Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 325: CCCXXV. The Bombshell

"What are you talking about, Master?! Tell me, I beg you... what did you find out?!" Dag pleaded, standing up and breathing hard as the black background behind Magni began to fade.

"813666... a terrestrial child, yet another identification code... and yet, my dear Dag, like your two fathers, you have parents too... a father and a mother... the blood of your blood, light, and darkness... united forever, but distant at the same time" Magni continued, slowly floating toward Dag, who immediately widened his eyes.

"A father?! This doesn't make any sense! I am only the result of an experiment, like all my childhood companions and the millions of children who are born on Earth every day, by women who are artificially fertilized and have no choice! Master, why do you say that?!" Dag replied, who feared that the vision would be interrupted before he got answers.

"You were just a newborn, a few hours after birth, when he was forced to let you go... but the love for your mother gave him hope, gave him the strength to start again". 

"His name! Please tell me his name! My mother, my father... how do I find them? Where are they? On Earth or other planets? How do I find them?! Don't leave, Magni! Please!" 

"I am nothing but the conscience of a man, who has dedicated his life to fighting against the wind and all I know, now you know it too. You're afraid you're not worthy, but you don't know that all the answers are inside you... I've always been right Dag... you are the key!" 

After speaking and before the incredulous Dag could say anything, Magni's ethereal body dashed to him and entered his body, which in an instant returned to the real world, breaking the vision.



Dag took a very deep breath as if he had just come out of freediving that lasted several minutes.

Around him, everything was as before: his companions and the Masters were still there, waiting to witness something astounding, while he held the ancient tome in his hands and the black fluid flowed over them, touching the cover of the book, which vibrated powerfully, waiting to release the restrained energy.

His legs suddenly stopped shaking when he felt an unexpected feeling of calm and quiet starting from his mind and wrapping his whole body.

A tear fell from his purple eye, hitting the surface of the dark fluid, permeating inside it and reaching the book, which stopped suddenly vibrating.

Dag caught his breath and swallowed empty, recalling the fluid, which after re-entering his body completely, disappeared into thin air, absorbed by his skin.

His fingers were still resting beneath the leather cover of the legendary tome: exerting faint traction from the bottom up, it detached from the first page of the book, which opened, releasing a considerable amount of light energy, in a glow that faded after a few seconds.

When he and his companions were able to look again, the manual was completely wide open in his hands.

'Memory Of Mjöllnir – basic techniques to wield the Lightning Hammer'

Dag read in a low voice what was written on the front page in Elder Futhark.

After his words, Dargeon sat by the table, falling awkwardly into his chair and continuing to stare at Dag, rubbing his eyes.

The young Master finally looked up and then, his gaze immediately fell on Freydis, who had stood still in front of him the whole time and now looked at him with shining eyes, moved by his courage and fortitude.

"Haha... Hahahaha... hahahahahah! He made it! He unlocked the book!" Egill yelled without restraint, exploding into an uncontrolled, decidedly unusual laugh, given his always wise and calm character.

"Hahah, great! I knew you'd make it, Captain!" 

"I'm proud of you, Dag!" 

Reidar and Freydis, letting themselves be carried away by Egill's enthusiasm, rejoiced with him, congratulating Dag, who had not yet achieved what had just happened.

Magni's hammer had stopped producing sparks and he knelt down, dropping the book in front of him.

Reidar and Egill quickly rushed towards him, helping him get up and sit on a chair, picking up the tome and resting it on the table.

"Hey! Hey! Dag! Is everything okay, boy? What happened?" Egill asked, gently slapping his face, trying to make him feel better.

"Uhm... yes... I'm fine... I saw him, Master Egill... he was right in front of me and I talked to him" Dag whispered, barely looking into his eyes.

"Who did you see?" Egill asked again, who already imagined an answer.

"Magni! Master Magni was in front of me! He helped me unlock that book, telling me that the answers I'm looking for are inside me because I'm the key! What the fuck does that mean? Now I feel even more confused than before!" he exclaimed, standing up soon after fully recovering his senses.

"Calm down, Dag... relax now, it's all right. You managed to get into a level 9 skill when you were just 18, do you realize that?!" Freydis said, approaching him and stroking his face, trying to reassure him.

"Arrgh... what a headache" Dag replied, touching his forehead and looking down.

After a few minutes of drinking a glass of water, he finally calmed down, realizing that he was safe and sound in the library of Temple Of Orn.

In front of him there was Egill's face, who wanted to know more, noting that during the last minutes before everything was surrounded with the light, Dag had closed his eyes, coming out of his body for a few seconds.

"Master Magni is part of me now... he told me that he continues to live inside me, the hammer is just a means by which I can unleash his power!" Dag began, attracting the attention of everyone, including Dargeon, who slowly rose from his chair.

"So? What did he tell you? Did he confirm that you are worthy to learn Memory of MJölllnir?" Reidar interrupted as he entered the conversation.

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