Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 329: CCCXXIX. No Remorse

"Very well, there are only two more left!" Master Egill shouted, to make everyone hear his voice.

The warriors looked at each other, trying to figure out who was next.

The ten volunteers knew Dag and Reidar, but they had barely seen their faces a few times. 

They were 7 Berserkrs and 3 Shieldmaidens and stood firm in position, proud of their choice and without remorse.

While the Masters awaited two other volunteers, a blond boy made his way through the crowd, walking forward silently.

Reidar noticed him, remembering his face and smiled.

"Terje! Come forward, brother!" the archer exclaimed, acknowledging one of his companions, a warrior who, like him, was one of Egill's best students.

Dag looked at him, and when he remembered that that young boy was one of the options when he chose Reidar, he smiled, happy with his choice, believing that also after all that time he didn't lose faith in him.

Before he got into position, another figure sprang from the crowd: she was a Shieldmaiden with a robust body and heavy pace.

"Runa! Here you are!" Reidar said again, satisfied.

"Who are they? Do you know them already?" Freydis asked, having never seen those faces.

"The two of them ran with Reidar to take part in the mission to Tyven, choosing to accompany me on their own. In the end, I chose Reidar, because immediately I was inspired by confidence... I was afraid they'd hate me... Instead, here they are!" Dag replied enthusiastically, explaining to Freydis who were the last two volunteers, who stood in line next to the others and like them, raised their fists towards the Masters, confirming their loyalty to Dag and to the Clan.

Dag did the same, acclaiming his 12 warriors, ready to take part in an uncertain and dangerous mission, that nevertheless would give real meaning to their lives.

The people from the crowd behind them continued to shout Dag's and Egill's name, as well as cheering on their brave companions.

"Hahaha! Did you see that? It only took us a few minutes!" Egill chuckled, who had already reassured Dag from the previous evening, that with his speech had made the process even faster.

The Master Of Healing raised his arm with his hand open and everyone was silent, bringing back the order to the Temple courtyard.

"Hammers Of Thor! I knew you wouldn't disappoint our expectations! Volunteer warriors... come forward!" Egill yelled, inviting the line of warriors to approach the pedestal, to meet Dag and part of his team.

The Warchief jumped and fell to the ground, approaching the rest of the team.

Many of them looked at him with admiration, with their eyes shiny and moved, as if he was a real God, knowing his deeds, which were worth more than a thousand words.

He shook hands with everyone, as did Freydis and Reidar, who congratulated the warriors, most of them young fellows, but already specialized in various types of combat.

"Thank you, Terje... and thanks to you too, Runa. I'm glad you don't have any remorse. I'm sure you understand the reason for my choice. Anyway, we've always been on the same team" Dag said, shaking hands with the two warriors, who responded with a slight smile.

The celebrations continued until Egill restored again the silence and invited everyone present to restart the daily training.

In the meanwhile, the twelve followed Dag, Reidar, and Freydis to the main gate of the Temple Of Orn, ready for more details.

"If you have any questions to ask… you can do it! The three of us will be happy to answer! Anyway, this is Reidar, our infallible archer! But I'm sure the majority of you already know him... she's Freydis, a Crows of Odin adept. Her fighting style is all about speed and counter-attacks... I challenge anyone to use a spear with her own mastery!" Dag exclaimed, introducing the two members of his team to the rest of the crew, praising their main characteristics.

"Master Dag, you talked about 5 Masters... besides you and Master Egill, who are the others?" a Shieldmaiden asked, looking at him with a pretty and innocent face, with dark hair collected in a tail.

"Right, I didn't tell you their names... as well as me and Egill, there are Master Gridd, who fights for the Sons Of Freya, Master Sander, and Master Kjell, who are two incredible Crows Of Odin warriors. You will be in very good hands!" Dag replied, continuing to galvanize the chosen ones.

Some of them continued to ask questions, to which Dag and the others answered without hesitation, noting that it was a diverse group, consisting of warriors of both sexes and a large age range: the youngestof them were probably his peers, while the two older ones, a man and a woman, could be in their fifties.

There were those who wore heavy armor, those who wore leather armor, those who fought with heavy weapons, those who exploited the speed of daggers and knives. 

Dag continued to talk almost for the rest of the morning, inviting them to pack their bags, explaining to them to take the bare necessities and make their bags as bulky as possible, so as not to weigh the boat down too much.

As the twelve made their way to the dormitory, continuing to chat enthusiastically with each other and anticipating the battle that awaited them, Egill approached the three friends.

The Master Of Healing carried a leather bag over his shoulder, probably filled with stocks and healing potions, knowing his experience as a healer.

In addition, he held in his arms the tome of 'Memory Of Mjollnir', ready to entrust it to Dag.

"Keep it, I want you to take it with you" he said, handing the book to his colleague.

"But... you said it's unique and not replicable! What if I lose it? Its contents would be lost forever!" Dag said, who had planned to study the tome once he returned to the temple, with all the necessary concentration.

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