Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 393: CCCXCIII. The Bad Dream

Making him remain motionless as under the effect of a spell, Freydis approached the stone bed and placed both her hands on it, resting her breasts on its cold surface and bending her back, showing his boy the perfection of her buttocks and vagina, illuminated by the faint torch on the wall of the room and ready to welcome him.

At that point, Dag could no longer resist and approached her, resting one hand on her hips and another in her hair, pulling them slightly backward.

Her head followed the movement and her eyes first looked at the ceiling and then closed, fully enjoying the pleasure.

In addition to the desire to make love with his woman, Dag vented at that moment his frustration and sorrow at the loss of all those soldiers, who died for the cause.

The two lovers had sex several times, continuing for about two hours and tightening up with pleasant violence, slightly more accentuated than other times, amplified by their mutual desire.

When they had finished the act, they lay on the floor, over two thick mutton furs, which made it even more comfortable than that hard stone bed, flat and tough. 

"Now you'll think that my desire for you wasn't respectful to the two men who died tonight, right?" Freydis asked, trying to put herself in the shoes of Dag, who had always been more sensitive than necessary about these things.

"No, it is not so at all, indeed. I dragged you into this room just because I wanted to be alone with you... I felt the need to own your body, I feel like I'm not devoting enough time to you" he said, looking into her eyes and moving her hair from her sweaty forehead.

"You know it's not up to you, but all the difficulties we're facing... this is not a honeymoon, but the most important mission Skjold has ever seen in the last century." 

After the wise words of his girlfriend, feeling that the bond between their minds was strengthening more and more, increasing their degree of empathy, Dag said nothing and merely hugged her, to retain the heat dispersed by their bodies during the sexual momentum.

Kissing softly and sensing their warm breaths, Dag and Freydis fell asleep like stones, both naked and lying on the floor.


The next day, a thin beam of light entered through the small window of the room, barely illuminating the floor in front of their feet.

The two lovebirds woke up simultaneously, looking into each other's eyes and noticing that they had spent the whole night stationary in the same position, particularly comfortable for both of them.

Dag uncovered Freydis's body, still warm under the blanket, and kissed her breasts, gently touching and cuddling her, stroking her back and belly.

"I'd love to stay in here forever, but we have to go, my love" he said, rising from the floor, stretching out and beginning to get dressed to face the battle.

"I hope everything will be fine today... I don't know why, but I had a bad dream last night... I only woke up for a few moments... it was enough to see your face in front of mine to make me fall asleep." 

"What kind of dream was it?" 

"Nothing important... I just have a bad feeling... be careful when you go down with Gridd down there... and keep an eye on my brother, you know he's a little bit clumsy in this kind of thing" Freydis continued, not speaking openly to Dag about her dream, during which she had seen dozens and dozens of wolves kill him and his companions, then climb back up to them and complete the massacre.

"Dreams are often the manifestation of one's fears. When you fear something a lot, you may dream that thing will happen in the worst possible way. Don't worry, Freydis, I'm going to be careful. Those sons of bitches deserve a lesson, I can't wait to get my hands dirty with their beastly blood" Dag replied, tying his belt around his waist and completing his battle setting.

Both of them walked out of the room, noting that most of the soldiers were ready to go, as well as the Masters, who were waiting for their Warchief to arrive.

Reidar was talking to Gridd, discussing about the impending battle and dipping the tip of some of his arrows into a purple liquid contained in a bowl, while Egill and Kjell were on the other side, explaining the details to the soldiers who had spent the night in the other house.

A few minutes after arriving in the main room, Dag saw the door to Sander's room open.

The Master Of Defense came out accompanied by the soldier who the day before had promised Dag to fabricate a tool that would help Sander walk.

In fact, he was now able to move autonomously, with a kind of wooden prosthesis attached to his knee, which enveloped the injured part of its lower joint and rested on the ground, unloading the weight on the wooden splint identified by Dag, very robust and resistant.

Despite still having to get used to his new leg, Sander didn't seem to have much trouble walking on that uneven floor and looked at the soldiers with a happy air, glad he didn't have to be a burden to the whole team.

The soldier who had improvised a woodworker looked at his Warchief, who reciprocated with a smile and winked at him, satisfied with his work.

"So, ladies! Do we want to get out of this place?" Sander asked in a playful tone and full of good intentions for the future, tying his axe to the belt and his huge tower shield behind his back, ready to pull it out at any time.

"And I was starting to get used to this place..." Egill chuckled, happy for his friend and ready to go, with the staff in his hands.

"It seems to me that you are all ready, perfect! I'll recap the plan for the last time, so pay attention to the details and ask what you didn't understand!" Dag said, drawing the attention of all the soldiers, including those from the second house, who had already listened to Kjell and Egill's explanation.

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