Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 323: CCCXXIII. The Legendary Skill

Immediately, everyone approached in a circle around the table, to find out what it was all about, including Dargeon, who, despite being a Master, did not know the library as well as Egill, who remembered by heart the contents of each of its corners and shelves.

"Memory Of Mjöllnir" Dag read aloud, squinting in amazement, in front of that ancient book, which judging by the old leather cover, on which runes were barely visible, must have been several hundred years old.

"Hey, Egill... are you kidding?" Dargeon inquired, looking at Egill with a puzzled air, while he enjoyed the general astonishment of his guests.

"What... what is this, Master Egill? Is it a skill? Why is it enclosed within a book and not a simple scroll?" Dag asked, who could not understand whether it was a skill or a story, having the book many pages. 

Egill waited a few seconds before answering and placed his hand on the dark red cover of the tome: "Memory Of Mjölllnir... this book has been stuck on that shelf for a long time... exactly since Magni realized that he had to increase his power to be able to learn its content".

"Magni? Do you mean that Master Magni learned all the content of this book?" Dag asked, who like his teammates was not understanding what was going on.

"It's not that simple... yes, this book contains the basics for learning a level 9 skill. The library does not have many of them and every one is unique, that is, it cannot be replicated. Reidar, come closer" Egill continued, turning to the archer.

"Me?" he asked, with one hand resting on his chest, not understanding why Egill was calling him.

"Grab the book and open it. There's something I want to show Dag" Egill replied, with his arms still folded.

Dag and Freydis looked at Reidar with a confused air when he took the book from the table and looked at it carefully, trying to figure out if there was anything strange.

It looked like a normal old book, with yellowed pages from the years and the cover faded and flayed.

Reidar put his hand on it and after a few seconds, he stretched his eyes.

"What? What is it? Open it, Reidar!" Dag said, noting his companion's expression.

"It doesn't open! I… I can't!" he exclaimed, trying first with one hand, then with two, to lift the cover, from the front and the back, horizontally and vertically, but to no avail.

"Okay, Reidar. Put it back on the table" Egill ordered, smiling.

"I don't understand... it looks like a simple book... why couldn't I open it?" the archer asked, looking at his hands, wondering what was wrong with him.

"You can strive as much as you want, Reidar, but that book won't open" Dargeon exclaimed, who grabbed the book and showed everyone how he too was unable to open it, despite its incredible physical strength, which was totally useless in that case.

"What does that mean, Egill?" Dag asked back, looking at his Master and colleague in the eye.

"Level 9 and 10 skills are enclosed in ancient tomes, like this one in front of you, because a simple scroll can't contain all the information you need. The power that keeps the book closed is older than this planet, it is said to derive from Thor himself, as well as the other sealed tomes of this library, which are the most precious asset of our Clan, which for centuries has been committed to protecting them" Egill explained.

"If no one can open it, why are you showing it to us?" Dag continued, seeking further clarification.

"Master Magni trained for most of his life... just to be able to open it and learn the powerful skill it contains. After more than 20 years, he barely managed to lift the cover from the front page of the book and gave it up, with the promise of continuing to train harder than before and try again. As you can imagine, he could no longer do so, because his life was extinguished and now he sits with the Aesir in Valhalla. You inherited his hammer and part of his power, so you can consider this ancient tome as his legacy to you".

"For me? And how do you know I'll open it? If Master Magni has not succeeded after so many years, how can I do it?" Dag gasped, who felt a great moral responsibility to Magni on his shoulders.

"I don't know, Dag" Egill smiled again, conveying calm and serenity through his wisdom-filled eyes, which penetrated the young Master's soul.

Dag stopped talking, as did everyone else around him.

Freydis touched his shoulder, looking at him confidently. 

He moved his hand softly and approached the book, which lay in the middle of the table, after the vain attempts of Dargeon and Reidar.

He lifted it up, feeling its weight.

Very slowly he placed a hand on it, feeling the irregularities of the cover and resting his fingers to the side of it, ready to lift it.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Gradually, he detached the palm of his hand from the rough surface of the leather, beginning to exert traction with his fingers, which remained stationary in the same position.

The traction continued and he applied more force, but the book remained closed as if nothing was happening.

"Let's go, Dag! You can do it!" Freydis cheered, who was witnessing the scene next to Reidar, focused on watching. 

Dargeon and Egill were on the other side of the table instead and staring at Dag waiting for something to happen.

While Dargeon was defiant, there was something in Egill's eyes, resentful of a glimmer of hope. 

"Come on! Open up, baby! Fuck this!" he muttered, barely breathing in the effort as the veins of his arms swelled slightly.

The fingers of his hand were completely stretched out, as was his arm, which was applying as much strength as possible.

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