Blood Source Era

Chapter 690: : Man's position

This was indeed the case, since Alfred did so, the man narrowed his eyes, and then he changed his mind about the problem.

Nothing may always be the result of seeing it before you.

There will always be something beyond people's expectations of the problem at the beginning, which does not make him feel any accidents.

Even if this matter might be the same as when you first started, all the ideas about the problem are the opposite of what is shown by the wrong result.

Is enough to have a clear acceptance of things when facing the situation in front of him.

Thus, there is no need to go to any other things that are too good to be considered and judged by people.

The situation itself doesn't need to pay any attention to any other problems that are not suitable for yourself.

And for the problem, what kind of understanding of the problem should be taken, there may be one of the best people in the world to make a clear judgment on the problem.

When dealing with the man he was facing in front of him.

After all, what kind of thought should I make about the problem, then the result may make people feel that it is a more appropriate thing?

He was in his own heart from the beginning, so when facing the problem, he carried out some other very serious considerations of the problem.

This is not something that does not need to be thought and judged by people.

In fact, the opposite is true. It is even possible that it will be related to all the actions you take on things in the future.

Is naturally accepting such a clear reality.

It is very likely that the situation will no longer be necessary. Anything else that is inappropriate for the problem, too much hesitation.

But whether the other party might face the problem in their own minds has a clear understanding.

It may be that what is finally seen in front of people is not the other attitudes, so it is necessary to blame the things that people are facing seriously.

Some natural conditions, from the beginning, there is no need to do too many things that people think and judge.

He is facing the problem he is seeing in front of him in his heart, so he has a clear idea of ​​the problem.

If you have any other inappropriate ideas about the problem, these may not have the best clear understanding of the problem.

And such reality may finally appear in front of you, what is the result facing.

Such a person, in the face of what he sees in front of him may leave what he has encountered, and he should go again, what kind of understanding do I have of the problem.

Carefully think about the problem, and then, when faced with the matter, rationally realize what these problems may mean to you.

Is likely to eventually see the reality in front of you, so it becomes unnecessary to have any other self-inappropriate and too much concern for the problem.

The situation is a simple thing you see in front of you.

So why do you want to adopt any other inappropriate ideas about the problem, or too much understanding?

So why do you have to adopt other other problems that you are facing, which should not be rashly hesitated?

These things, even thinking about what they finally saw in front of their eyes, should think about what they think of the problem.

Is a clear necessity that does not need to be recognized by people.

Therefore, the problem no longer needs to be made any other, too inappropriate for the problem, no one should be forced to explain.

What is the answer? Everyone already has almost the same problem in their own minds, and has a relatively clear understanding of the problem.

Why do you have any other ideas that are not suitable for yourself?

The things that are finally seen in front of people are probably people who are relatively satisfied with the results of the problem.

The ultimate reality, therefore, has become a kind of thing that can be calmly faced by people.

Took some unsuitable, too many ideas about what other issues I faced.

It seems that there is not much to be thought of by people and the need for rational judgment.

So the situation will be in such a realistic situation.

It is no longer necessary to have any other inappropriate, too much understanding of the problem.

And this kind of simple reality that has been seen in front of people has been clearly faced by people.

Judging sloppyly, can't make a satisfactory conclusion.

However, if we deal with the situation seriously, can there be other things? For people, is it more and more valuable to understand the problem?

It is possible that this is a valuable judgment that needs to be recognized by people, but it is very possible to do something without imagining a clear understanding of the problem that people can conceive.

So things seem to be frozen in such a situation.

It is also possible that there is something that makes people feel unclear to some extent.

He started to have some fluke thoughts, and tried to think about this matter in his own heart.

However, all the final conditions and results are not able to be easily understood and dealt with by people.

Therefore, things may still be needed, and other further understanding of the problem should be replaced, so that people may have a satisfactory and clear understanding of the results.

Is such a simple reality clearly presented in front of us.

The situation therefore becomes that there is no need to swim any other things anymore, it is inappropriate to face the problem, too much hesitation.

Be specific, and then you should adopt what kind of clear face of the problem you may have. Therefore, it will no longer be necessary to carry out other ideas about the problem.

Or the understanding presents what you see in front of your eyes, and then you should have your own simple understanding of the problem, so you will no longer need to do anything else. It is too good to be considered or said by people. What about the judgment?

It seems that there is not much that is worthy of being clearly recognized and judged by people, and it is necessary for the rational understanding of the problem.

The result of everything, so it becomes a very simple thing.

Those who have adopted their own ideas about the situation may be more appropriate and have a clear understanding of the problem.

And more of the problems faced, which are lingering, may have an inappropriate superiority in their own hearts, so it becomes unnecessary to have too much explanation or explanation of the problem.

It should be at this moment to have such a clear and simple understanding of the problem, or ideas.

The final situation may therefore become that it is no longer necessary to make too many judgments that are worthy of people's thinking and people need to be recognized by Li Zhi.

Then, afterwards, what kind of accurate thoughts about the problem should I go to, maybe it would be the best clear understanding of the human problem?

Seems to be the case, so there is not much good need, it is worth thinking and judging by people, and it can be clearly understood by people.

Therefore, there are more explanations for the problem that should not have, it seems that it also no longer needs to be worthy of people's thinking, and more needs to be rationally judged by people.

The final result and answer, everyone seems to have a clear answer to this in their hearts.

Then, in such a situation, it is time to adopt the idea that oneself and the middle should have the exact idea about the problem.

Maybe that choice would be more appropriate, clear for the problem, and wise judgment for the problem.

What I realized afterwards may therefore no longer require any other inappropriate understanding of the problem.

All hesitation, we need to let people change the understanding of the problem, it may be clearer, and it can be satisfied with what people know.

So just afterwards, understanding the problem facing you, and having to have your own good ideas about things, may prevent others from making other wrong judgments about the problem.

Should go again to have a clearer understanding of the problem.

The rest of the results may become too many explanations that are not suitable for any other too many problems that you are facing.

Those situations are that without more needs to be clearly understood by people, we can draw satisfactory conclusions and judgments on the problem.

Therefore, at this moment, the problem also becomes unnecessary to have any other inappropriateness facing the problem, too much concern and doubt.

The situation is as it appears on the surface, what you see should have such a clear, understanding of the problem is best for others to have a clear understanding of reality.

More other people should not have more thoughts about too many problems, but it is just a sloppy judgment of the problem.

Therefore, what kind of rational response to the problem should be adopted, and the problem may no longer need to have too many other inappropriate concerns about the problem afterwards.

After that, the responder is presenting what he sees in front of his eyes, and then he should carry out his own clear understanding of the problem. It may be a wise judgment of the best problem ?

It is a choice that doesn't need to go any more and is not suitable for the problem.

The situation is the simple things that you see before you.

Such a simple thing, taking other things, inappropriate understanding of the problem, does not need to make any clear judgment on the problem.

Therefore, I should have a clear understanding of the situation, which may be the best way to deal with the problem.

And afterwards, what kind of clear judgment on the problem is taken about the matter.

Maybe the remaining results no longer require other ideas or considerations that are inappropriate for the problem?

Such a situation, so it also becomes unnecessary. Other inappropriate understanding of the problem.

The situation is the kind of reality that can be clearly understood by people.

And other other far-fetched explanations that the problem should not have, it also seems to have no more need to be understood by people.

Should make such a clear judgment of the situation on the matter seen in front of him.

And then I have other ideas that are not suitable for the problem. It is very likely that it will no longer be necessary to deal with other other problems that are too many. It is more inappropriate to think about it.

Status ~ ~ is such a simple reality that can be clearly recognized by people.

Doubting how you understand the problem, and then what kind of action you take on the problem, or how you think about the problem further, maybe the things you face will become unnecessary. In case of other hesitations that are inappropriate for the problem.

More understanding of the problem, so in fact, it becomes unnecessary to have too many explanations that are worthy of being clearly recognized and judged by people.

The situation, so it is such a simple thing that you see in front of you.

Is there anything else to take, more thoughts on the problem, the choice of the problem may be made, so there is no longer any need to make more inappropriate hesitation about the problem?

Does it mean that you must take your own understanding of the problem, judgment may be the best clear understanding of the matter.

It seems that all the problems do not need to carry out too many other things. I am faced with things that are inappropriate, and more explanations.

So that presents such a realistic situation in front of people's eyes, and what other ideas about the problem should be adopted.

The rest will no longer require other inappropriate considerations of the problem.

This has actually become a thing that needs people to face carefully.

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