Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 270: CCLXX. The Light Chains

Roar, who had stood still on it, looked under him, but when he realized that staying there above was not a wise choice, it was too late: from the luminous rune, yellow sunlight-made chains sprang from the ground, wrapping around the wrists and legs of the goat demon, who immediately tried to wriggle out.

With his eyes wide open, Karl kept looking at his hands and the enemy in front of him.

Without even knowing how, he put further pressure on the ground, letting the palms of his hands sink slightly.

That gesture created other chains, which after popping from the bottom up, continued to twist around Roar, who, unable to resist that incredible power, was forced to kneel, immobilized.

Gridd slowed down her advance, not being able to believe her own eyes, ecstatic at the sight of that mighty light source, which was actually the manifestation of divine power.

"Sivert... you... you knew you were going to die... you wanted to protect me, creating this trap... how did you know?!" Karl thought aloud, watching Roar as he tried in vain to move and the shaman's corpse, sensing the true purpose of that rune on the ground.

"Grrraaagh! How did you do that?! Let me... let me go!" Roar exclaimed, who stopped squirming when he realized that as his movements increased, the chains became tighter and tighter.

Meanwhile, Dag had managed to see what had happened behind Freydis, who, since seeing her grandmother's armband that she had given him, remained motionless, noticing what was happening behind her.

Dag picked up the hammer from the ground and placed it on the belt magnet, as well as the axe, which when touched the magnet made a metallic sound and emitted some red-hot spark. 

He lowered both arms, joining his hands and turning his palms upwards as if he wanted to collect water to rinse his face. 

From his back and shoulders came the usual grayish gas, which condensed and became dark liquid, sliding towards his hands. 

While the amount of fluid in his palms continued to grow, the temperature of the Altar of the Raven's Square dropped dramatically.

Ellen and Sander noticed that their breath began to emit vapor, which was very unusual, considering that a few minutes earlier the weather was mild and the temperature was average.

Freydis shook her head as if trying to convince herself that looking at that bracelet was not the right thing to do and a second stone blade began to wrap her other arm, one piece at a time.

The dark fluid in Dag's hands slowly began to fluctuate upwards, and its molecules thickened to form a more or less regular spherical shape, which continued to move without following the laws of gravity.

After about twenty seconds, the fluid stopped gushing from his arms, as if his body had run out of stock.

A sphere with a quite big diameter floated on one of Dag's hands, which was able to move it as he pleased.

Freydis, without further hesitation, snapped at him, bringing back both of the sharp obsidian blades, ready to move them simultaneously and use them as huge scissors.

Dag did the same and began to run towards her, carrying the sphere, which followed his every move. 

The Shieldmaiden waved her arms towards him, cutting the air in front of him, but he pretended to throw the sphere at her and while he was running, he threw himself on the ground, deftly sliding behind her.

Freydis's scissors shot did not score, and only when she turned backward, she realized the true intentions of Dag, who after the slide, had used the race as momentum to launch the sphere of dark material at a great distance, precisely towards Roar, who was still immobilized by the chains summoned by Karl with the Ansuz rune.

The large black ball traveled at a constant speed through the arena, creating a strange optical effect, as if the air around it deformed, assuming a centrifugal motion, from the outside inwards.

The beast-man, still turning towards Karl, heard only the sound of the approaching object and when he felt the energy, he began to agitate again, emitting excruciating verses, similar to a group of people screaming in unison.

Dag's dark sphere hit Roar in full, completely entering his body.

The next instant, the demon closed his eyes, not knowing what was waiting for him.

He opened them after a few seconds of silence, beginning to pant in fear.

"What?! Nothing happened! It's not possible! Dag, I won't be able to hold him for much longer!" Karl yelled, noting that the veins of his hands were swelling nonstop.

Dag stood still looking as he felt one of Freydis's blades behind him and jumped to dodge it, quickly rising from the ground.

After another dodge, he pulled out both of his weapons, ready to counter the murderous fury of his woman, still a slave to the Frostsinners.

Roar looked at his hands and the rest of his body, smiling maliciously after discovering that he was still intact.

"Hahahaha! Fuck you, insolent, little boy! My lords' powers are much stronger than yours! My body was able to absorb your blow, you don't...don't ... ugh!" exclaimed Roar, who spat blood as he spoke.

Under the incredulous gaze of Karl and everyone else, his huge white and mighty body began to sink, starting with his arms, whose muscles and bones curved on themselves, crumpling abnormally.

The hooves shattered into a thousand pieces, making Roar scream even more, so much so that he created a kind of shockwave, which made Karl crawl toward the temple ruins, interrupting the rune's spell. 

In a second the chains of light dissolved in the air, but despite being free, Roar was now doomed.

From his chest numerous bundles of dark liquid sprouted out, similar to tentacles, which wrapped the rest of his legs and arms, compressing everything with force, breaking them on each other.

Roar stopped screaming only when his throat was completely filled with blood, also absorbed by the liquid. 

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