Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 256: CCLVI. The Loudmouth

People began to murmur something and many glances fell on Dag and the others, who were the only ones to have unknown faces.

"In one night, the same young man was able to defeat all three Horns Of Heimdallr Masters alone, also killing the famous Oyvind, the portal warrior, known for never being defeated, thanks to his incredible powers".

The murmur in the crowd grew even louder, while the three warriors who carried the weapons laid them one by one on the rack, on one side of the ruins, and even they marveled at Sander's account, having not witnessed Dag's powers.

"Taking advantage of the courage of Master Dag of the Hammers Of Thor, we too set off for the Island, in the middle of the night, armed to the teeth and with hundreds of allied soldiers" interrupted Kjell, who stepped forward, stopping next to Sander, who placed a hand on Freydis's shoulder and retreated with her, leaving room for his colleague.

"The Horns Of Heimdallr, already decimated and exhausted by the battle against Master Dag and Master Gridd, his sister of the Sons Of Freya Clan, could not resist much under our attacks and after a few hours, we managed to achieve our important victory!" shouted Kjell, raising both arms to the people, who began to scream words of joy.

"Our Clan has never had any true allies, and I fear that this, during these difficult times, may be negative. These young and talented warriors have offered us the opportunity to join them, in a new and great alliance, which Clans who are part of it, will enjoy the benefits of brotherhood and protect themselves in case of need!" concluded Kjell.

Sander went back forward, exchanging places again with him, while Dag looked at Sivert out of the corner of his eye, whose words had been etched in his mind.

"Well, we are happy to inform you that we have accepted their proposal! The Crows Of Odin have officially joined the Iron Alliance!" shouted Sander, causing the crowd to burst, but at the same time looking suspicious, without knowing what it was talking about.

Ellen also came forward and spoke: "This alliance has its own Warchief, that is, the one who coordinates all allied Clans and oversees the tactics of attack and defense against common enemies".

Dag looked at her, thinking that even he, who held that role, would not be able to find better words to describe it.

"Master Dag is the current Warchief, but one of us, according to the rules that bind Clans' union, has the right to challenge him and take his place in the event of victory" Ellen continued, drawing the attention of the people, who began to get excited at those words, smelling public combat.

Dag walked forward, next to the Crows Of Odin Masters, after being nominated several times and interrupted Ellen's speech, which looked slightly annoyed.

"It is a great pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am honored that your Clan has accepted our offer of perpetual peace... because yes, among the various conditions of the Iron Alliance there is the non-belligerence pact, according to which, our Clans can never declare war to each other!" 

People continued to scrutinize Dag from head to toe, but they seemed to like his presence and his friendly and understated tone, unlike that of their three Masters.

"Master Ellen, who you all know very well, challenged me for the title of Warchief... our fight, which will take place with fake weapons and will be a mere demonstration of skill and cunning, will take place here and today! Do you all agree?!" yelled Dag, stealing the show from Ellen, who had already thought about how to communicate it to her people and kept watching Dag annoyed by his brazenness.

Dag continued to explain to everyone the fighting modes and the rules of the combat after the crowd had obviously agreed to see the official fight between the two challengers.

In that way, showing everyone his courage and his nerve, he hoped to be able to captivate the people of Skjegg, who seemed to like his whimsical and purposeful character, without fear.

"Well, apparently you're all ready... bring the rack with training weapons here!" Sander said, trying to raise his voice louder than the crowd.

The three soldiers brought the rack to the altar, resting it just below the stone stairs, and Dag and Ellen came down to choose their weapons.

As Freydis had predicted, Ellen grabbed a long spear, that sufficiently reflected her fighting style.

Dag noticed that in the lower part of the rack, there were two identical one-handed axes.

He grabbed them both, spinning them deftly in his hands and looking at the audience, who approved the gesture of skill and began to cheer for him, who with his charisma that until then had remained unknown, had conquered the eyes of all, leaving even Sander and Kjell, who looked at him, intrigued by the way he did.

"I feel slightly embarrassed, I've always hated the bluster, but... I realized that people would rather cheer those who are confident and for once, I could use it to receive some encouragement from the crowd!" Dag thought, walking to the center of the arena and looking into Ellen's eyes, who did the same.

"Your boyfriend looks particularly confident today, don't you think?" Gridd asked to Freydis, enjoying the imminent battle with her arms crossed.

"I know Ellen's style and I've seen Dag fight. If he will strive as he did on the island, he'll beat her for sure.

Sander also walked to the center of the square, stopping in the middle of the two challengers and raising his arms to bring back the silence.

"As you have already been told, the first of them who will touch the ground with his back will have lost the match. Since the weapons are only fake, it is allowed to them to use their offensive and defensive skills. Are you ready?" he asked, both to the audience and to the two challengers, who nodded their heads, looking into each other's eyes.

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