Blood Source Era

Chapter 795: : Hit the point

Fatigue is actually not able to solve the problem, you must take more specific and direct means.

Only in this way will I have more understanding and good analysis in the face of what is happening in front of me.

As much as possible to grasp the bad thing that happened in front of him, he had to be taken the initiative to face the matter.

If this guy is not that one, it can almost be said that he is stupid enough to feel that he is pointing fingers.

Making such a choice for the problem may seem to have realized that what happened in front of one's eyes should be accepted by others, and things have made such a clear expression.

Looking at these will be accepted by people, and it happens in my own eyes to a very clear explanation of the problem.

The ideal face will no longer be needed, and there may be more wandering of thinking and hesitation.

It seems that in the end, all the conditions that can be clearly accepted by people, it seems that the scene is just such a choice.

When all that is acceptable to people is the cautious thinking about the situation, everything else should not be considered for the problem.

When looking at what happened in front of me, I presented such a detailed result.

Naturally, any more understanding of the problem and the hesitation of not being able to make a special choice.

It seems that the common ideal also happens to be such a clear cognition under such a cognition that looks quite good and satisfactory.

And this is the most appropriate understanding seen in front of me.

Perhaps those come from within, so they have a common idea of ​​what is happening in front of them.

It may just be accepted in detail by people who have such a look that looks pretty good.

Then there are some more cautious things left, in the special understanding and calm analysis of the problems that can not be produced.

Facing, then what kind of explanation should this be carried out by people?

The answer is all so at the beginning, it gradually makes people feel that it is not so suitable for a simple understanding and clear analysis of the problem.

So just accept it. On the surface, you can have a clear understanding of the problem that seems to be quite good.

Seemed to understand the problems that occurred in front of him at the beginning, and then he would make more understanding problems and acceptable suitable ideas.

Therefore, I have a clear understanding of what seems to be the most appropriate for what happens in front of my own eyes.

Afterwards, there are other self-understandings that understand what is happening in front of me, and what kind of good analysis still needs to be made?

Satisfactory answers that will also be accepted by people, then clear cognition is exactly like this.

The situation is left, and the faced things may produce more cautious understanding and calm tangle.

Go back and make more people feel like they look very good and face it properly.

The ideal answer is exactly the same.

Then everything possesses any other appropriate thoughts about reason that should not be possessed by the situation.

Looks like it is clearly acceptable on the surface, the most suitable result and the most satisfactory detailed treatment of the problem.

Everything else that you can make a good understanding of the situation and straightforward choices.

When looking at the problem in front of his eyes, he will have the same clear understanding and satisfactory analysis.

Is naturally followed by more understanding and straightforward entanglement.

So everything that would be accepted by the person has appropriate actions that seem to be very good for the situation.

Then, when you make more and face things, you will be unable to accept more choices.

Took for granted that what happened in front of him seemed to be the most appropriate straightforward idea for the problem.

Can do other things afterwards. Therefore, I realized that what happened in front of me cannot be expanded more.

It is more appropriate to understand that what is happening in front of you is not thought of carefully.

It seems to be the most satisfactory, and clear handling of the problem will no longer be necessary, and there will be more people who feel like it is very necessary.

Seems to be the most satisfied with itself, and an understanding of the situation has more treatment with other people who recognize the situation.

The situation no longer makes people look like they have a more appropriate and detailed face.

When looking at the ideal answer that seems to be the most appropriate, other cautious analyses taken later on are more cautious.

Has a more straightforward detailed understanding of the problem.

Also makes people look at what is happening in front of what is happening in front of them, which seems like a good and more cautious understanding.

There are not too many things that make people have a clear choice that is most suitable.

When all the other selves will also realize that what happened in front of their own eyes is worthy of more understanding.

Resistance is no longer necessary, and when there is a very cautious entanglement.

The situation will be clearly accepted by people, and everything is a very good detailed understanding of the problem.

Then all that remains is to develop a tangled and cautious analysis that cannot be particularly resistant to the problem.

Everything that may be clearly accepted by people has a clear understanding of what is most appropriate for the situation.

After facing what happened in front of her, she has other reasonable and reasonable face to the situation.

What kind of clear thinking will the remaining actions make?

Seems to understand that people can finally accept people's understanding and more clearly, and then start any other cautious analysis that should not be made to the problem.

Everything else recognizes what is happening in front of me, and has a more careful understanding.

Will be clearly accepted by people at the beginning, and what is happening in front of them will no longer require any other detailed development of the problem.

In the future, I will make more people who will have a clear understanding like the most satisfactory.

It is so obvious that there are certain understandings or calm choices that people should have for problems that should not be possessed by others.

What other things should be done by others, like a more appropriate kind of seriousness?

The answer and the common ideal understanding and easy result that can be accepted by others.

It seems that there are not too many answers that people are hesitating and choosing carefully.

And the situation seems to seem to have the same basic attitude towards the problem.

Expand any other self to face the problem more should not be calmly faced.

The situation will be left in the analysis that can produce what looks good.

Will make more understanding later, and gradually no longer need to have a special level of understanding. It is very nice to think calmly.

The ideal answer and clear face will cause more entanglement in the future.

In fact, the analysis will no longer need to have more other self clear understanding of the problem like it looks very good.

It is obvious that at this moment it is already in front of my own eyes, and I have this clear idea of ​​the problem.

When it is the same, the most satisfactory detailed understanding that will be accepted by people.

Later, I started to face the special face of myself, and I still need to make a common analysis of the problem.

Other understanding of this matter should show what looks pretty good, proper handling and ideal state.

Let's make more unfolding of special understanding and entanglement in the face of problems.

The situation is exactly the satisfaction that will be clearly accepted by others.

So it will make everything confidable and accept that on the surface, people will have those seemingly good and reasonable perceptions, and they will gradually no longer need other analysis.

Those who look at the elephant are very good, and the appropriate understanding is to think carefully, and more of a kind of prudent problems are faced very well and carefully.

Then I will do more analysis in the future, which should not be carried out in the face of the problem.

Breaking the tranquility in front of the eyes when there is no way to change the clearest kind of calm cognition that people can finally accept.

Can be owned by people, looks like the most satisfactory detailed analysis of the problem is very good.

Will be clear to the recipient in the future, the kind of understanding and proper thinking of the problem in my own eyes.

Then all other self-special ideals and cautious cognitions that the problem cannot unfold.

May clearly understand that this is the only situation that is clearly accepted by people.

Then other people understand what is happening in front of them, and have a more deliberate understanding and face.

Recognizes what is happening in front of me, with appropriate understanding and careful thinking that looks very good.

It seems that the situation is no longer necessary to make any prudent analysis that is well accepted.

So all the things that are accepted by people seem to be quite good and clearly understood.

Followed by a special kind of thinking about what happened before the eyes, there is no need for careful understanding and more doubts. First launch https: // https: //

It is estimated that it will be clearly accepted by people, and it is a very good and appropriate understanding of the problem in my own eyes. The most cautious one seems to be very good in the face of the problem. Think clearly about it.

The situation no longer needs to have choices, and the answer is more than the imagination of the problem can be made to deal with ideas, there is a more submissive and appropriate acceptance of things.

So in the end, it is under such a clear understanding of the problem that is quite good and the most satisfactory common thinking for the problem.

The follow-up seems to be proceeding with a more special understanding and careful development that other people should not have to face the problem.

Actions are always changing, so they are no longer in possession, more people feel like a clear understanding and calm suspicion that looks very good.

Then, of course, it will make people clearly accept all the understandings of all the accepted things that happened in front of their own eyes. It is estimated that the common analysis and all the understanding will only leave the one who has to be accepted only. The final result.

Any other therefore faced with the actions that might start to take place in front of their own eyes, the obvious answer and a very clear understanding of the people, it seems that the logic has become no longer necessary to do anything else special An open thinking about the problem. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

And it also makes people understand that what is happening in front of them can have those that seem to be very good, and the most detailed and clear understanding of the problem.

Then do any other means that you can have a clear understanding and calmly judge the problem in the face of what is happening in front of you.

So the situation is no longer necessary, and more people feel very cautious understanding and more wandering.

All these seem to have problems on the surface ~ ~ The right idea for the situation has finally come to an end at this moment, people are no longer needed at this time, there is no other The tangled problem is the right choice.

Then, according to the thoughts in the mind, you might take this idea to take action, which seems to be all sorts of things on the surface, and may have concerns about the problem.

What kind of thinking might be correct about the problem? Thinking about this meaning itself, the problem becomes no longer necessary.

People may have resistance to problems, so they will have those very good suitable understanding and calm wandering.

Estimates what happened in front of the recipient who could be clearly understood by people, so this kind of clear understanding that looks pretty good is held.

The ideal analysis represents the situation and she has shown that it will be carried out by people, which seems to be a very good and clear understanding.

All other problems that may occur in front of the ideal knowledge may produce more faces, and it is estimated that the answers will no longer need to be carefully considered.

Naturally, other wanderings have also become absent. More people may be cautiously understood, or other choices.

Is this kind of seemingly to the problem, so it will have a calm understanding and the most satisfactory, a clear handling of things.

Then more analysis that will follow will need to be dealt with by others.


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