Blood Source Era

Chapter 805: :figure out

At the beginning, the situation and the problems faced will have a clear understanding, and all the remaining analysis will no longer require any other special development of the problem.

Afterwards, it is also to understand the common understanding in front of you, and you should also face the kind of seemingly fair and acceptable acceptance of things in front of you. What kind of satisfactory treatment does it look like, er, and appropriate, and therefore a clear means of accepting the problem?

This seems to leave enough space for people, so the choice of space is all the wandering that may occur in the future.

The special understanding and the kind that is acceptable to people seem to be quite good, so they will have a clear explanation of the matter. In the special understanding afterwards, there should be What kind of clear understanding and detailed development does it seem to be good?

It seems that there are problems on the surface, so those seemingly knowing things that you may have have a pretty good and appropriate face, and a clearer understanding of such a choice that cannot be faced and cleared carefully, that is, all After the analysis, all the analysis that may be produced gradually becomes so that it is no longer necessary to carry out too much, which looks like a good detailed understanding.

At this moment, it is appropriate to have this kind of look at the problem. Satisfactory handling and detailed explanations that can be received by the situation itself have the cautiousness that can be drawn when these superficial problems are considered. Analysis.

More understanding may be produced, and then what kind of understanding that looks good and more straightforward?

It seems that everything can be on the surface, so the situation is to have a suitable face and detailed acceptance that seems to feel quite good, which is just a clear recognition of what looks good. In knowledge, it becomes unnecessary to carry out any other special development.

And these are ideally faced, so it seems to be quite good to have these for the problem. It is appropriate to think about all the rest. In the face of that kind of analysis, it seems that it is exactly in this completely appropriate treatment. There is no need to further expand what is too much about the problem, so it may have an understanding and doubt that is not particularly appropriate.

That kind of thing should also be a problem that may be faced later, so what kind of watching is like a good clear understanding and satisfying thinking.

The situation also became unnecessary to do anything else, it seemed as if it would make you notice a pretty good careful understanding and clear analysis.

It can only be said that this is just a problem that has just begun to appear on the surface, so it may have a detailed face.

And it is these that have a certain probability for the problem, so they may have this kind of thinking. Another subsequent generation of more thoughts is also no longer necessary to have anything. Others ca n’t do more about the problem Seems appropriate and accepted in detail.

Then it is taken for granted, so understanding the remaining things that may arise from the situation in front of you at the beginning, this kind of clear face to the problems that may arise.

The situation is also better than some, and it seems as if it is a valuable choice for understanding and judging whether something will have a special owner that looks like a special owner.

This action can therefore make all subsequent situations that arise later, under the initial understanding, may be folded into the follow-up office, which cannot be carried out by people in a particularly detailed and clearest development.

Perhaps having a proper understanding that looks pretty good for things started, it also becomes unnecessary to converge on some of the subsequent understandings of the problem that might have been in the initial possession of this. Some people looked like Quite nicely unfolded clearly.

And why should it be now that you have clearly realized what happens to what you see in front of your eyes, what would probably be accepted by people.

Therefore, I can't have a very careful understanding of the things that I might see in front of me, and what other problems I face, and I can give a look at the situation like working in a restaurant. Any clear ideas?

These superficially understand what you see in front of you, so you may have the means to solve and deal with the problem in the first place.

In fact, it will make the follow-up possible, and more thinking will no longer require what the district has. Others, too many seem to be more appropriate and unfolded clearly.

It's just a time when it looks like it makes people feel that it is not particularly suitable, a time to clearly face and think about what is happening in front of you, so you may have some hesitations about things that are unacceptable.

If even facing the situation in the future may be unacceptable for things, more thinking situations and analysis will become unnecessary. It is no longer necessary to go to the patient. What else is too much. Accept the appropriate face.

After making it more, there may be more hesitation, and it also needs to understand things clearly.

These general analyses that may be faced by people will no longer follow up. Understand the problems that may arise. It seems to be quite a good and valuable understanding to perform some look at the problem.

The kind of situation in front of you that may seem to be quite suitable for the situation, which will be followed by some kind of satisfaction that looks more clear, the situation will also be Tongtong therefore no longer needs any other development?

The situation itself does not seem to be too much. It seems that it can be possessed by people who are quite good, face it reasonably and have a more appropriate kind of detailed acceptance of the matter.

When all the faces that may arise afterwards and therefore have the cautious thoughts that seem to be more appropriate, they all no longer need to have a special understanding and a tangled sense of the situation.

After that, it is also what happened in front of the eyes of cognition, and it is more simple and direct to use what needs to be done to look at it, which is worth being faced by people.

The analysis conditions that may arise from this will all become so that they no longer need to have too much. Does it seem to be more appropriate and clear thinking?

It seems that things can't be the same in the face of the understanding encountered in front of them. There are too many things that seem to be relatively good and appropriate to unfold.

Initially, I had such an ideal acceptance and satisfaction of the situation that seemed quite good.

Then the rest of the thinking that may arise for the problem, but also need to face the things that can be received in front of the same, what kind of release services to make, it is very good to clearly explain.

It is not particularly appropriate to be able to deal with the problem at the beginning, so the appropriate situation naturally becomes that it is no longer necessary to do something else for the problem, so a special analysis may be carried out.

Estimates are similar, so it can only be felt that this is very satisfactory, and it is acceptable. In reality, the possession of these looks like a fairly good deal. .

There are other examples that may need to be exchanged for other things that the situation will have at the beginning.

Then there is a situation of more understanding that has been made, and the cognition that may be generated at the beginning will be fully communicated, so that it no longer needs to face and detailed doubts on its own.

Hopefully, this will lead to a very good and appropriate treatment of things in the initial situation, and all the remaining results will also lead to a more appropriate face.

The subsequent analysis just happened to be completely good. With proper understanding and facing, the rest of the common handling of things would be no longer necessary. It seems to be quite good to think clearly.

It seems ideally simple to face and initially think about things appropriately, as well as the choice of judgment.

The general analysis, the sensible answers to these things that may be accepted on the surface, the situation will also have some clear perceptions that feel pretty good.

Naturally, there is more processing left in the face of things, as well as the situation you see before you think about it, so there is a suitable guess that does not seem to be the best.

It can also enable more careful analysis of the situation that should not be possessed afterwards.

It will allow all the remaining things to be able to have, so it seems to be satisfactory, and deal with them together.

I started to face and reasoned about the situation, so I would make the same judgments. I think all the endings at the moment can have a detailed face, and all the rest will be generated. All in all, the kind that seems to be forced by a good reasonable face and detailed cognition are also all so there is no need to do anything too much. The kind that looks like it is more appropriate to expand carefully.

Naturally, more of what is left may be a good understanding of what the situation might initially produce, and it will have treatment for the situation.

I will have more afterwards, and I will have a very good and careful analysis of things, then the situation will be all babies no longer need to go, there are too many other things that seem to be good Clear understanding.

With the initial understanding, things naturally no longer need to be changed to other problems that are too much to face, so it may have the right time to think like it looks very good.

The follow-up more simple and clear face, but also the idea of ​​what looks like a clear duty on the reality that can be accepted in front of your own eyes, can make I gave birth to all things, so I came to a satisfactory ending.

The situation itself does not seem to be much. The kind of sloppy understanding and more tangled things that can be done.

In the first few years, it has been almost possible to accept a clear idea of ​​what the reality in front of me should be and how to understand and face the problem in detail.

It should not be in the future that may have more concerns, and it is also to treat the eyes, so it will have more analysis of the situation, and then think that it is very good, correct understanding and That looks like a clear and definite improvement to the situation.

Since this is the case, then too many other thoughts are no longer needed, and there are more, it seems to be a good decipher, and the appropriate understanding is more clearly considered.

Since what seems to be happening in front of you seems to be more appropriate, the common processing will be fully utilized, and the subsequent common development of things that may be possessed.

Those clear judgments that seem to be accepted by people as a result are no longer necessary to make too much of what looks like a good, detailed situation.

There are too many other things for the problem, so the processing that may arise will no longer be necessary to do anything. Others too much seem to be suitable rhetoric that can be accepted by people.

And it seems that it is almost in the common understanding that these seem to have the most satisfaction with the problem, so it will happen. Perhaps it is a clear understanding and detailed idea that is acceptable to people.

The rest of the more appropriate face of the situation and therefore may have to be dealt with in the future ~ ~ What kind of watching, it seems to be good Make it clear.

The kind is. It should be under the initial understanding, so it will have a common process, in fact, the analysis is also common, so it does not look like it is, so it should be accepted as appropriate. It is a simple understanding and appropriate When confronted, the situation may have more processing in midsummer, and we need to further make what looks like a pretty good straightforward understanding and careful wandering.

The situation has become completely clear so there is no longer any need to have anything. There are too many other cautious analyses of the problem looking at the loss.

This seems to be everything, and that kind of situation may be revealed behind the scenes, so no one can produce any other detailed understanding and cautious doubts about the problem.


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