Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 390: CCCXC. The Soggy Sphere

The two Masters did not arrive in time, that they heard another noise, this time more familiar.

From Dag's shoulders, two dark arms took shape, rising upwards and gaining thickness, growing in size, and becoming very large.

The wolf was able to see them despite his damaged eyes and felt the smell and noise, realizing that it was nothing good for him.

He left Dag's hair and grabbed his arm, sticking his claws in his flesh, trying in every way to loosen his grip so he could free himself and crawling to the ground with the only leg he had, to push him back and get rid of Dag.

Egill and Gridd stopped, knowing that at that point, their intervention would be futile and they could even injure themselves because of Dag's dark powers, also because he seemed to have full control of the two arms, which slowly turned their upper extremities inside, pointing them towards Sander's face.

Despite the severe pain in his arm, Dag was able to activate Call Of The Berserkr: the muscles of his legs grew considerably and the wolf's nails stuck in his flesh bent under the bundles of nerves that became as hard as steel.

"Graaargh!" the wolf yelled, uttering a verse more like a human scream than an animal roar.

Focusing on his dark power, Dag was able to give the two arms a different shape than usual.

Their ends, instead of becoming two sharp blades, split into many thin filaments, floating in the air like small tentacles, approaching the face of the wolf, who stretched his eyes, waving even more, but to no avail, while Dag's strong arms held the hammer still on his neck.

Sander then began frantically moving his arm forward, trying to hit one of the two beams of black liquid that were approaching dangerously.

One swing after another, the wolf's claws cut the air like blades, without being able to hit his target, and he violently detached his nails from Dag's flesh, so he could use his other arm as well.

Dag gritted his teeth, resisting the pain, while a small bundle of liquid entered the wound, beginning to heal it.

Caught in a fury caused by Call Of The Berserkr, when Sander pointed both arms forward, trying to grab the liquid, Dag pulled the hammer backward, impressing almost all the strength he had in his body.

Sander's mouth opened and his tongue went out during the strangulation process, while the two small eyes closed, to withstand traction.

"Dag, stop! You're going to kill him like this!" Egill exclaimed, beginning to fear for Sander's life, who seemed to have no hope against Dag's incredible physical strength.

The liquid reached the wolf's arms, and all the small tentacles at his extremities wrapped them, calcifying and locking them.

At that point, continuing to emit guttural verses, with the trachea under great pressure, Sander spat something, which after flying away from his mouth, fell to the ground, moving slightly.

The wolf lost consciousness and Dag let go of his grip on his neck.

The two huge arms full of fur decreased in volume and returned to their original form, as well as the face and the rest of the body.

In about thirty seconds, Sander returned a human being and with his eyes closed, he faded backward, ending up in Dag's arms, holding up his head to prevent him from slamming to the ground, while his face, which had turned red for effort, returned to be as pale as before the transformation.

What the fuck is this soggy stuff?! Kjell exclaimed, who, with a piece of wood that had been used to turn the meat on the embers, touched the strange black, soft object that had leaked out of the werewolf's mouth.

The strange object seemed to be a small living, spherical, and completely black being, with small bumps on its surface, which had the appearance of so many needles, but in reality, they were soft, like the rest of its little body.

Egill rushed to Sander, helping Dag, paying attention to the two dark arms, which slowly re-entered the body of their creator, thinning and sliding behind his back, emitting the usual liquid noise.

He placed a hand on his neck and an ear on his chest, hoping to hear his heartbeat.

"He's alive... you saved him, Dag" Egill said, smiling at his Warchief, who breathed a sigh of relief as the soldiers who had witnessed the scene began to celebrate, glad that Dag had eliminated the threat and managed to save their Masters.

Dag got up and approached Kjell, who was still touching that soggy little thing with his stick.

He tried to look at it better, but he couldn't figure out what it was, having never seen anything like it.

"I have no idea what it is, but it's its fault that Sander had become a wolf... I told you, it must be the result of a skill of the Claws Of Fenrir warriors" Dag said, resting his hand on his arm and surprisingly noting that the wounds caused by Sander's fingernails had already healed. 

Speaking to each other, Dad and Kjell did not notice that the little black sphere began to move strangely, and just as they looked down, it suddenly jumped on Kjell's face, who screamed from the fright and struck it with his hand, causing it to end up on the ground again.

Dag, without thinking twice, stomped the little soggy little thing with his foot, killing it instantly.

When he raised his foot, the substance of which it was composed stuck under the plant of the boot, emitting a nauseating stench.

"What the fuck?! Did you see that?! It wanted to get into my mouth! Luckily I managed to dodge it, otherwise, I would have become a werewolf myself!" Kjell replied, touching his face, fearing that there were other remnants of that strange being on it. 

As Gridd and Freydis approached Dag, to check on his physical condition, glad he was fine and the other warriors calmed down, someone spoke in a very weak voice.

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