Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 295: CCXCV. The Light Skills

After only about ten seconds, the Jotunn dropped his companion's body to the ground, while his internal fluids had been completely exhausted and began to breathe anxiously, slowly looking up in the direction of Dag, who was still standing in his position, in disbelief at what he had just seen.

The giant's small eyes, after absorption, had become completely black, as if the pupil had widened dramatically.

"Oh my..." Reidar whispered, unable to hold back his astonishment.

Hearing those words, the Jotunn, caught in a beastly fury and screaming fiercely, charged towards the archer, who pulled an arrow from the quiver.

Fighting without weapons, the monster stretched his arm toward Reidar.

His hand stopped a few inches from his face, while the poor archer broke into a cold sweat, thinking he was doomed.

Under Reidar's grainy eyes, who took advantage of the moment to move a few feet away, the Jotunn fell to the ground squirming out of control, while a beam of dark fluid enveloped his large ankle, preventing him from advancing further.

After quickly stowed both weapons, facilitated by the functional magnets on his belt, Dag had stretched his arms towards the enemy and a considerable amount of fluid was splashed out of his chest, wrapping his enemy's arms as he continued to pull back. 

The giant rotated on himself, back to the ground, and tried to grab the sturdy fluid rope tied to his leg, realizing too late that it was not made of solid material and was therefore uncatchable.

At that point, the fluid also englobed his hand, which got stuck inside of it.

Dag looked at Gridd, asking her with the gaze to intervene, knowing that with good teamwork, they would defeat many more enemies in less time. 

With the blades of the swords stained with blood, she approached the Jotunn, who could not move from that position and stabbed him with both weapons, piercing his throat.

Slowly and emitting muscle spasms, the big enemy stopped moving and his head dangled downwards as the blood gushed from the deep cuts caused by Gridd, who had perfectly severed his arteries.

Dag began to call the fluid back to him, causing it to crawl over the enemy's body, but at one point he stopped it.

"His heart... it started beating again!" he thought, ordering the dark liquid to return to its position, immobilizing the giant. 

Gridd, after pulling the swords out of the monster's throat, had turned to Reidar to check that he was okay, but was immediately called by Dag, who screamed her name and told her to be careful, after noticing that the Jotunn had just opened his little black eyes, similar to those of a shark.

With staggering force, the enemy grounded his free leg and got up, while Dag was unbalanced forward, unable to restrain him and changing his foot position, trying to immobilize him again.

Before the enemy could attack Gridd from behind, an arrow pierced his skull, coming out of its back.

Reidar, who was not distracted, managed to load and fire an arrow in a matter of seconds, stopping the giant, who would otherwise hurt his teammate.

Taking advantage of Reidar's precise shot, Dag pulled the fluid beams attached to Jotunn's body, which was unbalanced but did not fall to the ground.

Gridd turned and moved both swords with a circular trajectory, directed at the opponent's legs, on which, after a few seconds of swing, two large cuts appeared, just above the knees. 

The Jotunn made a strange verse, resentful of a grunt, and soon after tried to take a step forward, toward Gridd, but another bundle of fluid wrapped his neck.

"He's incredibly resilient, the wounds don't seem to do him any harm!" Dag said under strain, with both arms stretched out toward their opponent.

Reidar fired another arrow, which hit the Jotunn on the forehead: although his arrows had an excellent penetrative ability, managing to pierce almost any kind of material, the metal tip of the one that struck the enemy barely got over his skin, remaining attached to his head only for a few seconds, before falling to the ground.

Under the astonished eyes of Reidar, who already imagined how difficult it would be for him to fight other enemies whose skin was virtually immune to his arrows, Gridd's swords began to light up with the celestial light, but this time, their aura was much more intense than usual. 

From the tip of the blades, the light spread into many small swaying beams, taking on a shape similar to the branches of a tree. 

When the celestial aura reached a large size, Gridd began to slash the air in front of her, repeatedly crossing the two swords and as a result, also their bright branches, which struck hundreds of times the body of the Jotunn, who began to suffer the blows, raising an arm in front of his face, trying to protect it while Dag continued to hold him still with a constant force.

After Gridd's relentless barrage, which thanks to his skill reduced the Jotunn's body to a sieve, Dag pulled him again, unbalancing him and causing him to fall in that direction.

Before his heavy body touched the ground, the fluid quickly re-entered his master's body, loosening its grip and Dag grabbed the Giantbane, striking the giant on his chin: the strength of his body added up to the force of gravity given by the enemy's weight and the red hot blades of the divine axe cut his head vertically in half, from the chin to the forehead.

A sketch of blood twirled in the air, falling to the ground like thick, red rain, while Dag and his companions caught their breath.

Without wasting too much time congratulating themselves for killing two Jotunn in a matter of minutes, they all headed to Ellen and Kjell, who were almost alone, not being their soldiers able to counter such strong enemies.

The Crows Of Odin's Master Of Healing kept cinching in on her spiked rod, facing a Jotunn who, judging by his reflexes, seemed exhausted.

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