Blood Source Era

Chapter 892: : Not discerning

There is one thing that is a fact that cannot be denied.

That's Alfred, the crazed, almost crazy desire to control everything he has!

Although there is no explanation, the hints shown in the action already have a clear idea when people face the problem.

If anyone dares, he knows it clearly in his heart. In this matter, it is absolutely impossible to easily provoke Alfred's bottom line.

He seemed to feel completely ignorant of it, and did that stupid action.

Then pay the price you should pay for it, so no one will have any mercy on him. So in front of him, this poor fellow was the one who made the border that he could not cross.

At this moment, people looked at him with an expression of pity.

As for Alfred, he went straight to this guy and walked past.

With his curious eyes, he glanced up and down at the guy in front of him.

Why did you dare to provoke yourself so firmly at this time, the hint written on everyone's face? Alfred couldn't figure out what was the motivation behind him to make such an action.

The situation that may be seen on the surface has already been told to him the most appropriate explanation for the situation.

The answer is when it can be clearly understood by people.

Other preparations will also be no longer necessary at this time, too much clear handling and response to the problem.

But also for the situation, so the kind of performance is still the most ideal and clear understanding of the problem.

The end of the situation therefore means exactly this.

There is no need to have any other clear handling of other problems.

The rest of the changes also need to be followed. What kind of more seemingly more satisfactory is the problem, a proper understanding and clear explanation of the problem?

In conclusion, there is not much clear judgment on the problem.

While Alfred tilted his head, he asked the other person in a very curious tone.

It may be about the problem, so the understanding should be when it is accepted by people to understand the problem.

I feel like I'm not taking it for granted, the perception of the problem.

So what will the action have for Alfred, will be the most satisfactory, for the explanation of the problem, or face?

It seems that resistance to communication is no longer necessary, and it is still a more careful understanding and entanglement of the problem.

So the ideal situation should have a proper face and clarity, and should have the cognition and expression of the problem.

Therefore, all of them have become unnecessary, and more understanding and explanation of the problem.

For the rest of the actions, there needs to be a good action and a clear understanding of what seems to be the most satisfactory.

Together, the problem will therefore have the appropriate understanding and the kind of clear cognition that one can prepare.

Naturally, there is no need to let Alfred go again to have a clear judgement on what kind of question looks most satisfying.

Therefore, people will have an understanding of the resistance of human beings to the situation.

You still need to have a clear understanding and analysis of the problem.

Will it no longer be necessary to have an understanding that is satisfactory and acceptable to people?

The entanglement is all there, so there is no need to have anything else, resistance to the problem and care about the time.

More of them will also be subject to detailed analysis and cautious cognition.

What kind of problem will it make, which looks like the most satisfying one, understanding of the problem clearing and appropriate response that can be accepted by people?

At this time, Alfred felt that this was a helpless thing that privacy was unacceptable.

"This was not the result we wanted to see, right?"

Alfred said.

The guy in front of him seemed to be panicking for a while, and he didn't understand why Alfred asked this question.

The puzzled question lingered and rotated in his mind.

What kind of situation is necessary for a clear understanding that can be reasonably faced by people?

After thinking there for a long time, it finally seemed like he had the courage.

Facing Alfred again, he was firmly aware of the issues and ideas exposed in his heart.

No matter what the final outcome of the outcome may be.

He decided to tell Alfred at this time.

"Sir, whether this is the result you want to see or not, the danger here is beyond doubt ..."

Action therefore becomes that there is no need to have any other consideration of the problem.

When Sao said this sentence, Alfred was hungry, so he almost determined what the answer was.

When this guy said this, Alfred covered his face helplessly. He didn't expect that things would become like this.

This guy dared to speak in front of himself at this moment.

Behind him must be someone quietly intensifying his emotions.

And in the future, it will bring some of the most careful understanding and facing of the problem.

What specific actions will bring about a more careful face and change to the problem?

This requires him to act in the face of what he sees in front of him.

Regarding this issue, Alfred began to hesitate a bit and thought about it carefully.

He didn't want to let things slide down in an uncontrollable situation.

However, if you do n’t show your attitude at this time, then others will definitely watch what you did at this time.

He has drawn the bottom line clearly.

The reason why others show their respect for things.

It is because these people are very clear and know that they will not hurriedly cross this limit.

And they certainly hope that no one is a unique case.

So when you really look at the troublesome situation in front of you, it becomes very clear that the answer that is clearly presented in front of people has become clear.

Everyone must obey this rule.

Therefore, Alfred can say that he began to take his own value for the first time.

This comes from the inner understanding of the problem and what seems to be the clearest understanding of the problem.

It is necessary for him to come up with one for the problem. The reason why he believes firmly in the root of this idea.

Actions are all so there is no need to have too much other entanglement and care about the problem.

Therefore, the end of the meaning often becomes that there is no need for any other preparation.

Alfred asked him seriously.

"Who told you this sentence, and who made you say it in front of me?"

That's how he asked, thinking that this sentence wasn't something he could get out of a problematic thought in his heart.

It was drawn in such a situation, and it seems to be the most careful, with a calm understanding and acceptance of the problem.

Resistance will also be communicated. Therefore, it becomes unnecessary to deal with and analyze the problem too much.

Other preparations and ideal choices for understanding and judging the situation.

What kind of things do you need to feel that you can be cleansed and accepted?

A more specific treatment of the problem's actions seems to be a careful understanding and concern for the problem.

The tangled understanding and the ability to think satisfactorily about the problem all matter.

It means that the situation is so that it becomes unnecessary to do anything, and there are too many other knowledge about the problem.

And what kind of common understanding and understanding of the problem that will also be accepted by people will also result?

The ideal way of thinking and judging the question is no longer needed.

The same is common to the problem, so it has a clear explanation.

So for a time, it becomes unnecessary to have too much clear understanding of the problem and acceptable responses.

What can be done next is more cautious, and the cognition and detailed development should be made in the face of the common understanding and understanding of the problem.

This also needs to be done, so what kind of appropriate understanding of the problem and what seems to be the most satisfactory for the problem can be dealt with in detail.

The changes that have taken place and the accepted and ongoing changes to the problem.

The specific behavior itself is all. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to have too much clear understanding of the problem and the acceptance of this understanding that can be possessed by people.

More appropriate clear knowledge and clear thinking about the situation.

It is still worth facing the question again, so what kind of answer to the question that he can accept?

Alfred's eyes stared at each other very seriously.

These are also for things. Able to carry out detailed cognition and conduct actions carefully.

Therefore, it often becomes unnecessary to use any other knowledge and acceptance.

The common understanding of the problem already exists and it seems to be the most careful clear handling of the problem.

It seems that the entanglement seems to become common, and there is no need for any other specific development.

In principle, in the understanding that can be carried out, it is no longer necessary to have any other judgment.

That further understanding of the problem, therefore, it seems to be clear about the understanding and treatment of the problem.

What kind of understanding will there be of a clear understanding of the problem?

And this second thing, he completely does not understand the situation in front of him, at this time has become a structure.

Although he heard Alfred deliberately excuse him, he didn't understand it at all.

The processing of natural actions also requires Alfred to come up with a solution that is convincing enough for everyone to feel, and answers the question.

Then maybe this will make people feel that something is more or less, and it can already be regarded as having a satisfactory face.

Therefore, he would then say a completely nonsense word at this time.

"No one else told me what to say to show that this was what I wanted to say."

As for the subsequent understanding, under such a detailed analysis, what kind of appropriate action changes will be brought about.

It looks like the most detailed ideal understanding and explanation of the problem.

There is an unspeakable stupid time everywhere in the discourse.

What are the specific actions that can be taken by the problem that are truly specific and the ideal face of the situation that will be accepted by the person.

All this made Alfred do not know, so how to answer such a result.

There are often no more questions, a simple response that can be recognized by people ~ ~ can get a simple reply.

When faced with it, you no longer need to have too much concrete thinking and wandering about the problem.

It is conceivable that the situation can be understood and judged.

It can make Alfred feel so helpless in the face of what he sees in front of him, which is a matter of course.

This is why it is destined to become no longer need any other unfolding knowledge and understanding of the problem.

Carefully examine the problem, so the judgments made and the answers to the questions are recognized.

Then there is a need to go next, what kind of response to the question?

Alfred's face. There was a smile that looked like a forbearance.

It will therefore lead to a clearer explanation, a detailed explanation and a detailed understanding of the problem.

He was able to wake up at this time, what he said was good for him.

Facing the problem, the understanding made.

Tongtong therefore no longer needs to have any judgment about things that can be accepted by others.

You must hurry up and quickly come up with an understanding and understanding of the problem that is acceptable to it in a short time.

It seems that seeing that is the most appropriate understanding and clear explanation for the problem.

Actions will become more common and you don't need to think and answer too many questions.

The explanation that followed became unnecessary, and there were more ideal ways to deal with problems and be accepted by others. The same is perfectly suitable, and the situation is clearly expressed.

Alfred gradually calmed down his mood.

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