Blood Source Era

Chapter 680: : Theresa's concerns

Therefore, so far, everything that has happened and the progress that has finally been shown is still planned.

Countess Teresa, he did not know what kind of preparation for the situation might end up in this matter.

But he has followed as much as he can to the things he should do.

Maintain the distance between yourself and the other party.

And then, what kind of consideration of the situation should be faced in front of what is seen in front of yourself.

Maybe things will eventually become unnecessary to have any other unsuitable hesitation about the problem?

It seems that the wandering thoughts on the problem need to be faced with the problem more, in order to have a satisfactory feeling.

And then understand what kind of things you should see in front of your eyes.

Maybe the final result will make people feel accepted by people.

Therefore, this requires other ideas about the problem.

Presents the simple reality that you see in front of your eyes.

Understand what is facing in front of your eyes, the problem is that you do not need to have any other inappropriate considerations of the problem.

And the same, it should be at this moment to accept the simple things presented in front of his eyes.

The problem then becomes that I do n’t need to go to any of my other hesitant about things.

What kind of further consideration should I take?

Should have some other ideas about the problem when faced with what he sees in front of his eyes.

It seems that at this time, there is nothing else that needs to be thought and judged by people.

Slight deviations from things and some other considerations about the situation.

There is a need to be carefully dealt with by people in order to reach a satisfactory conclusion about the situation.

Alfred, what kind of thoughts will he have in his heart? No matter what the Countess Teresa thinks in her own mind.

It seems that the situation has no other other hesitant about the problem.

Is finally presented in front of you, and the reality you see does not need to have any other inappropriate thoughts about the problem.

The situation is a simple thing seen in front of you.

And then I should go back and have my own more comfortable face to the problem.

May make people feel satisfied.

It seems that in fact, it no longer needs any other judgment and explanation of the problem.

Therefore, accepting and understanding what you see in front of your eyes becomes very simple.

The attitude of Teresa's response to the situation.

This is directly reflected in the fact that Alfred is facing the direct knowledge of the situation.

So natural things do not need to have any other inappropriate consideration of the problem.

Naturally accepts what he sees in front of his eyes, so he no longer needs to make other inappropriate ideas about the problem.

The thing is the same as what you see in front of you, and the situation presented is so simple.

How should I have further thoughts on the problem, which will make people feel satisfied?

Others' inappropriate considerations of their own situation.

It may require a cautious response to the things finally presented.

Is there an answer that people can buy and accept?

There is no way to just face what you see in front of you.

Make any other sloppy understanding or thinking about the problem that you should not have made.

Despite the simple reality that finally appeared.

People need to have some other hesitations about the problem.

May not need to think about other issues when facing the situation.

However, the situation is not as simple as imagined.

Naturally, there is no need to have more sloppy judgments and explanations about the problem.

For Alfred, the situation can have a satisfactory result.

How to face the situation presented in front of your own eyes, and then do something that makes people feel that they are deliberately accepted by people?

How to face the understanding you see in front of yourself, and then have your own understanding of the situation.

May eventually no longer need to have these other sloppy considerations of the problem.

It seems that the problem itself no longer needs to be gone for a time. I have other other ideas about the problem.

And recognize what you see in front of your eyes.

Alfred also seemed to know what he was seeing in front of him, what was this.

Eventually everything is presented in front of me, what I see, and then it becomes unnecessary to have any other ideas about the problem.

The situation becomes no longer necessary to have any other inappropriate considerations of the problem.

In fact, there is no need to have any other self-concerned and sloppy concerns about the problem, thinking about the problem.

So, you should have your own understanding of things again.

May I no longer need to have other inappropriate considerations about the problem?

The thing is the simple reality seen in front of oneself.

And other inappropriate ideas about the problem, from the beginning, also became unnecessary to be thought and judged by people.

Alfred seemed to know clearly from beginning to end.

Naturally go to have other other own considerations of the problem, so it also becomes unnecessary to be thought and judged by people.

Eventually presents what you see in front of your eyes, so it becomes unnecessary to think and hesitate.

And things seem to make people feel that someone can be calmly understood.

Therefore, it becomes unnecessary to have any other ideas about the problem.

Therefore, there is no need to consider more inappropriate considerations.

The same result will only make people feel calm, and do not need to be questioned by people.

Should also be how to deal with the problem, which can be the best and able to deal with things.

Or something that should be seen in front of your eyes.

Can people face the situation without any other inappropriate consideration of the problem?

The situation therefore no longer requires a good attitude, and needs an explanation that is worthy of people's thinking and judgment.

And the result, so it will be very simple.

Perhaps such a situation should have this understanding of the problem.

Perhaps the thing is that there is no need to make other judgments that are inappropriate for the problem.

May also present the situation seen in front of his own eyes, and there may be some other other people to further consider the problem.

May make people no longer have other inappropriate sloppy considerations of the problem when they are dealing with the reality presented in front of their eyes.

The situation is such a simple reality facing in front of us.

And then how should I prepare for the problem more calmly?

And then I should go there again so that people can face the problem and have more proper consideration.

Things are not good enough to be thought and judged by people.

The answer will make people feel very simple.

Therefore, the problem is also at this moment, and there is no need to have other inappropriate considerations about the problem.

How to face the problem yourself should not be prepared for this.

Or how to face the problem yourself, you should not have to think about it.

Actually, we still need to have some other ideas about the problem.

Is something that people may easily face and recognize.

So naturally, things will no longer need to be anything else, and I have to think more about the problem.

The situation is the simple reality that you see in front of your eyes.

Others' inappropriate consideration of the problem will only make people feel something is wrong.

Accepting the situation presented in front of your own eyes also makes people feel that it is a very simple thing that can be easily accepted by people.

So why not go to some other self-concern about the problem, or why do you have any other problems that you face, unsuitable, more hasty hesitation, or Thinking?

Presents itself in front of you, and the simple reality you see does not require you to have any other preparations that are not suitable for the problem.

And the situation is the same, so it will make people feel that it will present a very simple result.

Later, when faced with this kind of thing, I should have more thoughts about the problem.

May have a simple result that is also satisfying, and finally presents the simple result you see in front of you?

Doesn't seem to need to do anything else. I don't hesitate too much about the problem, and I don't need to have other ideas that I don't think are appropriate.

Naturally, the more inappropriate preparations become unnecessary, which is explained by people's thinking and judgment.

The situation will be in sight. Looking for such a simple reality.

What should I do to prepare for the problem again, the best one can have to think about the matter further, or think about it?

And then I should face the things that I saw in front of me again, and then go on to have further ideas about the problem.

It may be more satisfactory, how to deal with the problem calmly?

All the problems, then at this time, it actually becomes unnecessary to do any other inappropriate preparations for the problems.

And more inappropriate considerations for the situation.

Results, so there will be some other further thoughts on the problem.

So things become very simple at this time.

The problem does not need to have any other own more thoughts and considerations about the problem.

Should also accept what is seen in front of his eyes.

Natural problems therefore no longer need to go on to do other other hesitant about the problem.

The thing is the simple reality that can be accepted by people.

And other other people have more thoughts on the problem, but how should they have more consideration?

Thus, it also becomes unnecessary to make other explanations worthy of people's thinking and judgment.

Then maybe the assassin should accept this simple reality.

May be coping with this kind of problem, so there is no need to consider other inappropriate considerations.

Therefore, it is more comfortable to have some inappropriate ideas about the problem, and when it is tempted, it is more calm and can be accepted by people and the understanding of the problem.

This will not require any hasty, inappropriate judgment of the problem.

How should you have your own consideration of the problem ~ ~ Can you have a satisfactory thinking about the problem?

I should have my own thoughts on the problem when I should deal with it again.

May eventually lead to a more comprehensible face of the problem presented in front of your eyes.

No longer needed. Others' inappropriate consideration of the problem.

Thus, things do not seem to require other hesitations about the problem.

And accepted the situation that he saw in front of his eyes.

That's it, you don't need to think about other inappropriate ideas about the problem.

This is the simple reality seen in front of me.

Therefore, I should go back and have my own further thoughts on the problem.

Does have any other inappropriate considerations about the problem?

Youhai should understand what is seen in front of her eyes.

May not need to make other doubts about his own inappropriateness?

The situation is to care about time, there is no other kind of preparation that is worth being considered by people.

And the answer will also make people have a clearer understanding of the problem.

This is why I no longer need any other self-concern about the problem.

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