Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 380: CCCLXXX. Memory Of Mjöllnir

A dozen wolves faster than the others sprang from the herd, running at great speed in the snow, their jaws wide open and their claws ready to strike.

In the mind of the young Dag, the figure of Magni appeared, as always immersed in darkness.

"Master! I feel it! It's coming! I'm worthy! I'm worthy!" Dag said, turning to the spirit of his Master, who smiled toward him and grabbed both of his arms.

"Think of your parents, Dag... do it for them... prove to yourself how much you're worth... you've lived in fear for too long... now take what belongs to you! use your powers for yourself too, not just for others! Become the warrior I wanted you to be! Unleash your power, Dag!" Magni's spirit answered aloud, clutching his pupil's wrists and barely raising his arms upwards, beginning to scream out loud with fatigue.

"Grrrraaaaagh!" Dag shouted, joining his battle cry with that of his master.

When he opened his eyes, his legs were completely stretched out, as well as his arms and the hammer had finally reached the highest point.

A giant white lightning bolt was fired at great speed from the center of the vortex in the sky and hit him, completely covering his body.

All the soldiers and his comrades inside the barrier were frightened, fearing that something had gone wrong, having never witnessed a man being struck by such a large lightning bolt.

As soon as the lightning bolt hit the ground, it unleashed a powerful shockwave, which spread with a circular trajectory around him, knocking the pack of wolves that were running to the ground.

Many of the enemies tried to cling to the ground with their fingernails, while others were swept away like leaves in the wind.

When the light from the sky stopped and the lightning decreased in dimension until it disappeared, Dag was still there, standing on his feet and with the hammer raised to the sky.

Magni's hammer was completely wrapped in a white electric aura, so powerful that it released several small lightning bolts around it.

His right eye remained purple and his left one became completely white, without the pupil.

The werewolves recovered from the shock and began to run towards him again, but some of them swerved, running away from the battlefield, toward the split into the rock from which they had come.

Dag lowered the hammer and took two steps forward.

The huge vortex above his head remained open, ready to unleash more lightning at his order.

"Thoor! I know you can hear me! My name is Dag, and I am the one who will save Asgard and Midgard from the rule of the Frostsinners!" he yelled as he looked up, recalling that the lightning that had struck him just before came from the tallest tower in Asgard, which at that time was connected to Midgard via that rift in the sky, which worked as a kind of portal.

After these words, without waiting a moment longer, Dag lowered himself on his legs and jumped upwards, reaching more than 5 meters in height.

A second lightning bolt, slightly smaller than the first, descended vertically from the sky and hit the head of the hammer, which Dag waved upwards.

Falling down again, he hit the ground violently, blowing up the first layers of rock on it.

Inside the barrier, the warriors who were watching the scene were breathless to see a gigantic seismic wave that spread from that point in the direction of the wolves and then the village.

Between the slits and cracks of the rock rising on the crest of the wave it was possible to see the electricity entered inside by the hammer of Dag, who had transferred all its energy to the ground.

All the werewolves who were running, as soon as they saw what they were going to encounter, suddenly changed direction, beginning to run away on the other side, trying to accelerate the pace to escape that wave, similar to that caused by a tsunami, with the only difference of being made of rocks, crumpling on them, devouring everything in their path, fueled by the static energy inside them.

One by one, the wolves were swallowed by the abnormal wave, which sucked them into the ground and snow, reducing them to shreds so small, that the only thing left of them were ascending blood spatters.

"Aaaargh! We're all going to die!" 

"Master Egill, the barrier will not withstand such a strong attack!" 

Dag's companions continued to agitate, watching the giant rocky wave reach the barrier at great speed.

Egill said nothing, knowing that his soldiers were probably right: despite the incredible resistance of that barrier, the seismic wave would lift the ground under his feet and he would surely lose his balance, ditching his grip on the staff and disabling the protective barrier.

Just as his face began to express his resignation, from afar, Dag snapped forward, running next to the big wave. 

The enemies had now all been swallowed up and together with them, all the carcasses that lay on the ground, both those of the wolves and those of the Allied soldiers, dead under Kjell's orders.

Dag activated Call Of The Berserkr and greatly increased his muscle mass and speed of movement, managing to overcome the wave. 

He raised the hammer behind him, continuing to run, and a third lightning bolt struck Magni's weapon, electrifying it.

Jumping forward in front of the wave, Dag hurled a powerful lightning bolt at it, causing a massive explosion, which hit the barrier and the rest of the plain.

Hundreds of rocks and boulders hit the protective dome created by Egill, who tried not to let go, keeping his hands still on the staff, as the barrier shook and began to break in some places hit by particularly heavy and sharp rocks.

In addition to them, the explosion generated a wave of earth and mud, which completely enveloped the barrier, fully obscuring its interior.

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