Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 244: CCXLIV. The Hilltop

Continuing to twirl, the warrior laid his foot on the ground and waving and crossing his two long weapons, stuck the array of enemies in front of him, repelling them meters away.

Soon after, as Dag and Sander watched the scene, a Roar-like, but smaller, man-beast ran toward the man, grabbing one of his chains and pulling forcefully, unbalancing him forward.

Before he fell, he threw the other spiked ball at the enemy, wrapping the chain around his neck and using it as a foothold to pull himself up.

With one jump, he positioned himself behind the beast, continuing to wrap the chain around his muscular neck, covered in a grayish fur coat, while the shape-shifting man groaned, trying to free himself using his hands.

The man, with red hair raised in a crest and numerous facial tattoos, turned his gaze towards Dag and simultaneously fell with dead weight down, pulling the chain with him and breaking the neck of the enemy, who knelt and then fell to the ground lifeless, with his tongue sticking out of his mouth after being suffocated.

"That's it, now I don't need to introduce him to you... he's Kjell, our Clan's Master Of Offense! Hahahah!" exclaimed Sander, who, as he giggled, hit an enemy soldier with a headbutt, causing him to fall to the ground.

"You must be Dag! I don't know why, but I thought you were a little different!" said Kjell, before Dag could speak.

"Yes, it's me... I didn't think you'd come!" he replied, turning his gaze to Freydis, to make sure she was okay. 

"Sander told me that a young Master with a strange purple eye had traveled to Skjegg to offer us an alliance and then left with only his team to Vaeren Island to rescue a woman... it sounded like a cool story! Hahaha!" he chuckled, swinging one of his chains and hitting other enemies, more than two meters from him.

Dag stood still for a few seconds when he felt a vibration coming from his chest.

He placed the back of a hand on the armor and immediately noticed that it was the Bjelke Sphere, which had just been activated, identifying an emblem or something similar.

"Now I remember... I knew that one of the Masters of the Crows Of Odin was the owner of an emblem! However, now is not the time to think about these frivolities! My life and that of others are in serious danger!" he thought, continuing to run forward, toward what looked like the army commander and continuing to kill enemy warriors who obstructed passage.

Meanwhile, Gridd stayed behind, close to Karl and Freydis, while Reidar was slightly separated from them, trying to limit the use of bows and arrows, which were decidedly few to face so many enemies, in a battle of such magnitude.

In a rapid sequence of attacks, Gridd quickly eliminated two enemies, while the blades of her swords shone with heaven.

Karl, somewhat clumsy, took a couple of shots, hiding his face behind the shield, and counterattacked a man with a spear, unbalanced him, and hitting him on his side. 

After the badly axed blow, his tomahawk became wedged between the ribs of the enemy, who fell to the ground, disarmed.

Karl lowered himself towards him and pulled the weapon violently, causing him much pain and leaving him to bleed to death, when someone else tried to hit him from the back with a shield shot, but his head was severed with a sharp blow and rolled onto the ground.

"Freydis... th... thank you, sister!" said Karl, who was sweating cold.

"Fuck these sons of bitches... they must pay for what they did to me!" she exclaimed, leaving her sword on the ground and grabbing the spear of the enemy who had just killed Karl, to keep fighting.

The battle raged for nearly an hour, and the dead bodies of hundreds of warriors of both Clans piled lifeless on the ground, making the scene apocalyptic, as their blood flowed down the hillsides.

However, due to the lack of its Masters, the Horns Of Heimdallr Clan lost many more soldiers, who seemed to be fighting in the back of the net, without someone to guide them.

After the arrival of the 'crow warriors', in fact, their numbers began to decrease considerably and went from almost 1000 to about 300 or 400 units, considering that only Dag, Sander, and Kjell, had eliminated more than 100 enemies each, writing the fate of the battle, which was coming to an end.

When Dag finally managed to clear the road in front of him and approach the mounted troops, some of them turned to the other side and ran away, afraid to face such a fearsome enemy.

His physical stamina was gradually diminishing, due to the uninterrupted movements of his body, which had become a real war machine and continued to kill without thinking, blinded by the sense of revenge towards the Clan who had kidnapped and perhaps tortured his woman. 

The man with the horned helmet pulled an axe from behind his back and strongly pushed the horse, which began to run towards Dag, who in turn charged in that direction. 

The enemy loaded the blow, then waved the axe downwards and tried to awkwardly strike Dag, who could easily sense the predictable trajectory of the attack and dodged it, grabbing the handle of the enemy weapon with his hand, whose grip was right there reinforced by a beam of liquid, which now moved following Dag as if it was a natural extension of his body.

He pulled forcefully down, unsealing the man, who fell with his back to the ground, losing weapon and horse, which continued his run among hundreds of frightened soldiers.

"Commander!" yelled an enemy warrior, who, after seeing the scene, quickly fired an arrow at Dag, striking him on the shoulder.

The young man charged a second arrow, but before he could aim, a large hand grabbed his head, lifting him off the ground and making him scream in pain.

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