Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 309: CCCIX. Sleep Together

The hand reached her lower back and Reidar immediately pulled it away, while his face turned red as a tomato.

"Fuck! If she wakes up it's the end for me!" he thought again, looking for the key on Gridd's other leg, whose pants didn't seem to have many pockets, but they had to hide the key somewhere.

Finally, after touching the girl's legs for several minutes, Reidar felt a small metal body under the palm of his hand and gently stuck his fingers in that pocket, pulling out the key one millimeter at a time, beginning to sweat with embarrassment and nervousness, increased by the fact that Gridd's body began to weigh.

After retrieving the key, he immediately walked to the door, opened it, and entered the room, resting the drunken girl on the bed, making sure not to wake her up.

All the alcohol he had drunk made him lose his head and the thought of sleeping on the floor made his muscles stiffen.

His eyes were closing on exhaustion and his legs trembled as he stood by Gridd's bed, on which a little space advanced, even if it was designed for one person.

Reidar could not resist and, without even undressing, laid down next to her, falling asleep like a rock in a few minutes.

In addition to the two of them, everyone else slept without ever waking up, weighed down by the mead and the food of the night before. 

Among them, Reidar was the first to open his eyes as soon as the sunlight entered the small window of the room.

Immediately, he turned to Gridd, who was still there, in the same position she had been resting in, but with the neckline of the armor slightly open.

Embarrassed as ever, he tiptoed out of bed: trying to make as little noise as possible, he didn't notice that right under his feet, on the floor, was the Failnaught.

Moving awkwardly, Reidar slightly stepped on it with his foot and the solid wood of the bow touched the ground, making noise.

At that point, Gridd began to move and stretch, and when she turned to the other side, the top of her untied leather armor slipped under her back, leaving it uncovered.

Reidar's cheeks blushed beyond measure, and the tension he felt in those awkward moments was palpable.

He lowered himself to the floor and picked up the Failnaught, tucking an arm under its rope and placing it behind his back, as usual. 

The last obstacle between him and the embarrassment was the door: he looked at it, beginning to walk slowly towards it when Gridd began to move again, moaning and turning back to him, slightly opening her eyes, still a little stunned.

Reidar was paralyzed, imagining what would happen if he tried to hide.

Gridd's gaze, initially facing the ceiling, gradually lowered, falling on him, who instinctively put his hands forward, ready to justify his presence in the room, with the face red for the embarrassment.

"Hhhmmm... hey..." she whispered, proving to be conscious and to have seen him.

"He... hey..." Reidar stuttered, who still could not move and was about a meter from the door.

Gridd got up, sitting on the bed, passing one hand through her messy hair, and reconnecting his armor, one snare at a time.

The archer swallowed empty, not knowing how to behave: from outside the door, he did not hear a pin drop and this made him understand that his companions were still sleeping like gophers.

"Don't worry, Reidar, I remember almost everything from last night... thank you for bringing me here... I think that, if you weren't there to help me, I'd still be in that inn by now... yaaawn!" Gridd exclaimed, stretching her arms upwards and smiling at her friend, who squinted, not believing his ears.

"Uhm... of course, Gridd... I did it with pleasure... the door to my room was closed, I don't think Karl thought about the fact that..." 

Before he finished the sentence, the Shieldmaiden got out of bed, tying her blonde hair into a perfect braid, the result of years of habit. 

She walked towards him, who again could not say anything else, trembling like a leaf.

"You don't have to justify yourself... It was nice" she interrupted, gently kissing his cheek and leaving the room seconds later, leaving him petrified.

As soon as Gridd closed the door, Reidar sighed long and deep, closing his eyes and thinking back to that night, during which, if he wanted to, he could also take advantage of her.

"Aargh! How can I think about such things!" he thought aloud, shaking his head as the image of Turid appeared in his mind.

Although he was in love with his current girlfriend, the fascination of a more mature woman had always attracted him: there was something in her that intrigued him, perhaps the tone of her voice or the fact that she was a strong and independent person, able to fend for herself.

When he heard the noise of the other doors coming from the dorm hallway, Reidar took courage and went out, meeting Dag and the others, who, despite being numb, as soon as they saw him leave Gridd's room, looked at him with an astonished expression.

"So? What do you foresee for our training today? I brought a scroll of the Temple Of Orn with me and I'd like to learn it. Are we going to the arena?" he asked, pretending nothing and trying to evade the curious glances of his companions, who looked at him mischievously while he headed for the stairs leading downstairs, after noticing that Gridd was not among them.

"Karl, why did Reidar leave my sister's room?" Dag asked, scratching his head and yawning.

"I think it's my fault... last night I was very tired and I must have forgotten to leave the door open... then I noticed that Reidar drove Gridd to the dorm because she was so tired and drunk that she couldn't stand up, but... you know Reidar... he has an iron will" Karl replied, reassuring Dag, who for a moment felt jealous, thinking of his friend in bed with his sister and completely forgetting that he saw them too.

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