Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 314: CCCXIV. An Old Man's Thoughts

"I had about a week to reflect on what was proposed. Although I initially disagreed with Dag's decision, my heart and sword will forever be devoted to Odin and the people of Skjegg, to protect them from all kinds of threats, until death. Therefore, I say yes too" Ellen exclaimed, arousing an astonished expression in Dag and Gridd, after listening to her reasoning.

"Very good then! From this moment on, Dag will choose the period of the mission and gather a crew. With your consent, Dag, being Gurn one of Okstorm's best harbors, which also boasts the nation's best shipbuilders, I'd like to personally take care of the direction of the work for the boat that will lead our troops to the shores of Krypstorm" Sander replied, asking Dag for permission.

"Of course, my friend. I would also like to congratulate you, for fully respecting the principles and rules of the Iron Alliance, making the declaration of the Masters' votes an official and precise act. As for the ship, I think the old Frank is our man... in my opinion, he will be happy to make himself useful!" Dag said, getting up and sighing with relief, looking at the happy faces of his teammates, who after the hard training, were ready to go.

"All right, Dag. Tomorrow I will accompany you to Frank and his men to discuss the upcoming construction, so you know the timing of the realization of the best ship Okstorm has ever seen! Now, however, I would like to toast our future mission, the greatest in Skjold's history!" Sander cheered enthusiastically, gesticulating with his hand and calling the librarian, who waited just outside the door and was ready for order.

"Just a moment. Why not make our celebrations public? What if we announce what will happen next to all citizens and celebrate with them? I think a little good humor can only do well here in Skjegg!" Dag continued, advising his allies on a better way to celebrate the good news from the other Clans.

The librarian stopped by the stairs and Sander, Kjell and Ellen looked into each other's eyes, considering the idea.

After a few seconds, she said: "Master Dag is right... let us show to the people that after our new alliance, our army is ready to face such an important mission!"

"Yes, I agree too! Let's delay the toast to tonight... we could make the announcement and invite all citizens to the Altar of the Raven Square to toast in the name of Odin and the other Gods, so that they bless us for our journey!" Gridd interrupted, who wanted at all costs to express her opinion.

"It's decided then! Messengers, I entrust you with another important task! Have you heard what Master Dag proposed? Go! Warn everyone about the banquet to be held this evening under the eyes of the Gods!" Sander said, ordering the four messengers to spread the word. 

The three men and women nodded and, after a respectful bow to all the Masters in the hall, walked away.

"Then... Dag. I guess you didn't spend this time just training and resting... I'm convinced you already have an idea of the kind of crew needed to take on such a risky mission... mm I right?" Kjell inquired, trying to pursue the matter. 

"Well, let's say yes. I imagined what I think might be the best configuration and I would discuss it with you these days, but... since you asked me... first of all, I think the total number of soldiers needed is 40, excluding the Masters. As for their subdivision, this depends a lot on the type of ship we will use, but, in my opinion, the best option is to have a dozen rowers and at least two drivers, able to switch and rest their eyes and arms" Dag explained, who expected Kjell to ask the same kind of question.

"Mmh... okay, let's just say it might be okay... and what about the others? What kind of warriors could be better suited than others?" Kjell continued, running his hand through his mohawk.

"Surely we won't be able to deprive Skjegg, Mount Torden and Hevnen of their best warriors, otherwise the Iron Alliance's enemy Clans could take advantage of it, but... being a very dangerous mission, I would like the crew to be made up of warriors with a minimum of experience".

"You also talked about us Masters, if I understood correctly..." Ellen interrupted, from whose face seemed to have disappeared that expression of superiority.

"Yes... besides me and my sister Gridd, I would like two of you to join the mission, as well as one of my Clan's two Masters. You know better than me that you can't leave a Clan uncovered, otherwise, it would sink into chaos. So I think a total of 5 Masters is more than good for this kind of mission" Dag replied, trying to explain his point of view.

"Interesting... I'm going to come. The curiosity to know what lies beyond that great expanse of water is already killing me. I want to meet the members of the legendary Clans of the 'far north', the protagonists of the legends that frighten our children. It will be an honor to take part in the most important mission Okstorm has ever seen" Kjell exclaimed, securing a seat on the boat.

Dag smiled and meanwhile Sander turned to Ellen, resting his hand on her shoulder and looking her in the eye.

"Ellen, my friend... I know that I am the oldest among you and in the last missions I ended up getting injured or whatever, but... this time I'd like to go. I feel like if my life is about to know its end and I need to see what's on the other side, I need to find out why they attacked Runar. Since this guy arrived in Skjegg with his companions, I saw something different in him, I began to breathe an air of change. If I stayed here again, waiting for the inexorable flow of time and knowing that you are who knows where to fight against legendary enemies, I would never forgive myself and die of remorse..." Sander confessed to his colleague, who during those words grabbed his hand, shaking it and smiling.

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