Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 303: CCCIII. The Dirty Hair

The journey went smoothly and after a few hours, amidst the dense vegetation, the three adventurers were able to distinguish the angular shapes of the Rocky Crown, which rose towering in the sky.

The three guards defending the main gate, as soon as they saw Dag, Gridd, and Reidar, moved from the entrance to the tunnel, letting them pass and slightly bowing their heads, out of respect, after the news of their deeds had reached the streets of the city.

The three companions left the horses in the appropriate stables and climbed to the top of the walls, while Dag quivered with the urge to meet his woman again.

After arriving at the top, they noticed that the only lights on were those of the torches that lined the path carved into the rock, illuminating the entire circumference of the crown.

Dag asked the guard in front of the Masters building if Freydis was still in the infirmary and after making sure that she was not in there, without further hesitation, tired from the journey and still with his belly full, he made his way with his companions to the dormitory, realizing that the rooms they had used a few days earlier were probably free and ready to be occupied during that night.

They went up the stairs and as he had guessed and behind each of the three doors there was a key, which symbolized the availability of each room.

Reidar entered the left, Gridd the right one.

Dag pulled the key from the central room door and slowly entered, trying not to wake the rest of the warriors who populated the dormitory.

Candlelight illuminated part of the room, making visible the wooden cabinet leaning against the wall and the rack, on which were resting the pieces of leather armor.

He smiled and stepped forward, when the girl lying on the bed, under the blankets, awoke from her sleep and moved her long red hair from her face, turning to him.

Dag approached Freydis, who rubbed her eyes with her hands, incredulous to see her man safe and sound.

"Dag! You're here! I knew you'd be back soon, I felt it inside me!" she exclaimed, discovering her semi-naked body under the covers, while Dag interrupted her and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her towards him and kissing her on the lips, preventing her from saying anything else.

The girl's lips blushed and her eyes closed softly, while she let go with her whole body to that passionate embrace, during which Dag's hands slipped behind her back, descending under the underwear, which was the only thing that slightly covered her curves.

She hugged him tightly, clutching and stroking his face, passing a hand through his dirty hair, which still smelled of battle, blood, and earth, as the kiss became more sensual and deep.

After Dag raised her legs and slammed her back on the bed, they began to make love without saying anything, at that sacred moment, which for them was now like a kind of ritual, during which, each time, eternal fidelity was sworn.

Several hours passed before they fell asleep, having done it so several times, insatiably.

She leaned her head over his chest, gently brushing him with her fingers, and Dag began to tell her what had happened along the coast, talking about the battle against the Jotunns, which Ellen and Kjell had already mentioned after returning to Skjegg.

"And what do you think about the crystal the little girl was talking about?" Freydis asked.

"I honestly have no idea. All I know is one of them tried to steal my axe, and this thing had never happened to me before. It seemed that the Jotunn knew exactly what he was stealing, he knew he hadn't taken an item haphazardly. You know, the Giantbane has two little red crystals set on its handle..." answered Dag, looking at the ceiling and trying to reflect, remembering the details.

"Those could be the crystals the Giants of Ymir were talking about, don't you think?" 

"Yes, but how did they know? That weapon was forged by Weland, the divine blacksmith, and the crystals are the result of a process called 'Soul Fusion', through which the soul of an innocent warrior has been sacrificed and converted into a kind of energy source, capable of activating the intrinsic power of that weapon. What does this have to do with the Jotunns? Maybe they didn't even know the true origins of the Giantbane... and even if they knew the truth, the question is still… how? Who told them? Only me, Karl and Reidar went to Weland and I'm willing to bet that none of my closest companions would ever betray me in this way, not least because I would have noticed" Dag continued, who, speaking to Freydis, tried to reason with her.

"When the enemies played the retreat? I mean, the exact moment…" she asked as if she had an intuition.

"I don't know, I believe right after I killed the thief and took back the Giantbane..." 

Freydis remained silent for a few seconds, thinking, then snuggled up in Dag's arms, focusing on the fact that her man had finally returned and the next time she would leave, she could stay by his side.

After cuddling his girlfriend, he got out of bed and approached the water-filled wooden tub next to the wall, beginning to wash his arms and chest, while Freydis looked at him intently, noting that despite his multiple battles, he had very few scars. 

When he finished cleaning his body and clothes, leaving the water completely dirty, he dressed up and asked Freydis to do the same.

The two lovers left the room, closing the lock and carrying the key with them. 

Reidar and Gridd weren't there to wait for them, so Dag and Freydis came out of the dorm and headed to the Masters's building.

The Sun shone high in the sky as they entered the palace, always strictly guarded by guards.

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