simple.

Silent crowds, when facing the strange fear that they do not know before their eyes. In the end, I chose to respond to all this with my own indifference.

When this thing happened, no one doubted it anymore, she would not show this state and result again.

It seems that some people are still vaguely disturbed by this matter.

Even if this is the case, it does not represent everything you see now, it is already considered safe.

In the end, everyone chose to keep themselves as if they had no idea what kind of thing they were seeing in front of them.

It is not necessarily a necessary choice to understand what kind of state a thing might actually be.

Just need to recognize that this is a powerful thing that can be brought to oneself, which can be called fear, then it can already be called enough to judge the problem.

Why do you want to do something inappropriate, thinking, or understanding about the problem?

There will certainly be relatively bad things.

So to go to other things that people think about or think about, this seems to have nothing to do with all the things that are encountered in front of me.

People started to try to keep as far away as possible from what they saw in front of them.

Other people's thoughts, that is someone else's business, and I don't want to get involved in this matter anymore, or have any troubles and connections with the other party.

Although there will always be people who have doubts about what is happening in front of their eyes and should not have their own considerations and guesses about things.

But what can that explain?

More inappropriate preparations for the problem seem to have no thought.

Therefore, since this is a realistic situation seen in front of us.

Carrying on other other ideas about the problem seems to be unnecessary.

People used actions to tell the hunters what their attitude and response to this matter was.

As long as these actions are taken, don't hinder these plans that will lead to their own actions in the future, then these hunters choose to use their own silence to answer their own questions.

This is their attitude towards the most basic understanding and explanation of things.

Speculation on this matter eventually becomes when people feel that there is no other particularly good thing that people think about or judge.

The hunter continued to walk forward, and began to start his own actions, and as the hounds ran, the sound of the shaking iron chain was like a bell of death.

What kind of suspicion of the problem may be a better understanding.

There is no such thing at all, and it is particularly worthy of attention or necessity of attention.

More inappropriate thoughts on the problem have become the choices that people have paid special attention to and considered.

So things become very realistic.

The situation should go on to consider what kind of problem you think, it may be a better girl. This problem should be thought when the problem is.

Naturally, it becomes meaningless.

"Let's go home as soon as possible, this thing is best not to have any relationship with us!"

Some people began to say this to their families in private.

Hearing such words from the family, the residents who finally got these details on the street no longer have any other ideas or considerations about the problem.

This is something that is finally presented in front of people, and it is something it does not need to be understood or specifically explained by people.

There are more thoughts about the problem that should not have, which has long been completely meaningless that people particularly understand or care about.

Even if it is for your own safety, or there are other special thoughts about the problem.

The problem has not yet reached a point where it can be said that it has been fully resolved or handled.

Any other problems faced, saying that there should be no such idea, it seems that all things have not been specially considered or concerned by people.

Faced with such a realistic situation.

This work is for questions ~ ~ although some inappropriate preparations.

But it also seems to become that there is no other need for people to doubt or understand.

Naturally more, some inappropriate thoughts on things, or thinking, will become without understanding and care.

Just accept what you see in front of your own eyes, why should you have any other thoughts or concerns that you should not have faced with the problem?

Since it is a problem faced by others, this preparation should not be made. In fact, it is all gone. Others are understood by people, or it is necessary to understand.

Why bother to make a stop without meaning? !

Then just accept what you have seen in front of your eyes, and naturally you will no longer need anything that people particularly understand.

As if presenting what I saw in front of my eyes, it should be like what I encountered on the first surface. There is no value that is particularly suspected by people, or that it is not understood by people.

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