Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 247: CCXLVII. The Hidden Scar

Waiting for Dag and his companions there was Frank, standing on the dock with his arms pointed forward, ready to grab the ropes for docking.

Karl threw them at him, who slowly and with tricks of the trade pulled the berry to the mainland, blocking it with his foot before its edges could touch the stone of the pier.

"Hahaha! You did it! And my little girl is safe and sound!" he exclaimed with joy, referring to the boat. 

"Yeah! It only took us a few hours longer than expected..." Dag chuckled, getting off the boat and thanking Frank, who led him and his companions to the horses.

"Wow, it's beautiful!" exclaimed Freydis enthused, stroking Aslan's snout, happy to meet him.

"His name is Aslan, he's a really brave steed! Come on, jump on him!" replied Dag, inviting his girlfriend to ride the horse.

Freydis grabbed the bridles, preparing to jump, but as soon as she lifted her leg, she uttered a groan of pain, falling with her knees to the ground, touching the lower part of her neck.

"Freydis! What's going on? Are you hurt?" he asked alarmedly, leaning toward her to help her get back on her feet, while Karl also approached them worried.

"No, it's nothing, don't worry... It's just this stupid scar... I think it's getting infected" she said, standing up and slightly widening the neck of her leather jacket, showing off her right shoulder.

On the lower part of the neck, right on the shoulder, was engraved Inguz, the same rune that Dag saw on Ragna's forehead.

"But...but... sister... what the hell does that mean? What is this, a rune?!" asked Karl, examining the wound, already trying to figure out how to cure it and opening his healing box.

"Yes, it's a rune, I don't know what it is... they were going to engrave it on my forehead, but I wouldn't stop squirming and... this is the best they have been able to achieve" she replied, touching the wound slightly and squinting at the burning, while Dag watched closely, already knowing the story, that under the circumstances had crossed his mind. 

"Come, Karl will heal you. Then we will reach Skjegg and you will get some rest" Dag said, allowing Karl to gently medicate the wound and then lifting Freydis towards Aslan's back, allowing her to ride on horseback.

Karl, Reidar, and Gridd did the same and made their way to Skjegg, leaving the low stone walls of Gurn harbor, after greeting Frank from afar, with whom they had befriended.

"What did they do to you? If only they dared to abuse you in some way, I swear I'll go back to the island and..." 

"No, Dag, don't worry. No one even touched me with a finger. I told you, I was a simple bait, they just wanted you, so they could offer you as a sacrifice instead of me. Your name is known, the Okstorm Clans know your deeds and powers. What do they come from? How did you unleash all that energy? It didn't seem to use Thor's power as the only magical source, didn't it?" asked Freydis, turning her gaze toward Dag, sitting on horseback behind her, with his arms around her hips and holding up the horse's bridles.

Sighing and trying to be as concise as possible, Dag took advantage of the few hours of travel through the streets of Runar to tell his woman about his powers and adventures, including their encounter with the God Weland, witnessed by the Giantbane.

Talking to Freydis was a dream come true. 

Dag had lost count of sleepless nights spent thinking of her, especially during her exile on Magni's farm, where absolute silence was actually incredibly noisy and thousands of thoughts crowded his mind.

After discovering that Freydis had disappeared and was not in Skjegg, he felt a horrible sensation, as if someone had taken the ground off his feet, leaving him in free fall, while the certainties of his life crumbled around him, helpless.

After crossing the last stretch of trail, the mountains that enveloped Skjegg were finally visible and Dag and his companions continued to follow the rest of the Crows Of Odin army to the entrance as the dawn light began to reflect on the rocky vertical walls.

Next to the entrance to the gallery, the three guards moved immediately on their side, allowing the passage of hundreds of Allied warriors returning from the great battle, smiling after sensing the outcome and bowing their heads out of respect towards Master Kjell and Master Sander.

Once past the tunnel and entered the city center, a huge crowd of people blocked the road, screaming and celebrating the return of their soldiers, who had returned many from the expedition to Vaeren Island, witnessing the victory.

Dag and the others stayed behind, on the sidelines, reciprocating a few smiles to friendly faces among the people and continuing to ride towards the city stables.

The soldiers were the first to tie the horses in the large stables, in reserved spaces, while Aslan, Ace, and the others were tied soon after, outward, in spaces arranged for ordinary people.

As Dag finished tying Aslan to the fence, letting the barn displace, someone approached Freydis from behind, attracting the attention of Gridd, who immediately turned to her. 

Freydis also turned around but was immediately relieved.

"F... Freydis...?" asked a shy voice in disbelief to see the girl, who had been reported missing.

"Hello, Ragna..." Freydis whispered, approaching her friend, who watched her with tears in her eyes and surprised expression, unable to move.

"I made it, my friend... Dag came to pick me up, I told you that sooner or later we would see each other again, and it happened!" she continued, approaching Ragna and stroking her hair lovingly.

Before Dag or Gridd could add anything, the two friends hugged, happy to be able to touch each other again.

"Sorry... forgive me, Freydis... I didn't want to... I don't know why..." 

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