Blood Source Era

Chapter 674: : Trap being played

Alfred is mentally prepared for things in his own mind.

He knew exactly what the situation was like.

And also, he can clearly understand in his own heart.

These things presented in front of your eyes, what kind of preparations should be taken for the things that may eventually lead to the results will be a more favorable choice for yourself.

His silence is not without expression, silence is his attitude.

Shouting his position, but the weak weakened others, so he said he was with someone.

Sometimes, this may scare people.

But most of the time, this is just a meaningless action!

The problem itself is therefore something that does not need to be done by others and needs to be thought or judged by people.

Next, we need to take what kind of arrangements we have for the situation.

Just need to be suspected.

Possibly, the problem is that there is no need to do anything else, and you are more hesitant about things?

But is this really the case?

Alfred couldn't rush into the result, even if he already had an answer in mind.

But he did not want to say.

It seems that the thing itself has become like this at this time.

Faced with, these are the most essential things presented in front of people.

Too many other relationships or considerations about the problem need to be carefully faced by people.

Face the problem again, and then adopt one's own calm understanding of the situation.

The problem at this moment is more about what this guy will say about things next.

Acting rashly, this is not in line with Alfred's style of doing things. In fact, he did not expect it at all, when he was eaten by others.

In fact, no matter how strange and cunning the mind is, the thoughts of things in his heart are not too difficult to guess.

You can even control such a person in reverse.

And that is at this time, in the face of the things in front of him, this man's plan for his actions on the matter.

In the dark corner that Erfei could not see, this man, he slightly raised the corner of his mouth, cold, serious and extremely silent smile.

Means for others to generate no more doubts about the situation.

Come clean, face the things that are encountered in front of your own eyes, and make your best understanding of the problem.

It seems that at the very beginning, there are other things that people need to care about and think about.

Therefore, at this moment, it is no longer necessary to carry out anything else. I am not concerned about the problem.

Therefore, from the beginning, things didn't need to have other things at all. They said that they didn't care about the problem too much or thought about the problem.

Regardless of the reality presented in front of your own eyes, what the result might be.

Or, you should make an accurate understanding of the problem in front of the reality you see in front of you.

He seemed to have made a lot of clear explanations of the situation in his inner cold attitude towards things.

Therefore, the problem is also at this moment, and there is no need to make any other doubts about the problem.

You should make your own accurate understanding of the problem, which may be the best clear understanding of the situation.

The situation should also be, and then adopt what kind of more appropriate and rational arrangement for the matter.

It may be that people feel satisfied and have a clear understanding of things.

Wandering does not mean what will happen when you see what you see in front of your eyes, and reality presents what you see before your eyes.

What kind of accurate arrangements are there for the situation?

It seems that there are some other special needs that people have thought about and considered.

The situation, so you should also adopt the best self-breeding, facing a calm response to things.

No, it should be at this time, for Alfred, what kind of result he wants to choose.

It seems that the situation itself has a simple answer that people can take for granted.

The situation is even simpler than the imagination of the face, the final result is even simpler.

But in any case, after all, the facts that are presented to people are not as bad as Alfred expected.

Alfred, the same thing he faced in his own heart, knew very well that there was such a thing.

No matter what is the situation that is finally seen in front of one ’s own eyes, and no matter what is finally presented in front of one ’s own eyes, what kind of proper preparation for the matter may be the best face. A clear arrangement of this matter.

In fact, there is nothing else in the problem itself, and I think and doubt more about the problem.

It's definitely not a big deal to think about things in the worse direction in advance.

This means that when faced with something that could be worse, at least they will not panic.

And besides not being disturbed by yourself, will there be any other more suitable options for this matter?

Thinking, pondering.

Hesitant, the problems are intertwined and weave very complicated mysteries.

In the end, it may happen at this time, that is, there is no need to have any other too many other ideas about the problem.

As for the future, you should still face the things you see in front of yourself, and make your own cooperation. Accurate understanding of the problem may lead to satisfactory results.

Thinking about and facing the situation, hesitating about what is presented in front of your eyes, and facing more choices that things cannot understand will exist, and need preparations that are worth thinking and judging by people.

So things no longer need to have too many explanations worth thinking or judging.

He is always facing the situation before him, and seems to have his own simplest and straightforward idea of ​​the problem.

Understand everything, present what you see in front of your eyes, and then do it in the face of what these ingredients come from the nodules, which is quite satisfying and an understanding of the situation.

Things should be done again to make a clear understanding of the problem in yourself and in the middle, which may be the best way to make people feel satisfied.

Alfred did n’t know what the final result might be in front of his eyes, what kind of thing he would see, but in fact no matter who he was, there was no way to face the situation before him, maybe There will be a clear understanding of the problem calmly.

It seems that the answer itself, at this moment, no longer needs to make too many other choices worth thinking and doubting.

So what kind of more and better appropriate ideas should be adopted again?

Alfred knew very clearly what kind of thing it was for himself in his own mind.

The situation is that it is no longer necessary to make other hesitations about the problem at this moment.

Things are going to be carried out again. It may be best to think more about the problem and think more about the problem.

Then he was faced with the reality presented in front of his eyes.

I have to go again and adopt a calm response to the situation by cooperating with the situation.

Maybe the result is that you don't need to think about other issues yourself?

It seems that the reality that is finally seen in front of people is actually no longer necessary, and there are too many other inappropriate considerations of the problem.

So simply accept all the simple reality that you see in front of you.

The problem is that at this moment, it is no longer necessary to have other doubts about the problem.

The answers and results are finally presented in front of you. The reality you see may be simpler than the results you imagine.

Alfred, on the one hand, he is dealing with what he sees in front of his own eyes.

It seemed to him that he had no need to speak more, and he already clearly understood in his mind what kind of choice the situation was.

But there will be other hesitations and judgments that need to be recognized by others.

That still requires a very careful understanding of the problem before it may make people feel satisfied with the results and answers.

Therefore, the problem no longer needs to be considered by others.

You have to face things, and then adopt yourself and Zhuang's best preparation for things.

It may be the best, a calm idea about the problem.

So, it finally appeared in front of my own eyes, and I no longer need to do anything else to see what I saw. I have too many questions to consider.

So naturally, the problem becomes that it is no longer necessary to prepare more for the problem.

The actual result is like this, simple and clear, and presented in front of people's eyes.

It is the simple and direct reality of the problem that can be said to be accepted by people for what they see in front of their eyes.

And what kind of more accurate arrangement of things should I adopt again, would it be the best choice to deal with this problem?

This is one that no longer requires other considerations of the problem.

And in the face of what I see in front of me, I do n’t need to go to any other self to think about the problem more inappropriately.

In fact, the problem itself is gone, other things, more preparation for the problem and thoughts on the matter.

The actual result is much simpler than the situation faced by imagination.

While understanding the reality, you have to adopt what kind of more appropriate preparation for the problem.

It may become unnecessary to consider other issues of your own?

So the situation naturally no longer needs to have any other unsuitable hesitation about the problem.

It seems that for a time, it is no longer necessary to make too many explanations worth thinking and judging at this moment.

Everyone already knows clearly what kind of choice reality is.

And understand when presenting what you see in front of you, when preparing and acting.

Then, it is natural to present what you see in front of your eyes, so naturally there is no need to do anything else. You have more ideas about the problem.

It is no longer necessary to have other other people think more about the problem, or to have other other explanations that are not suitable for the problem.

Presented in front of me, the status quo I saw was that suddenly Alfred faced the matter, and had a sudden and cheerful attitude towards the arrangement of things.

So the same thing that is presented in front of you is that you do n’t need to have any other ideas and considerations about the problem.

Sister Li presents such a thing in front of her eyes.

Perhaps the situation is something that can be accepted wisely by people?

What I saw in front of me seemed to me, but my attitude towards things was suddenly bright.

Any other other hesitant about the problem, in fact, does not need to borrow money, too many explanations worth thinking or judging.

Therefore, one should still have one's own understanding of the problem, and there may be a need for more people to think about, UU reading www. or hesitating concerns.

It seems that the status of this matter itself is not necessarily a reality that is satisfying and acceptable to people.

In the end, when there was not much other good thinking and judgment about the situation, Alfred gave up his preparation and thinking of things in the face of what he saw before him.

You should also adopt your own understanding of how to calmly face the problem, and an understanding of things.

You should also face the simple reality you see in front of you, and adopt your own rational understanding of the problem.

The result may be that you no longer need to do any other self-care about the problem?

It's like suddenly facing what you see in front of you in your heart, as if you want to understand what the situation is like.

It is at this moment that all these things seem to change in front of my eyes, so there is no need to have any other answers to things.

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