Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 264: CCLXIV. Cut It Off

Roar began to giggle again, still lying on the ground.

From his handless wrist, thin reddish nerves and bones leaked out one by one and within a few seconds, the muscle tissues were reformed and his fingers began to take shape, creating a hand much larger than before.

Sander and Kjell remained motionless, while Ellen stood up and pointed the stick back to the enemy, who had proven to have regenerative abilities almost comparable to Dag's.

"The only way to eliminate this wound is to cut it out... with a blade I should be able to remove the flap of skin on which it is engraved" Sivert said, who was still standing in front of Freydis and Karl, studying the girl's wound.

"Cut it off?! What are you saying, old man?! I will be able to cure my sister's scar without causing her any more pain! Get away from here!" replied Karl, grabbing his shoulder and pushing him backward. 


Roar rose to his feet and sprinted quickly towards the two opponents in front of him, leaving a furrow onto the ground behind him, due to the incredible speed and strength of his wild charge.

Sander crossed his arms ahead, parrying the beast's punch, but he crawled backward for many meters and his feet dug a furrow into the ground.

Kjell wrapped the chains on his arms and instead of moving sideways, he snapped forward, trying to surprise the beast-man.

As the monster tried to hit him with his horns, he made a small leap, followed by an agile rotation of the torso, through which he found himself behind the neck of the goat demon, releasing the chains and wrapping them around it. 

But this time, Roar didn't let himself be fooled and turned on himself, face to face with his opponent.

Despite having chains around his neck, he managed to grab Kjell's armor with his large hand with claws and dragged it with him.

The demon hit the ground with his back and during the impact, moved his head forward, violently hitting Kjell on a temple.

"Kjell! Kjeeel!" Ellen yelled, beginning to run in that direction.

Roar got up from the ground, shrugging off the chains and throwing Kjell's body, who had lost consciousness, next to him after the head-blow.

Soon after, he turned and began to run towards Ellen, who charged a rod strike, which was parried by his arm.

But before the demon could counterattack, two swords simultaneously hit him on the back, managing to penetrate his flesh and causing him to lament in pain, forcing him to stop his advance.

In an incredibly nimble and fast move, Gridd violently detached the two swords from Roar's back, stopping a few meters from him and looking at him defiantly.

Both blades of Gridd's weapons shone with a heavenly light, as blood slowly glided over them, dripping to the ground.

"I have unfinished business with you, Roar!" she yelled, ready to fight seriously.

Laughing evilly and careless of the wounds, the demon snapped forward, sliding on the terrain the claws of his large hand, which soon after pointed at her, raising a huge cloud of dust, to blind her.

Gridd covered her eyes with one arm and moved deftly to one side, taking off the trajectory of Roar who, confused by his own diversion, failed to notice that the Shieldmaiden was right next to him.

With a precise lunge, she speared Roar on the side, piercing a rib. 

Almost simultaneously, several arrows hit his shoulder, forcing him to slightly rotate his torso and allowing Gridd to twist the blade of the sword to inflict even more damage to her enemy.

Like a lightning bolt, Dag jumped at him, hitting him violently with the hammer in the face, before he could have time to think.

After the three chained attacks, the large goat demon knelt, wounded and panting. 

Reidar fired more arrows, which hit the target, skewering and stopping on the back of the monster, which stood still.

Gridd detached the blade from his body, waving it and shrugging the magenta blood from it, while Dag held the hammer high towards him, ready to give him the coup de grace.


When Sivert was pulled over by Karl, he extracted a dagger from behind his back and stuck it in his arm, causing him to scream in pain and attracting the attention of Dag and the others, who turned for a moment towards him.

After the surprise strike on the young healer, Sivert approached Freydis suspiciously, who could barely move and was sitting on the ground, gasping for the burning caused by her scar.

The old shaman cleaned the dagger's blade with a flap of his long dress and approached it next to the girl's neck, who raised a hand toward him, asking him to stop.

Just then, Reidar fired an arrow that hit him behind his back, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Freydis!" Dag shouted, rushing towards her, after witnessing the scene and fearing for her life.

Karl approached the old shaman and kicked him while he was still on the ground. 

"What were you thinking, uh?! Where do you stand, old asshole?!" he yelled, striking Sivert once again, who writhed in pain.

"You must... cut it off, boy... just... crop that part..." whispered the shaman.

"What is he talking about?" Dag exclaimed, who had managed to hear the old man's words.

"He's talking about Freydis's wound... just ignore him, Dag, he's just babbling!" Karl replied, who after detaching the dagger blade from his arm and wrapping it summarily, moved back to Freydis, followed by Dag, while everyone else kept an eye on Roar, who still couldn't move.

"Hey... hey, Freydis... let me see, move your hand" he whispered, trying to gently pull his woman's wrist. 

"Oh, fuck! What the fuck is going on?!" exclaimed Karl, rolling his eyes, noting that around the scar, the bruise had turned into something else, branching all over her neck and shoulder, as if it was putting its roots down, while the wound of the cut had opened again and the Inguz rune was totally inflamed and bloodied.


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