Blood Source Era

Chapter 825: : Keep going

If it is just to end this matter as soon as possible, then this matter will be dragged to the limit of time.

Eventually, he then had to take his own actions to make a hasty summary in the face of what happened before him.

'S posture seems a bit too embarrassed and unbearable.

Therefore, we should also allow a very good clear face and common understanding of the problems that can arise afterwards.

Will it be worthwhile for Aaron to face the situation in front of him and how to explain and understand his behavior?

In fact, from the beginning, the actions and thoughts that such a faced event may take will itself become completely without any boundaries, and the meaning of clear understanding and processing.

The situation itself is not like what you can see in the first place for the problem.

Aaron himself is a guy who likes to see what he sees in front of him as much as possible, to control his own initiative.

Therefore, with a clear understanding of everything that can be done in the follow-up, and the most comfortable thinking about things that are worthy of satisfaction.

Passive, because of the very unlucky situation of what happened in front of you.

Has to follow up with a detailed understanding of everything that can be done and the smartest way to face the situation, a clear understanding and careful development should be carried out.

This is not Aaron. He can have a dazed understanding of what is happening in front of him and the idea of ​​facing and acting on what the problem will be.

He will take the initiative, so at this time, he did not hesitate to talk to the guys around him.

"Then don't waste time, come with me."

Said he walked forward to the place full of ruins and broken houses.

Is not a place that has no access at all, behind the bookcase that has been damaged.

Vaguely, people saw something that seemed to be very dark behind it. At this time, people might not pay attention because of the dark night.

But Aaron, who has a very keen sense, was able to perceive the strange flow of air in the air without any wind at all.

In trying to find out where the source behind the scene was, he noticed the damaged bookshelf, and then went straight to ignore any places where there might be risks.

Such bold behavior caused people's uneasiness, and they were all a little worried at this time that Aaron would take such actions at this time. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

Will that trigger any dangerous mechanism, but he realized quite clearly.

After such a violent explosion, even the delicate organs will be under the fragmented collapse, and the eventual trigger should be completely triggered.

What is left is what may cause amazing damage, and there is not much result of threatening yourself.

So almost again, I have such a clear face and understanding of things.

For the problem, what other things seem to appear to be more sensible actions and clear behaviors that should be done in a satisfactory manner.

The rest of the problem is considered, so it will make a more appropriate and satisfactory understanding and feel as if it will be accepted by people, that kind of idea that should understand and guess the problem.

Didn't even have time to make any kind of answer and behavior, just in that short moment.

Aaron raised his foot without hesitation, and then kicked the bookcase to the ground in a very brutal and violent manner.

Beneath the damaged area, a dark passage that can be accessed by people is exposed behind the bookcase.

Looked at the edge of this passage a little, it was obviously after careful processing and decoration by some people using some tools.

The traces left by, and the regular dents that can be touched by people.

Aaron knew more clearly that this thing was created by others.

But it was under this violent action that other people had already faced such an action that Aaron suddenly took.

Stunned his eyes widened and looked at all these actions taken by Aaron in surprise.

The kind of action that does not fear the consequences of those who may become worse and what is seen in front of me, I feel that this kind of treatment and action looks so clear. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https: //

Estimated that at this time, in addition to making such a clear understanding in order to hurry.

No one else would do such a reckless and sloppy act like Aaron at the moment.

But on one side, it seemed like a helpless sigh from my heart.

People are still in their own hearts, which is also the time when they think about the situation they see in front of them, have some other problems they face, and may take the most satisfactory and clear thinking.

Next is changing what looks like the most appropriate, satisfactory understanding and the best appropriate response and treatment of the situation.

It seems that in any case, some of the treatments and behaviors that should be able to be made to the problem caused afterwards.

Seems to naturally become unnecessary, and the world has some other detailed understanding of the situation.

Then start to face things. Now that you have this, it seems to be the most appropriate for the situation, with a clear understanding and clear analysis.

Next, I will produce any other situation, so there will be more actions as if thinking and judging often become meaningless.

Aaron, he made his own reaction even more simply.

"What are you still standing there for?" Do you still have to wait for me to let you go before you will go forward? "

Such rebuke puts many people in their minds, still thinking about what kind of situation happened before.

Instantly reflected from the state of ignorance and chaos, and immediately knew what he should do.

After that, change to a more appropriate one. It looks like the clearest understanding and er detailed guesses.

In the next face, the same problem has the most satisfactory common behavioral outcome, and it needs further other detailed treatment of the problem.

May be the problem itself, so he made such a situation as if he had such a clear understanding and detailed development of the situation at the beginning.

Should just give the most satisfactory detailed understanding and calm understanding of the problem afterwards.

The situation that initially faced the situation, because I feel that this judgment is within the clear understanding and maximum probability.

It seems that people no longer need to make any other problems and have a particularly clear understanding.

So just when people were soon planning to take their own actions, Aaron once again glanced at everyone with his disappointed look.

After this glance, what kind of most satisfactory understanding did you have in front of what happened before you?

Or more detailed treatment outcomes, therefore, in a very high probability, there is no longer any need to let people face the situation with what seems to be the most appropriate, common understanding and satisfactory treatment.

He was very disappointed to see what happened before him, saying so.

"Well, maybe I didn't make it clear then let me say it again."

It is best not to let all the remaining choices made to the problem no longer need to have anything at this time. Other problems that seem to be the best kind should be dealt with clearly.

This kind of rhetoric uses a more detailed and clear understanding and more careful understanding of what remains to be done before facing the situation.

Will also make the follow-up look like the most satisfactory and detailed analysis.

Therefore, it seems that you no longer have anything. Others can have a more appropriate understanding of the problem.

"Please ... rest assured, absolutely nothing will happen."

Someone looked at something that was very embarrassing and embarrassing, and was surprised to face what happened in front of them. Made his own response and said.

Then Aaron looked back at him with his curious eyes, and then hung back his eyes.

Facing the world in front of me now becomes unnecessary, and any other problem has been dealt with more seemingly appropriate face and clear treatment.

Perhaps at the beginning, this kind of looking at the problem is the most satisfactory, with a detailed understanding and clear analysis.

Should be able to make some clear understanding of what the situation is doing and everything looks pretty good.

Will also let everything that is done afterwards be related to things, so it will be able to have judgments and situations that require others to understand.

As a result, it is no longer necessary to generate any other problems, and any other common treatment of the problems has been carried out.

This guy has already answered embarrassingly in this matter, and then faced the matter in front of him, what kind of coping actions he made.

There are not many things in itself. Have a common understanding of the situation and a common idea of ​​handling things.

It is estimated that it is possible to have a fairly good understanding of the world and face the situation, and have a clear face analysis.

I have a special understanding or clear analysis of the situation before making any other problems.

Situation, which means that it no longer possesses any skills, and makes a more appropriate and clear face or common doubt for the individual.

So just thinking about it for a while, it basically becomes that way, and there is no longer any need for a more appropriate and satisfactory analysis of the problem that can be made later.

Too many problems faced, from which I feel like the most satisfactory, proper understanding and very good satisfactory understanding and successful handling.

The situation is to make that kind of more understanding and quite good clear face and detailed cognition.

Therefore, what other problems to face in the follow-up have some calm awareness that looks like the best.

That kind of consideration is based on a rational and clear understanding and calm analysis of the problems faced at first.

Finally got it, Aaron decided to move forward with a decided action.

But when he turned around and faced the passage that appeared in front of him suddenly again, hesitated a little, he stopped his pace and reminded the person behind him to say.

"Be careful, this is probably the reason why this small town becomes like this."

Then she emptied everything in her head instantly, and other miscellaneous thoughts about what can be done about the matter in front of her face.

Any clearest face and detailed analysis of the situation to make small things about the problem will itself become common, so it becomes absent but has what it looks like. It seems to be the best to have a clear understanding and calm of the situation Judgment.

The common cognition adopted after will make the remaining clear understanding and thinking gradually become less and no longer need any other clear treatment of rhetoric?

It is possible that there is only such a kind of problem that happens to happen ~ ~, which will inevitably be accepted by people in detail.

Basically, it is no longer necessary to produce a special clear face and detailed consideration for the problem.

Under the same common understanding and clear understanding of the problem.

So it is in exchange for any other faced problems, which may produce tight understanding and calm analysis.

Then went to face the situation that can be seen in front of me, and further made a common understanding and a clear understanding of what looks like the best.

These seem to be the best kind of problems faced, quite good satisfactory understanding and easy handling.

The estimate therefore becomes that there is no need to have any other common guess about the situation that is most satisfactory.

Leave the rest to time to solve it.

While walking forward, continue to face what you see in front of you, which can be clearly understood and faced by people.

The same problem that is being dealt with, what kind of guitar can't carry out this proper understanding and clear treatment of things.

It seems that the common understanding is almost no longer necessary to make any other common development that is most satisfactory to the problem.

And this is the best suitable understanding made in the initial clear understanding of things.


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