Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 249: CCXLIX. The Repressed Passion

Dag grabbed one of her hands and turned back, looking Freydis in the eye and kissing her on the lips repeatedly, basking in the feeling he hadn't felt in a long time.

She moved slightly and began to rinse her face in the water, bringing her hair back. 

After a few seconds, Dag, with a little shyness and agitation, placed one hand on Freydis's side and the other behind her back, beginning to untie the thin leather jacket and shirt below. 

Freydis stood still, moving only her head slightly as if she wanted to accompany his man's sensual movements. 

"I've been thinking about that day all the time... I wanted your body like nothing else in the world and I looked for you among the stars, during the clear winter nights spent alone on that farm far from the world..." whispered him, his voice flickering in the embarrassment of the moment, while his heart in his chest beat madly.

Freydis let her armor and shirt slide along her arms, dropping it to the ground.

Dag's calloused and ruined hands continued to travel along her curves, whose skin was so soft and smooth that it looked like a white cloud. 

They reached the breast and gently squeezed it, raising the levels of hormones in the air, which during that game of looks, became so high that they provoked a deep state of excitement in both bodies of the two young lovers.

Dag began kissing her along the neck and went down her back, lowering her tight trousers, which showed off her round, firm buttocks and athletic legs.

Continuing to move his hands up and down and his mouth down her back, as if it was an act of veneration, Dag noticed that on the outside of her left thigh, six small runes were engraved on her skin, representing the skills Freydis had learned during those months as a Shieldmaiden.

Dag's mouth continued to kiss her relentlessly downwards, until she began to give groans of pleasure and spun towards him, causing him to rise from the ground and frantically kissed him as if he could no longer restrain himself.

He lifted her off the ground and with her, threw both of them on the bed behind, positioning himself above her body, whose abdomen moved intensely because of the breath of sexual desire of her young woman.

A small triangular window was situated on the wall a few meters above the bed and faced towards the cliff outside the walls, towards the valley that surrounded Skjegg.

Still wet with water and sweat, Dag and Freydis continued to love each other with their bodies and minds, redeeming all the sex they didn't have the chance to do during their distance.

The only moments when their bodies were a few centimeters apart were only useful to increase the desire even further, to feel their body-breaths even more, and to go on harder than before.

About 3 hours passed when they fell asleep naked and hugged, one next to the other, forgetting everything and everyone and enjoying that moment of well-deserved tranquility.

After sleeping soundly for just over half an hour, Dag's eyes suddenly opened, because of a bad dream, which had brought him back to the middle of that battle.

He got out of bed without making a noise and grabbed a jug of clean water resting near the bathtub of that room that had all the air of being a guest room and not just a common dorm one.

He breathed deeply and took a long sip, quenching his physically fatigued body.

Freydis kept on sleeping soundly, with her long red hair spreading on the bed like the branches of a tree in autumn and her mouth slightly open, due to tiredness.

Dag continued to wonder what she had actually been through on the island, if her 'nothing happened to me' was just a phrase of circumstance, useful in calming his vengeful soul or was it actually the truth.

He approached her again, lowering his face towards her cheek and kissing her gently, stroking her hair. 

Freydis's nose moved slightly as she continued to sleep.

"Hey, I think it's time to get dressed. I want you to be there when your Masters gives me an answer... what do you think?" he whispered, chuckling sweetened by the expression of the girl, who, while she slept, had an incredibly innocent air, which hid her true warrior nature.

She woke up from sleep, hugged, and kissed Dag still undressed, and he was forced to resist the temptation to make love again, with the intention of not being too late to meet Kjell, Sander, and perhaps the other Master they had not the pleasure of knowing.

After wearing their respective armor again, Dag lashed the belt with his weapons and left the room with Freydis, finding all his companions outside the door, standing still waiting for them.

An exchange of jokes between Karl and Gridd led the group of friends to laughter, after which the five teammates made their way to the Masters building, exiting the dormitory and walking along the path above the imposing Rocky Crown, while the city below was celebrating: they could see many people in the main square, enriched with stalls and carriages full of food and alcohol, which cheered the day to the citizens.

"I just think we should go and have a look over there! Hahah!" exclaimed Gridd, her stomach grumbling.

"Yes, we haven't put anything under our teeth for a while" said Reidar, who has been getting more and more in tune with her lately, which was strange, considering that as soon as they met, they were just disagreeing with anything, especially in geographical topics.

Most Clan warriors were down in town celebrating and the walls were almost deserted. 

When Dag and the others arrived in front of the Masters' building, the two guards at the entrance moved to their side, allowing them to pass without asking questions.

They went up the stairs, already knowing the road.

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