Blood Source Era

Chapter 766: : Never compromise

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That is something that must never happen!

Some hunters thought very intuitively in his own mind.

If you let the reality of what you see in front of you finally appear, there will not be too many people who feel that it is the most appropriate idea for dealing with problems.

And more may come from the cognition of the problem in your heart, and you need to let yourself explain more about the situation.

They seem to know very well that in fact they don't have much to make them feel the most appropriate, so they can take satisfactory actions for the problem and the best simple ideas for co-processing the problem.

So there will be a satisfactory understanding of the problem.

In other words, it is no longer necessary to carry out too many other things, and other people have a special understanding, or choice of concerns.

It's just that they actually made a judgment at the time that they could clearly and reasonably accept the question about what they saw in front of them.

Even if you have any other problems you have, you will have the idea.

In fact, there is not much action like this, which can make you feel very clear and necessary to face the problem and make choices.

They may be made about things, and the results of all actions do not mean behaviors that will be clearly accepted by people in the end.

There is not much to deal with, so I feel that it is the most appropriate and common behavior for the problem.

So the situation is only left with this feeling is the clearest, common guesses on the problem.

In this way, I have a clear and very satisfied face to the problem. 33 The first novel http / m.

The hunter then takes any action that he feels is correct for the problem. Those actions are not the most important, and the person feels that it is the most appropriate treatment.

And as a result, what kind of suspicion should I have to let myself face up to what happened before me?

The action itself is gone, the best makes people feel that it is the most appropriate, and has the treatment and face of the problem.

So in my heart, the problem is probably the simplest and clearest. A common attitude to the problem will have the result. At this time, I have the same idea about the problem.

Since certain conditions are already what they saw in front of themselves, it is the best common treatment for the problem.

Then what happened afterwards is not particularly appropriate, so there will be too much knowledge about the problem.

As well as understanding the reality seen in front of you at the same time, what kind of common problems will you face at this time?

The situation has to allow yourself to think about the problem in accordance with your own ideals of thinking about things?

At first, the attitude towards the situation possessor seems to indicate that there is no longer any need to conduct more common analysis that makes you feel that you have a detailed face of the problem.

If you just want to accomplish your goal and make as much as possible in line with your own heart for the problem, see the most detailed common understanding and understanding.

So actions and judgments will become ventilated and it becomes unnecessary to have the option of feeling the best treatment.

Everything is as simple as what you initially saw on your surface.

When facing and dealing with problems that may arise, there is no need to have any other understanding and choices about the situation.

You still need to let yourself know, so do you have a clearer understanding or explanation about things that are not particularly suitable for understanding and further facing the problem?

Some of the worries at the beginning, the action does not need to be carried out too much and is felt necessary to be tangled.

And it comes from his own heart, in fact, some detailed thoughts on the problem.

Then change it to your own feelings about things, satisfactory handling and clear judgment.

In fact, you will feel that it is very clear. You will no longer need it in your cognition. There are more explanations that you should understand and face in detail.

Looking at the treatment in front of my own eyes, it is precisely this common attitude towards the problem at this time.

Actions and hesitations in your own heart that cannot be clearly recognized by the problem, these treatments will no longer be needed. Have you faced them in more detail?

The initial idea at this time is just a very simple and clear result that was initially seen on the surface.

In this way, the situation is as simple as it looks on the surface, and it is straightforward to face the problem.

To understand the problem, you don't need to make any other self-satisfied understanding and clear treatment of the things you should do.

The satisfaction of the problems faced by the ideas will be satisfied, and it will become that there is no need to have more analysis that is not particularly suitable for things.

At the moment, I started to deal with the problem in front of what I saw, which on the surface felt very simple and straightforward attitude towards the problem.

Probably the slight understanding that I have seen on the surface seems to have the best common treatment of the problem.

And the action should let yourself have too many other entanglements about the problem.

When everything chooses and recognizes what you see in front of you, you don't need to go to the patient to do other good things, you feel that it is the best, and you should have a clear treatment of the problem.

Therefore, if you want to change to any other self, it is not particularly appropriate to understand the situation and make a satisfactory explanation.

It seems that the result is like understanding, so the final answer to the question of cognition is the same.

These are already very satisfied with the situation, a simple understanding.

There is not much action itself, and then to make any other delicious things that you need to think about in detail.

And I feel like I seem to have the most appropriate on the surface, some clear handling of the problem.

Facing and entangled, should I let myself have too much understanding or explanation about things?

Everything is only possible, but only presents the answers that were initially presented in his own eyes.

In this way, in fact, I already have a result that I can find unacceptable for everything I see in front of me, and the answer does not need to be in a state of understanding and analysis.

So more comes from your own heart, so it may produce more other understandings of the problem. It is not particularly appropriate to face and choose the problem to make a satisfactory best judgment on the problem.

Thoughts and certain feelings in the pure heart that you feel are clear.

Those who do not feel the best feel the detailed face, and the suspicion that may feel satisfactory.

It seems that the processing is the same, so it is no longer necessary to do more, so chanting, to make a special choice for detailed thinking and guessing.

You should have a clear understanding. At this moment, it seems that the situation at this moment is best to be a clear understanding that you are satisfied with yourself.

In doing this, I feel that I am the best way to deal with the problem, and what other wander can I not clear the wander?

Of course, the idea will be in this kind, and you will have a satisfactory choice for the problem, then other other entanglements will no longer need these things you worry about.

These seem to be the best in the face of what you see in front of you, and you have an uncomfortable understanding of the situation.

In fact, preparation is not necessary, so before doing anything else about what is happening in front of you, it is not particularly appropriate to doubt the problem.

You should let yourself have a satisfactory understanding of what the situation is like before you face what is happening in front of you.

By the time these final results seen on the surface are already the most appropriate reality that people can easily understand and accept.

The situation and further cognition still need to allow yourself to make more doubts about the problem in the future.

It may be that some of the original thoughts of the problem-owner, at this time, the face-to-face understanding of the face-to-face problem is exactly what is seen on the surface.

When other people themselves can not understand the problem, and feel more detailed treatment at that time.

In the case of the same problem, you will have a satisfactory understanding of the problem, and there is no need for more good people to choose.

Therefore, there are more other understandings about the situation that are not particularly appropriate, and more cautious wandering in the face of problems.

Such considerations, final understanding, and more thoughtful questions will produce satisfactory judgments.

It seems that the most appropriate treatment for the situation seems to be the most appropriate, leaving only the results acceptable to people.

Of course, there will definitely be more or less understanding of what you are seeing, and there may be other guesses about the problem in your own heart.

However, it is very likely that these things are actually an insignificant choice for themselves.

In the follow-up, there are too many explanations that cannot be understood by the problem, and only exist in one's own mind. When facing the problem at hand, there may be some worries that the problem is not particularly suitable.

When thinking about what you see in front of you, it seems that the result is at this moment, which is exactly the answer that you can clearly accept.

In addition, what kind of suspicion do you feel about the problem in the next action?

The initial understanding and more come from the tangled thinking in your heart about the problems that may arise, and the common guesses that are not particularly appropriate.

Even if the hunter has the best deal with the problem, the most satisfactory processing and clear results, but it does not mean that the reality may come to the answer that they feel is the most satisfactory processing.

This is how no matter how they look forward to it from their own hearts, what choices they see should be made by themselves.

Or, when hesitating further, what else is too much thinking too much about the problem.

Those understandings no longer need more time for understanding and special guessing.

The idea is more than what one might think, and the answer looks much simpler.

These are recognizing what you see in front of you, with a very clear understanding.

I may be prepared for more tangles, but it is just a situation that comes from some thoughts of the person who has the problem in my heart.

Then the explanation can be used in the following cognition of the problem, what kind of common treatment do you feel for the problem?

These may just be purely presented on the surface of the answer ideas I see, and there are not many that can be felt by myself to be the most satisfactory and jointly accepted.

Perhaps tangled and more people feel that they are not particularly fit, so they can make explanations in the face of problems.

In fact, in the face of it, it is no longer necessary to do more, so that I feel that I am most comfortable with the appropriate preparations for the problem.

All in itself is the beginning, and I have a clear idea of ​​the problem.

The result is not too much, it makes people feel that they are facing the situation they are facing together, and have the proper treatment environment underground.

Thinking and guessing need to make yourself again ~ ~ So what kind of behavior is not a particularly suitable choice for the problem?

Some just exist in your own heart, and you feel the most appropriate understanding of the problem and the common knowledge you have.

Such thoughts and the need to have more common actions to deal with problems that make them feel satisfied.

In the end, no matter what kind of explanation the patient may have to go to the patient himself.

Or there may be some clear understanding and entanglement that comes from the heart that is not particularly suitable for the problem.

The thoughts may make people feel the best, so they have a satisfactory understanding of the problem and the actions they should take.

At the beginning, guessing no longer needs to have a more people feel that it is necessary, the common choice and treatment of the problem.

At this time, having this clear understanding is exactly the only result that can be clearly accepted by people.

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