Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 274: CCLXXIV. The Brotherly Concern

Dag's blow struck Freydis's sword, whose blade shattered into a thousand pieces. 

Soon after, with his other arm, he punched the girl's chest, which flew away, violently impacting a wall.

After that counterattack, he opened his arms outwards and clenched his fists, growling so hard to make the ground around him shake and the birds that populated the woods around Skjegg fly away frightened.

From the grayish dust of the walls, Freydis again sprang up, which without even resting her feet on the ground, flew towards Dag at great speed, generating two small obsidian blades around her wrists. 

With a spin on herself, she stuck both blades into Dag's belly, but he remained motionless.

Freydis then, noting that her opponent was not suffering substantial damage, violently rotated the blades embedded in his body, causing a noise of torn flesh.

Dag continued to breathe and look at Freydis, wearing an air of wickedness. 

At one point, the beastly breath stopped and he clenched his teeth, beginning to squeeze his body, hardening the muscles of his abdomen.

In general astonishment, both rocky blades embedded in his belly were slowly expelled by the mere strength of the muscles and nerves of his beastly physique.

Freydis, who had continued to push inwards, noting that her strength was not comparable to that of her opponent, went into confusion and remained motionless for a few seconds.

Just at that juncture, Dag grabbed the girl's wrist and pulled it towards him, hitting her on the forehead with a headbutt.

As had happened to Roar, Dag's head between the two horns, following the transformation, had become as hard as iron.

Freydis staggered backward, raising her head upwards after the impact, while Dag held her up grabbing her arm.

After a few moments, when she managed to look him back in the eye, he lifted her off the ground and grabbed her by the top of the armor.

He rotated on himself and as if he was an Olympic shot-putter, threw the girl back into the wall, deepening the rubble. 

"Dag, stop! You're going to kill her like this!" Karl yelled, fearing for the life of his sister, through whose veins the darkness was still flowing.

The wounds on Dag's belly regenerated instantly, leaving two large holes in his armor.

This time, before Freydis could get up by her own strength, Dag ran at great speed towards her, grabbing her armor again and lifting her from the pile of dust and rocks.

He threw her to the ground and she began to retreat, realizing that she could not face such a powerful opponent.

He lowered himself to her, who immediately crossed her arms in front of him, releasing a shockwave, which made Dag's feet crawl on the ground only a few centimeters. 

He tried again, but she managed to defend herself for the second time, creating a kind of obsidian shield on her forearm, which was snatched away forcefully by Dag, who continued to look at the girl's neck.

"He almost made it... Dag hasn't completely lost his consciousness, look! He's watching Freydis's rune intently, he's going to take it off her neck!" Gridd exclaimed, consoling Karl, who continued to tremble in fear of losing his sister. 

Freydis, while still on the ground, hit Dag with both feet, kicking him in the chest and causing him to back down.

Soon after, she rose to her feet floating, but Dag immediately recovered from the blow and punched her violently in the face, knocking her down again.

Trying to unnecessarily lift her shoulders off the terrain, which moved jerkily because of the stun, Freydis was blocked by a hand from Dag, who squeezed her neck.

The girl began to squirm again, starting to choke.

"Gridd... Gridd! It just seems to me that he wants to kill her! What the fuck are you doing?! We have to stop him! Help me, please!" Karl exclaimed again, his heart down his throat, as Gridd held him still with a hand on his chest, hoping Dag would do what it took to break the Frostsinners' control spell. 

As Dag continued to tighten Freydis's neck, which was beginning to lose consciousness, Karl freed himself from Gridd's grasp and ran to his bestial companion, who noticed his advance out of the corner of his eye and before he could interfere, waved his arm and struck him, knocking him back. 

Karl fell with his back to the ground, but then he nimbly got up, sprinting back to the two opponents. 

"You're killing my sister, Dag! Stop it! Reidar, help me! Hit him! Master Sander, Master Ellen, please!" Karl continued, unnecessarily slamming his fists on Dag's back, which felt only a slight tingling, similar to an itch. 

Dag hit him again, causing him to crawl on the ground to Ellen's feet, which helped him to get up and stopped him before he could walk back.

"Boy, listen to me! Stay still, wait! Wait for a second!" she shouted, blocking Karl by the shoulders as he tried to wriggle out to reach his sister again.

"Your companion has traveled to an unknown island and faced incredibly strong warriors... and all this just to see your sister again... the love he feels for her is superior to the instincts of which his body is impregnated at this moment! I know you're scared, but look... look carefully!" Master Ellen continued, grabbing Karl's cheeks with one hand and forcing him to look. 

As Freydis's arms and legs grew weaker and rested on the ground, barely moving, Dag continued to tighten her neck.

The girl's face, despite her very clear skin, had turned even paler in the absence of oxygen, while her purple and black eyes began to tear, showing Dag that incredibly human feeling she was experiencing at the time: the fear of dying.

He approached Freydis's ears, which could not move and was slowly losing track of the present.

"Resist... my love..." whispered in a chilling voice, while his heavy breath grazed the girl's neck.

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