Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 281: CCLXXXI. The Self Consciousness

Dag, before answering, paused for a moment to think, being very impressed by Sander's observation that despite his age and lifestyle, was trying to observe things outside the box, finally beginning to understand that there was something greater than them, the Clans, the gold, the food, and the battles.

"Looking at their appearance, I don't think you'd be surprised. They are identical to us, perfectly human-shaped… the only thing that changes is the color of their skin and that of their eyes".

Before continuing, Dag looked at Gridd for a moment, wondering if it was appropriate to talk to Sander and the others about his true origins.

She nodded her head, advising her brother that he could trust them.

"I was saying... their eyes... they're identical to this one" Dag continued, pointing to his right eye, which looked at all three of his interlocutors, who for a moment pretended not to understand.

A second passed when Ellen suddenly rose from her chair and stepped back.

"And what does that mean?! Are you one of them?!" she exclaimed, with a worried air, after swallowing a sip of mead.

"The story is a little more complicated... of course I am not one of them, as evidenced by the fact that several times I was forced to face and kill them. Let's say that... something in my blood is very similar to their one, as well as my powers. I'm trying to figure out what kind of connection there is between me and the Xis and trust me, sometimes even I can hardly believe it" Dag sighed, knowing that explaining the whole story of his bloodline would be difficult.

Ellen continued to look at him with a puzzled air, not knowing what kind of reaction to have.

Kjell, after those words, sat down, without saying a word.

"Personally, I don't care where your powers come from, Master Dag. I've known you for a few days, but you've proven that you're serving justice, helping us defeat our rival Clan. If these unknown beings want to kill or kidnap you, they've got to get past me!" Sander said aloud, standing up and resting his hands on the table, with a determined look that stunned Dag and his companions.

The Master of Defense cared a lot about him, even though, during his demonic transformation, he had tried to kill him.

"Listen to me, Masters... my brother's origins are unknown to everyone, even to himself. But I have never questioned his humanity, I think you all had proof of it! Dag, explain to them why you wanted to create the Iron Alliance" Gridd interjected, ready to play with an open hand.

"I firmly believe that the enemies to fight against are not the warriors of the other factions, of the other Clans... if we were all united, we could prepare for the only great battle. We will fight to save the human race!" he promptly replied, who was already thinking about the best words to explain his real intentions.

"What?! And why would these beings want to attack us? What do we have to do with all this?!" Ellen continued, keeping on looking Dag in the face, calming down and sitting down at the table.

"It's not that simple, Master Ellen. While we are here to discuss, on my home planet, Earth, new human beings are created and they'll get involved in my same destiny... at the age of 8, they will be subjected to the Temporum and their lives will change forever. Haven't you ever wondered how this planet originated? Do you know that in reality, that huge luminous sphere up there in heaven is nothing but a fake? The real Sun is dead, it's gone forever... did you know this?" Dag continued, raising his voice and speaking with open heart.

Sander, Ellen, and Kjell were annihilated by those words, as did his companions sitting next to him, who had never seen things from that point of view.

"Boy, these are just legends, it's hard for an old man like me to believe your words. You say that the Sun has gone, and yet here it is its light, passing through the windows of this palace, illuminating its rooms. Even the Temporum you're talking about, it's nothing more than a fairy tale that we tell our children, how can we believe what you're saying?" Sander asked, who despite his trust in Dag, began to doubt his words.

"It's all real, as I told you! How do you think the Earth is right now? Where do you think I came from? I was only eight years old when I was teleported here, never knowing my biological mother or my father, who may never even met each other!" 

"What do you mean? Didn't your mother and father know each other?" Ellen asked, interrupting the conversation.

"I don't know, I've never been allowed to know. Women on Earth are artificially inseminated as if they are machines. The 'seed' is injected into their uterus by those evil beings. They say that by studying our genetics and crossing genes as they please, they can create a new generation of human beings, without physical or psychological defects. They use us as lab rats and none of us ever knew why!" Dag shouted again, as Gridd put her hand on his arm, trying to calm him down.

Sander and Kjell looked on, while Ellen was able to understand the authenticity of Dag's speech from his eyes, which began to become wet.

"Everything you say must make sense. I believe you" Kjell said, breaking the silence as Dag watched him in surprise.

"We do nothing but live and fight, without any real goal. Ever since I first took a weapon in my hands as a kid, I wondered about the true meaning of life, the real reason that drove my being to enter my body. I knew there was something much bigger than us, maybe even bigger than the Gods themselves. May Odin forgive my words, but... I got tired of living without knowing. If there's something so dangerous that threatens our entire race, I want to find it out" Kjell continued, with an incredibly serious look.

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