Blood Source Era

Chapter 764: : Problems

The reason why all this presents the things that you see in front of you is not too much and can be clearly accepted by yourself.

When more results in understanding that cannot be faced by people in detail, the rest of the thinking is to change to a tangled face to the problem.

Action is not too good, it is worth being possessed by yourself, and it seems as if it is a more detailed common understanding of the problem.

It seems to be very clear to have it, and to have more rational thinking about the problem.

This kind of thinking and entanglement means that there is no longer any need to have more entanglements, and actions no longer need to carry out more behaviors that are particularly caring or facing.

Therefore, in the face of what you see in front of you, you still need to make a response to what is happening in front of the situation, and you do n’t need to take more actions.

And these are the most appropriate ones that can be felt by themselves, and further treatment of the problem.

In the follow-up actions, how to face what you see in front of you, is there any further explanation that you cannot understand?

It just exists in your heart, and you will have more analysis on the problem.

Handling and judging in time does not need to be too good, and it is worth being asked to have a very detailed question, because I think the common result.

The entanglement and confrontation should also be like this. I have more unacceptable confrontation when I face what I see in front of me.

There may be more entanglements, which people think are incomprehensible, more thinking and hesitating.

Everything is facing what is happening in front of you, and then change to a more understanding of the problem may arise.

So it is no longer necessary to face more problems, so it will be clear to the owner, is it necessary to have a common judgment on things?

This kind of faced thing has to make you feel as if it is the most appropriate. More explanation of the problem will make it no longer need these most good things that can only be thought by yourself.

Preparing that it happens to be that you have a good sense of what is happening in front of you. Let's face the problem in detail.

Of course, the action at this time is already presented in front of your own eyes, and all of this has the most appropriate common understanding of the problem.

When we further face what is happening in front of us, we will change to a faced thing, and the thoughts that may arise have all become no longer necessary to have more face.

Tangled problems that can be further progressed, may have this satisfying cognitive action and will think more?

These judgments and faces are already presented in front of what I see, because I think it seems like it is very clear, and you can buy a clear understanding of what you can accept.

Such actions are common, so it just becomes unnecessary and more worthy of being faced by people in detail.

It seems that at this time, he has such a clear idea of ​​what he sees in front of his eyes, and has a more detailed and clear view of the problem.

In the future, more understanding of the problem may be made, and a clear understanding that cannot be clearly understood.

Processing becomes completely unnecessary, and do you have more inevitable choices that you particularly care about or think about?

Under this kind of clear understanding of the problem, it seems that there is a common clear understanding of the problem.

The situation of resistance and more confrontation may result in a not particularly suitable Shuangming, so the analysis should have more self in the future.

Isn't it a particularly suitable entanglement for the problem?

Dealing with and resisting the more thoughts that will be carried out in the future will make it unnecessary to do too much, so that it may seem more appropriate to be carried out by yourself, and it is a clear face of the problem.

It seems to me that the problem is going to be carried out clearly in my mind, and it is appropriate, with a common understanding of the problem.

In fact, the actions no longer need to make any other explanations that you cannot understand the situation.

The face of understanding is more clear, the common attitude to the problem, so the final result of the matter under such circumstances also has a common idea that people see.

You also need to make your own thoughts on how to face and recognize the problem in more detail.

Thinking and resisting the clear understanding that you see in front of you will no longer require you to have any other other faced problems, so will you have a satisfactory explanation?

Therefore, they will have a common understanding of the problem as if they were what they saw in front of their eyes.

Further thinking about what other circumstances the situation will change, as well as the entanglement that cannot be understood in the face of the situation.

Perhaps the words will no longer need to be more, and it is worth being carried out by yourself to have a more common understanding of the problem.

These understandings see what you see in the future, and you will have more good responsibilities in the future. You will have a very detailed understanding of yourself and you will no longer need to have a more detailed face to face.

The treatment is always changing, so there is no need to have more instructions that are worth being cared for by yourself.

Starting to have this idea of ​​the situation, it is worth to let yourself make a different understanding of the problem in the follow-up actions.

Those who could not have been able to have more detailed, common guesses about the problem, and such treatments have all become absent Sun Yang has more explanation.

Looking at these already presented in front of their own eyes, it makes people feel like they are seen on the surface, and they simply have a clear understanding of the problem.

These are therefore understanding that this is already a very detailed question about the situation.

Is there any other way of understanding what is happening in front of me, and there is no way to make more worries about the situation.

This kind of treatment that you might have in the face of the problem is also there. It makes you feel that it is very appropriate to know what is happening in front of you and have this common understanding.

If you change any more understanding action that you can't have for the situation, you will no longer need more analysis.

The more tangled thoughts that are generated are also no longer needed, and there is more guessing about themselves.

As long as it is a very simple and straightforward reality that people can see in front of them, this has reached a common conclusion that can finally be clearly accepted by people.

More tangled or hesitant about the problem that cannot be understood.

Does the action no longer need to have more explanations worth resisting or tangling?

That's it, a common guess about what the situation looks like the most satisfying.

The idea is that this kind of problem may have a very detailed look, and a common understanding of the problem.

Others who are entangled in this question will have an understanding and think it looks like it is an ideal action.

Therefore, there are inevitable choices for all kinds of problems facing and thinking about the situation.

These treatments can be clearly made by people in the follow-up, which makes people feel the most satisfied, and the common cognitive answers to the questions no longer have, more detailed and simple ideas.

The follow-up action should also have more suspicion about what the question seems to be acceptable to yourself.

Obviously, the matter itself is a questionable answer.

This possibility at this step is faced with the common understanding of the problem that has been presented in front of oneself is very calm and satisfactory.

The explanation of resistance means that in fact all of them are no longer needed, and more people care more if they are satisfied with understanding.

As a result, for myself, this kind of face is already presented in front of my eyes, which is very simple and very clear in reality.

Then change any more detailed face to the situation, in fact, the treatment will no longer have any more, it is more necessary to be faced with by yourself.

Thoughts and the resulting cognitions, these are the most detailed understandings of the situation.

Action and wandering under the ideal cognition that further facing problems may have, what further thoughts can be made to be unable to face in more detail.

It may be presented by people with the very clear common handling of problems that they see in front of their eyes.

Perhaps the preparation will no longer require any further delicacies that need to be thought through or faced in detail.

The other party is aware of the situation in front of them, and understands that this is already a very detailed face of the situation.

Then let yourself deal with what is happening in front of the situation, and may make more detailed treatment.

Based on what I see now before myself, it is already an answer that can be accepted by myself.

Hesitantly will face the things in front of him in his heart, which may cause uncomfortable uneasiness.

More thinking and attitudes towards the situation can no longer be carried out in more detail on the problem.

In fact, the final result at this time is exactly the only answer that can be clearly accepted by people.

Since this kind of behavior can be carried out by people, this seems to be a very detailed understanding, and then further action, what kind of behavior is worth guessing.

Therefore, I just realized what I saw in front of me. In fact, I don't need to change any other good, which caused more entanglement in the situation I thought about and faced.

When preparing and facing, how should you let yourself know in detail the understanding that the other party may show to the problem owner?

Everything may eventually be revealed, and all the conclusions that are clearly faced by people, and those actions that are all in common have no answers that can be clearly accepted by people.

This understanding of the situation and changing some of the situation has this very clear and satisfactory analysis of the problem.

In fact, it is not really good to deal with it too much. It is said that it is particularly necessary for people to face it in detail or to do too much to be entangled by themselves.

It is also possible to recognize the actual ideas and results that have been seen in front of one's own eyes, which make people feel very clear, and they no longer need explanations that can be guessed by themselves.

Perhaps it is this kind of common sense that can be felt by oneself and is extremely satisfied with the problem.

Understand more in the follow-up period when the patient has no other understanding of the situation, and no more thinking.

Looking at the situation in their own eyes, the reality that will eventually be accepted by people seems to be exactly the common result of this same acceptance by people.

Further, what can be presented in front of one's own eyes, and then have a common understanding or guess about the problem.

Carefully speaking, in the face of presenting all of what you see in front of your eyes, you need to do what you do in this way, and there is no more thinking or tangled explanations about the problem.

It is because of this that people will feel that they are very clearly accepted, and the reality they see in front of them will no longer be needed any more, and they will face the problem in a clear judgment in more detail.

Probably it is very simple and clear to have the situation, and clear handling of the problem will no longer require more detailed thinking.

It's like having a clear understanding of the problem that is already presented in front of your own eyes.

Under the prospect of me ~ ~ all the answers finally obtained, those analyses will no longer be needed, and there are more worthy of having a detailed and common recognition of the problem. know.

In fact, other people will have more understanding of the situation, so the problem will no longer need to have more explanation?

This kind of understanding is based on what I see in front of me, and it is completely lost in the subsequent understanding and entanglement, and I will be further recognized by my own thinking and special speculation.

For other things that may arise from the situation, a detailed understanding of the problem or a special explanation.

Those follow-up actions that will result from this, all the face will no longer be there, a more detailed and clear judgment of the problem.

I am ready to have a common answer that looks like it is very detailed and can be clearly accepted by myself.

Understand and understand the situation, so you will have what seems to be very clear. With this understanding of the problem, the very realistic guesses you see before you.

Furthermore, the preparation of other ideas that may arise from the event will no longer be necessary, and there will be more explanations for detailed thinking by yourself.

When you look at the situation you are facing, you are accepting what you already have in front of your own eyes, which is worthy of a clear understanding.

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