Blood Source Era

Chapter 92: : Monster Elevator

"So if I guess correctly, you must know what this monster is?" Aaron's eyes changed to Luna's.

Because at this time, he felt dangerous.

The danger of being watched in the dark as if your own life could be easily wiped out.

Death is sometimes not terrible, and sometimes even when faced with desperation and struggling people.

Death to some extent can be called liberation.

The soul is liberated from the flesh, and there will be no more troubles and sufferings in this world.

But what is conveyed from the darkness, the shadow and fear full of death, things are different.

On these, Aaron didn't want to fall into a passive and embarrassing desperation.

He doesn't like this feeling of being threatened, life is held in the palm of others, like a candlelight in the darkness.

This is a very uncomfortable emotion.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Aaron does not want to be controlled by others.

He desperately wants to know what a monster hidden in the dark is and what threats to himself?

Knowing this thing itself does not mean that there is a problem?

The question is whether you know it or not. If you know it, you will get an answer or a method that can solve the problem correctly.

Or, to put it another way, I only understand what my problem is.

Then, you will know what the answer you want is, and determine your purpose based on the answer you want, and then take action.

This is the logic that Aaron reasoned in his actions.

So on this matter, he believes that there should be no problem with what he does.

And the other party is indeed obliged to help themselves solve this problem.

After all, this is not a very difficult thing, she will definitely know that since she saw this monster, Luna did not show a terrified look.

Then it proved that she knew what might be wrong.

Therefore, after understanding what he was doing, Aaron spoke to Luna this time with a very strict attitude.

He must know what problem is hidden in it, and then come up with his own solution and answer.

Obviously, the attitude and state are now here. Next, it is up to Luna to respond and respond.

After a short hesitation, Luna also realized the seriousness of the problem.

From this tone, she already felt vaguely what kind of mood and state Aaron was at this time.

Obviously, this man has already felt very dissatisfied with his status quo.

I want things to continue to get worse, then Luna can choose to hide what she knows and continue to make Aaron ’s mood worse.

But obviously, she would not make such a choice.

She did not need to pay such an option to rush Aaron, the two sides were just a cooperative relationship.

So at this time, Luna explained Aaron calmly in a tone close to appeasement.

"I know you feel curious about this monster, but you don't have to worry about it."

When Luna said these words, she also clearly understood what it meant behind this matter.

It's useless to explain this matter by just touching one's mouth.

Especially in such a situation, in the face of such a crisis, it is not possible to simply resolve it without relying on language, and it must do its own thing in person.

Describe everything with action and facts.

So after saying these words, Luna then held her torch in her hand and walked forward.

It's just a pity that the light of the torch can't fully illuminate the huge darkness in front of my eyes, as if all the light has been swallowed by the darkness.

There is no danger, and there is no change, that monster, which is known to both people, is hidden in the dark, and has not made any attacks.

It seems that light is nothing but an indifferent thing, and it has no effect on it at all.

The monster did not attack, and at this time, Luna turned back and explained to Aaron.

"It is just responsible for managing the huge library of this magic academy, of course, it can also help students move quickly when necessary."

Aaron shook his head at a time when he didn't quite understand it.

But what can I do if I don't understand? Even if Aaron shook his head, there was no way to explain why such a thing happened in front of him.

How could there be such a monster that does not attack people, just stay in the darkness so quietly.

And listening to what Luna said, it seems to be someone who can help me come here and go to another floor.

Sounds like it is incredible.

"A living elevator, if I didn't understand the mistake, what should you say, should this mean?"

Aaron tried to extract the approximate meaning of the other party's words ~ ~ and then expressed it in his own language, hoping that such behavior would be useful.

Luna also thought a little hesitantly at this time.

Then she nodded with confidence.

"If you want to understand and think so, then this understanding should not be wrong."

She made her own answer and reply.

However, at this time, in order to reconfirm whether he is safe or not.

Aaron asked another question "Then I would like to ask if he attacks this monster, will he fight me back."

Luna did not answer in the first time, her eyes became a little strange.

Then she smiled and shook her head.

"I believe you will definitely not attack this monster, but for security reasons, if you don't burn books, then I think it should ignore both of us."

After making a little hesitation and analysis, Luna came to a relatively clear conclusion.

She hopes her conclusion can help Aaron understand what is happening now?

However, this action only dispelled Aaron's doubts.

After thinking for a moment, although it is impossible to draw a clear conclusion to prove his safety.

But Aaron also believed that he would never be able to stand still.

He always wants to move forward, and there is a way in front of him.

If he does not continue to move forward, then he has no other way to choose.

So even though he still felt a little uneasy, he nodded helplessly.

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