Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 240: CCXL. The End Of Vibration

Three more arrows were fired and hit again three different targets.

At that moment, two men behind Dag turned to Reidar and began to run, pointing their weapons at him.

The archer slowly retreated and grabbed another arrow from the quiver, managing to hit one of the two on the run.

The other enemy, now very close, jumped towards him, raising his sword to the sky, ready to hit him with a blow, when one of Dag's dark blades hit him from behind, piercing his stomach and impaling him in mid-air, squirting a lot of blood on Reidar, who feared he was being doomed, not being particularly skilled in close combat.

Soon after, the long dark arm that had extended back several meters, swayed like a rope and threw away the enemy, causing him to end up in the rubble of the hut destroyed just before by the Roar's furious charge.

"Captain... Captain!" yelled Reidar, after being unexpectedly rescued by Dag, who had not even turned to him.

Reidar took courage and walked forward, firing an arrow about every two steps and facilitating the task of Dag, who continued to kill enemy soldiers as if they were pesky midges. 

The earth continued to vibrate ever louder as enemy warriors stopped attacking Dag, forced to catch his breath after the effort.

There were about 40 enemies left in front of him and Reidar, and judging by their gaze, they didn't seem intent on attacking.

"What is this flicker?! Captain, is it an earthquake?!" asked Reidar, positioned behind Dag, who briefly closed his eyes, trying to listen.

About two seconds passed, when his eyes opened again, looking down with a worried air.

"What's going on?! What is it?!" continued Reidar, as he looked around, where he could not see beyond the dim torches of the village.

Meanwhile, Gridd, focused on watching his brother and Reidar fighting against multiple enemies, slightly widened her grip on Roar, who grabbed her arm, pulling it hard and projected it forward, causing her to end up with her back on the ground.

Gridd immediately tried to get up and grab the sword again, but the beast hit her with one of her hard hooves on one shoulder, causing her to roll in the mud.

After barely getting up, Roar walked limping toward Sondre, who had lost consciousness and still lay on the ground in front of the palace, armless, in a pool of his own blood.

He hurriedly lowered himself towards him and lifted him off the ground with ease, loading him on his shoulder and running staggeringly towards the hills behind the village, due to the wound on the quadriceps, still open and bloodied. 

Gridd rose from the ground shouting the name of the enemy he had just managed to free himself and attracting the attention of Dag and Reidar, who immediately turned that way.

"Where is he going? Looks like he's taking him somewhere... but where? Maybe Freydis is finally safe? I saw her and Karl come into the building just now, why didn't Roar reach them?" thought Dag, trying to quickly figure out what was going on.

He began to run towards the two fugitives, helping himself with the two dark arms, which every two or three steps, rested on the ground, giving Dag's run a further boost. 

Roar's speed, despite his injury, remained very high and Dag could not reach him immediately: just when he was just a few feet away from that blood-soaked white fur, he stopped suddenly.

"Dag! What are you doing?! They're running! We can't let them go! They could set a second attack and it would be too late for us!" shouted Gridd, angry with herself for letting Roar slip away, not imagining that he had the energy to run away.

Dag stood motionless for a few seconds.

A shiver ran behind his back. 

It was as if his senses were warning him of imminent danger, which he could not see.

He stepped back.

The earth continued to move under his feet and gradually the vibration became even stronger.

"Karl, Freydis! Get out of there! We have to run! Quickly!" he yelled, turning to the stone building and beginning to run in that direction.

Gridd stood still, unearthed, as did Reidar, while the enemy warriors behind him slowly retreated to the huts.

At one point, at the top of the hills surrounding part of the village, something sprang up.

A huge army of enemy warriors, perhaps more than a thousand units, had rushed to the Clan's rescue.

When all those men stopped at the top of the hills, the earthquake suddenly stopped.

Dag slowed his run, looking behind and raising his gaze as if he was looking death in the face.

As hundreds of warriors reached their positions on the hill peaks, others were already standing there, on their horses, watching the havoc that Dag and his companions had caused.

Continuing to run hard, Roar, using both lower and upper limbs, reached one of those groups of warriors on horseback.

The beast laid Sondre's unconscious body on a soldier's steed and with him he moved away towards the other side, disappearing behind the hill. 

At the sight of all those allies, the warriors left behind Reidar took courage and began to cheer, raising their weapons to the sky.

"No... it's not possible..." whispered Dag, taken by a sudden despondency, believing until a few moments before being near the target.

"Captain?! What do we do now?!" said Reidar, walking slowly to Dag and Gridd, not to be alone against the 40 warriors, who for some strange reason were still standing there, waiting before attacking the guy who had knocked out all three of their Masters.

"How many are there?! How many other villages exist on the island besides this?! We're doomed!" Gridd thought aloud, with both swords in her hands and her gaze pointed upwards, like that of her brother, who had his eyes on a particular warrior, who seemed to be the commander of that army.

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