Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 327: CCCXXVII. The Confidence

"Just now you said they saved you from extinction..." Egill continued, reminding Dag of his own words.

"I saw something different... and I'm afraid I've seen the truth" he replied, in a serious tone.

"The truth?" Dargeon intervened, who was taking longer than anyone to realize his words, as his spirit was deeply rooted in Viking traditions and culture, such as that of Kjell and Ellen, who are also reluctant to accept reality.

"A long time ago, I nearly died. And a moment before I was saved by my powers, I had another vision, much longer and more immersive than I had just now. A gigantic black hand, made of the same material that I can create from nothing, has enveloped the real Sun, reducing it to a dark and cold star and crushing it into a thousand pieces".

"Do you... do you mean..." 

"Yes... I suspect the Sun's death was caused by the Xis. I don't know why yet, but... In my opinion, their goal was to take over the Earth and dominate the human race, from the very beginning" Dag continued, looking one by one at all those around him, hanging from his lips, not believing that he could ever know all those things, which seemed only fantastic tales, but were the mere truth.

"Do you know that you can't tell anyone these things, do you? You'd risk putting your life back on it, Dag" Egill said, trying to give advice to his former student and assimilate all those new concepts for him as well.

"I know, one step at a time… as was also established with the Crows Of Odin Masters" Dag confirmed, recalling the speech he made with Sander and Kjell on the morning of his departure from Skjegg.

The talk continued for another hour until even Dag was tired of talking and along with Reidar and Freydis, leaving the library and heading to the dormitory, precisely to his room, inviting Reidar to sleep in another nearby room, whose door was already open.

What was his and Aslan's room had remained intact, exactly as he had left it before leaving for Hevnen and Skjegg, hoping that someone would accept his absurd proposal.

When the two lovers entered, he locked the door, making Freydis sense his desire to make love.

She, without hesitation for a moment, turned to him and took off his clothes, making Dag follow her every gesture with his eyes, savoring that preliminary moment, which was followed by an intense sex session.

"And what about your parents?" she asked, resting her head on her boyfriend's chest after they were both exhausted and naked on the bed.

Dag did not answer, taking a deep breath, having not forgotten for a second that important detail, of which Magni had only hinted at him.

"I mean... what are you going to do? How can you find them?" she replied, putting in his shoes.

He stroked her hair, kissed her forehead, and with a disconsolate air said: "Finding them is practically impossible, not being them on this planet. In any case, they will have to wait, there are some important issues to be completed before. I have lived my whole life knowing that my mother was locked up in some laboratory and that my father had died or that I had never had one, having been created artificially, inseminating a human egg...".

"Even though I don't understand these technicalities, I know what you're referring to. I just wish you knew something... I will follow you everywhere, Dag. I know I tell you this a lot of times, but I want to make sure you understand that. The further I go, the more I realize that our lives are just a breath of wind compared to those of the Gods or these creatures that come from who knows where. You can't waste an entire existence fighting for your Clan and taking decades to conquer a meager piece of land, knowing that in the meantime, someone moves the threads of everything, as if we were puppets. From the false Sun that illuminates the sky in the morning, to the moon and all the living things on this planet... everything we see has been created by external forces, far from our comprehension... you explained it to me, do you remember?" she said, looking up and kissing him on the neck.

Dag nodded, recalling the moment he and his woman stopped to look at the stars, in a position similar to the one they had at the time, but outdoors, lying in the vegetation on the outskirts of Jernhest.

He told her that not all the bright dots in the black sky were mere stars and that many of them were actually Skjold-like planets, on which millions of people followed different stories, living their lives in the footsteps of their ancestors, with their customs traditions, and their Pantheons. 

He also spoke to Freydis about some of his childhood friends, such as the brave Hiro, who had never seen again since the day of the Temporum, after years of playing and talking together, in that artificial world that had nothing left of 'terrestrial'.

Immersed in those nostalgic thoughts, as Freydis's breath grazed his chest, Dag fell asleep.

The next day, he opened his eyes at the first light of dawn, with the only thought of the crowd of warriors gathered in the courtyard, hoping to gather a good number of volunteers.

Dag got out of bed and got ready quickly, looking forward to climbing the stone pedestal of the Masters, now having the right to do so.

"Hey, Freydis! I'm sure Master Egill is ready for the speech and that the first Clan warriors are already making their way into the courtyard... I can't be late! See you there!" he exclaimed as Freydis stretched out into the bed, still asleep, yawning.

"All right..." she whispered with her eyes closed as Dag walked out of the room, heading down the hall.

Just then, Reidar also opened a door, finding himself in front of his Captain, who greeted with a smile.

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