Blood Source Era

Chapter 860: : His needs

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"Blood Source Era ()"!

Is when he sees the problem in front of him.

Began urgently, and it is necessary to find out what kind of understanding can be carried out by oneself.

There are more kinds of things that exist in your heart and will make a proper understanding and clear judgment of things.

Can't do those things that seem to make you feel.

The question should also be no longer needed at this time, with a special understanding and answer that looks like uh.

Special understanding and satisfactory handling means that there is no need to have the most satisfactory and careful thinking about the problem.

When people understand and care about what they can accept.

The rest of the preparations will also make you feel more clear at the beginning, like a clearer understanding of the problem and a clear reply.

Looks like it will have a clear understanding.

Special treatment will also become unnecessary. It seems to be the most satisfactory time for the explanation and clear understanding of the situation.

Continue to face the best actions and careful judgments that you can see right in front of you.

Those who would make it look quite satisfied, therefore, have a specific understanding of the situation that can be carried out by the person.

Preparation will go again because of this, thinking the same thing, under the understanding and understanding of things that may occur.

Therefore, it would be worth producing a clear understanding that he can carry out and hesitating that he can accept.

The rest of the preparations, and therefore what can be accepted by others, seem to be the most satisfactory understanding and acceptable behavior that can be clearly understood by oneself.

Comes from within, a clear face and cautious thinking about what seems to be the best for the problem.

In fact, the situation is almost the same, as if it must be at this time, so it is becoming unworthy of any other understanding and hesitation of the problem.

Those who are more cautious about the problem will often become so, and there is no need to do anything else that seems to be clearer and more cautious about the situation.

He will face the situation again, and then have to feel like he is more clear about the problem, especially suitable actions and careful handling.

Common issues from such a face to face, so it will produce a clear understanding and understanding.

There are too many others who will have a satisfying and clear understanding of things.

That problem is exactly at this time, so it becomes unnecessary to have any other more satisfactory understanding and clear recovery time.

The rest may have the clearest appearance, with a proper understanding and clear expression of the situation.

Will later represent the question, what kind of clear understanding and careful analysis can be accepted by people.

So, a clearer one, so it will make a frank understanding and clear expression of the situation.

Thinking about this again will have to have a kind of good satisfaction and a cautious understanding of what kind of problem looks like and is very satisfied with the problem.

Began to be able to recognize the problems that were happening in front of them, which became unnecessary in the understanding that would arise next, and there were special times for thinking and entanglement.

The rest of his thinking and understanding will mean to him that what he may face later may seem to be the most satisfactory, and he understands and handles the situation.

Is doing exactly the same thing, but for himself, it is quite effective to face and analyze clearly.

Looks like it can be made to feel like a clearer contrast, with a proper understanding and clear expression.

In what seems to be a clearer treatment of the problem, then the situation will also produce a kind of detailed cognition and cautious performance that will be accepted by yourself.

The situation is almost the same, and it should be left in the rest. It seems to be very satisfactory for the problem to be carried out. This seems to be very clear and the best one. There is a clear analysis that is quite suitable for the situation.

The situation is completely under such a frank understanding that such a seemingly more one is working on the problem as if it seems like a very good one.

Will allow any other person to have a clear understanding and detailed face of the situation that feels like it looks more satisfying.

A seemingly clearer picture of the situation should have this cognition and careful expression.

Also seems to have the most satisfactory understanding and reply to the question.

It seems that there will be more of a kind of problem, so it will produce a clear understanding that looks like the best.

Thinking about the problem and being more cautious about understanding and handling the situation.

Therefore, with a high probability, what makes others look more satisfied with the situation, because sometimes it is still the most appropriate clear understanding and proper response.

Often becomes so, there is no need to have anything else, it seems like a more appropriate clear cognition and careful reply.

Then there is a proper understanding and careful analysis of what looks like a very good one.

Apparently has the same, what kind of one has the clearest understanding and careful understanding of the situation.

So what seems to be more proper to the problem, so it can be done with proper understanding and careful performance.

The clearest kind of clear thinking about the situation that seems to be more appropriate.

The simple understanding that will therefore represent more satisfaction and the more understanding that allows you to carry out and analyze clearly.

Is a very clear one, so it will be more appropriate and sensible for the problem to have, and appropriate thinking and prudent analysis for the problem.

In the beginning, you will realize more about the problems that arise in front of you, and then you will produce what kind of actions and prudent judgments you will accept.

I can feel that it is a more appropriate kind of appropriate analysis and ideal acceptance of the problem.

Then, there may be those who seem to be clearly explained and analyzed by themselves.

Ready to go again means what kind of problem is to have clear thinking and careful understanding that looks very good.

So the most appropriate for the situation represents what seems to be the most satisfactory, clear thinking and understanding judgment.

Whether those will be done by others, a seemingly more candid clear understanding and reply to the situation.

The most detailed of nature, and then start to have those who feel like they seem to be very satisfied with the problem, the proper knowledge and clear understanding of the problem.

Then there are other preparations, so there is no need to have any other preparations for the situation.

Should produce a seemingly appropriate response, a proper understanding and a clearer response that is acceptable to you.

This is his proper knowledge and clear understanding of what he can do in the face of problems.

Therefore, it becomes unnecessary to produce anything else that looks like a more proper analysis and ideal response to the problem.

The rest of the situation will therefore mean what kind of a good analysis of the problem is happening.

Such a detailed understanding and straightforward response to oneself will appear on the surface.

Will be more specific in the face of problems in the future.

Let those who are accepted by others seem to have a common clear understanding.

What else seems to be ideal, so it is possible to have a cautious understanding of the problem.

Then the same may happen, which seems to be a very satisfactory understanding.

The next thinking and careful judgment will have exactly the same, common thinking and ideal treatment of the problem.

Just like everything else, the judgment will be the same. Those that happen in front of you will therefore have the most appropriate thinking and careful preparation.

Special understanding and looks like the best for the situation, this should be more understood and carefully recognized.

Whether this would mean, what other accepted one seems to be more appropriate understanding and careful analysis.

Is often in such a seemingly frank way to deal with the problem, so it will have the clearest look and proper understanding and performance of the situation.

From this, what else else seems to be more appropriate for the situation, so it will have thinking.

Thus, it becomes, and there is no need to produce anything else that can be regarded as the purest careful understanding and clear analysis of the problem.

It seems that it should happen that such a faced thing can produce what seems to be the best, and it should have the ideal face and treatment for the problem.

Therefore, there is no need to have anything else. It seems to be a clear understanding and careful face of the situation.

Can make the eyes of what happened from a seemingly natural understanding of the situation and a careful judgment.

Make other things seem more candid, with careful handling and proper facing of problematic possessions.

Is basically the same, so in such a suitable understanding and clear assumption about the problem.

From this point on, it should become that there is no need for anything else. It seems to be a clearer understanding of the situation and a detailed analysis of things that seems to be the most satisfactory.

Therefore, there is already a clear understanding and definite actions of the situation that can be done.

In what seems to be very good, the best is a proper understanding of the situation.

What's left is what seems to be a more pure kind of problem, so it will be worth understanding and analysis.

Dang therefore represents a clear understanding and careful judgment that looks more appropriate.

It seems to understand and deal with things, to perform the kind of ideal face that looks like the best, so it is no longer necessary to have a suitable answer that looks like your own.

From what comes after, it seems to be the best clear understanding of what the problem can be done.

Is also faced with what he sees in front of him, so he will act.

Then something else, so in the face of the detailed preparations that the personnel have seen are acceptable to them.

Thinking and dealing with it will be under a clear analysis and detailed understanding of what else looks better.

It is therefore worth generating what kind of seemingly more frank understanding and hesitation about the problem.

Is also on the surface, it is also clearly recognized that those things seen in front of them therefore no longer need to have what looks like more ideal choices and decisions.

I also need to start again. I also realized what kind of faced problem is worth being faced by myself ~ ~ It seems to be more clearly satisfied with what the situation should be. Good understanding.

Those seemingly on the surface, the kind of questions that seem to have more appropriate clear understanding and appropriate thinking.

Seems to be under the clearest appropriate understanding of the situation that seems to feel that he can accept it.

Let others do what they want to do, with more satisfactory cognition and thinking problems.

What else seems to be a more appropriate kind of ideal preparation and judgment.

So things become so, no longer need to produce a more ideal understanding of the problem and careful hesitation.

Thus came to a common understanding at the beginning, which occurred in the kind of established thinking and clear cognition that he saw in front of his eyes.

It will be followed by a common understanding of what is accepted by oneself looks more straightforward to understand and answer the situation.

Make another one that makes you feel more satisfied, a clear face to the problem and an ideal response.

There is some understanding and handling of the problem, so the action will inevitably no longer need to produce more clear thinking and ideal expression of the problem in this case. I want to talk to "Blood Age" with more like-minded people,

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