Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 299: CCXCIX. The Two Elements

Dag lowered himself to his knees, bending slightly forward, loading a dash: during this phase, the electricity that enveloped his right arm spread behind his back and the purple sparkles climbed along one of the dark arms, which absorbed the power and boosted it, controlling it inside and electrifying its particles.

Similarly, the flames around the other arm reached the second beam of dark fluid, which fed on that heat and began to emit flames in turn.

When both extensions of his body were fully charged, Dag continued to let himself be carried away by his instincts, while that mysterious voice continued to whisper something incomprehensible to him and his purple eye shone more and more, staring at his enemies, now a few hundred meters away.

The sparks and flames descended to the ground, and when Dag tightened the grips of his weapons, his muscles grew suddenly, swelling the veins of his neck and arms. 

After activating Call Of The Berserkr, he pushed his feet towards the ground, sprinting forward at a superhuman speed and leaving a deep furrow behind him, as well as a slipstream both electric and fiery, in which his two powers coexisted, as within his body, which at that time was like a furnace in the middle of a lightning storm.

Within seconds he reached the front row of Jotunns, who naively tried to counter him, underestimating his immense power. 

Moving the Giantbane in front of him, Dag generated a huge fiery shock wave, which struck dozens of enemy warriors, cutting off their flesh and instantly setting them on fire.

As the hit Jotunns began to scream in pain, he struck the air in front of him with the hammer: a large intense purple lightning bolt was fired at great speed, electrocuting other enemies on the spot, who were undeterred not to stop their advance. 

After the two violent blows that decimated the enemies, Dag's companions stood still and watched that light show.

Even Gridd paused, opening wide her shiny eyes, continuing to cry open-mouthed.

The several dozen Jotunns still unharmed, slowed their run, after witnessing the instant death of their comrades, whose burned and charred bodies laid motionless on the ground, slowly returning to their original form.

Some of them looked at Dag, in disbelief at the notice that such a young warrior had managed to kill so many of them, each of whom had the physical strength of ten men.

He continued to carry out follow-up attacks, and other lightning bolts burned the ground and the air around him, accompanied by powerful blazes, so large that could not be dodged in any way. 

Dag continued to scream as he felt a huge amount of energy flowing through his body.

Unlike the times when the dark power seemed to have taken over, this time it was different: the young Master had not lost control of his body, but was dominating it, taking advantage of the maximum potential of his magical weapons, which, combined with that of fluid, had exceeded all his expectations.

"What is my life compared to that of all the innocents I saw die?! Why is my breath worth more than that of those poor innocent children, whose tears a few days ago flowed through the grains of the sand of Runar?! I am ready to sacrifice my life for them, but I will take these damn Jotunns with me, at the cost of continuing to fight for eternity, till the gates of Valhalla!" he thought, keeping on releasing all the energy stored in his body, as he felt a strong heat coming from the center of his chest.

Six Jotunns took courage, ordering their allies to stop the retreat and ran towards Dag, wielding their heavy weapons and preparing to strike him to death. 

When his gaze fell on them, a frosty air pervaded their bones, slowing their movements, which became even more cumbersome and predictable.

The two dark arms behind his back began to swing dangerously, releasing the energy of the two elements. 

The electric arm was the first to strike, sticking three giants one after the other and burning their organs from the inside until they lost their grip on their weapons, which fell to the ground.

Within seconds, life flew away from their mighty bodies and they were lifted like feathers by that bundle of dark fluid, which with a whipping-like motion threw them away from the ravine, causing them to fall like stones into the sea that slapped on the rocky shores of the region.

"Groooarrgh!" three other enemies yelled, running toward Dag, getting closer than their companions, oblivious to what was about to happen. 

When the first dark arm stopped spinning, the second took its place, emitting scorching flames, which spread throughout the area, causing the rest of the enemy troops to retreat.

The first Jotunn tried to parry the blow with a large axe, which as soon as it was touched by the burning fluid, fell from his hands, while his body was enveloped by flames, that reduced him to shreds.

The second and third giants also faced the same fate, and their companions watched in terror their bodies that melted to the ground, exhausting the combustion process. 

Dag's breathing became heavier, but despite this, his body seemed to gradually increase his power as the enemy's blood was shed. 

After a few moments of hesitation, the remaining Jotunns began to run again, but not in the direction of Dag: most of them tried to keep their distance from him, heading towards the boat, which was about to sail, after its crew realized that the rest of the army was now doomed.

"Where are you going?! I'm not done with you yet! Damn you!" Dag shouted, wildly looking around, as his eyes shed bitter tears, fomenting his ardent and eager spirit to fight.

About twenty enemies managed to get past the critical point, after which Dag's huge dark arms could not reach them.

At that moment, he raised the hammer to the sky, which suddenly darkened, after a small cloud laden with rain was generated out of nowhere above their heads.

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