Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 404: CDIV. The Break

"Soldiers! Is it okay for you if we take a break in here, despite the bodies? We have a maximum of 15 or 20 minutes, just to put something under our teeth and restore our dehydrated bodies!" Dag said aloud, interrupting the words of Egill, who along with him turned to the soldiers.

They looked at each other and nodded as if trying to find a common agreement, and when they all seemed to agree, they gave an affirmative answer to their Masters, confirming that they wanted to rest a little, before continuing to walk for who knows how many more kilometers.

Dag sat on a large boulder next to one of the cave walls, tucking his torch into a rock slit, to light up the area.

Freydis approached him, as did Gridd and Reidar, who sat under the rock, at a point where the floor was more regular.

Karl instead positioned himself next to Egill and both of the healers began to check the contents of their bags, kicking out some herbs and other materials and beginning to prepare ointments, as many resources had already been used to treat wounded soldiers during the battle on the surface, especially Sander.

"I saw how easily you killed that gigantic wolf, Dag" Freydis said, breaking the silence as she stroked the back of Thalos, who had become so familiar with her that he let her do it.

Gridd and Reidar turned to look at him, eating a piece of smoked salmon each and waiting for an answer, intrigued by his thoughts about the battle.

"It's because of the training I did in Skjegg before I left for Krypstorm... when I focused on the mere domination of my dark power. It seems that I can control it much better than before, giving it the shapes I want in a few seconds" he commented, pulling out some food from his bag and sharing it with his girlfriend.

"I've never seen anyone kill such a great enemy in seconds, Dag. If you couldn't control your power, it would be the end..." 

"What do you mean?" 

"I say that fluid that you generate from your back has an incredibly destructive force. Remember when I tried to get close to you? That time I tried to tame it, to make it realize that it didn't have to see me as a threat... your dark arms are like strangers living within your body, endowed with their own intelligence and consciousness..."

"How come you're thinking about this now? Looks like I managed to save you all because of my arms, didn't I? You can see it with your own eyes... when I can, I avoid to use the fluid when I fight, but there are some moments when it's impossible" Dag replied, who was surprised that Freydis had made such consideration in front of Gridd and Reidar, blaming his methods instead of thanking him.

"Dag, don't misunderstand my words, I didn't say you don't have to use it... I'd still be on that island if it wasn't for you and your incredible powers, or maybe, more likely, I would have died. I'm just saying... be careful... If anything happens to you, I... I..." 

Before she could finish speaking, Dag put his hand on her cheek, stroking and reassuring her, looking at her with a smile.

Freydis placed her hand on Dag's and closed her eyes, enjoying every moment of that caress, worried about the psycho-physical state of her man, who was often the only one able to solve difficult situations and face incredibly strong enemies, and all this would inevitably lead him to a state of severe stress.

"You're beautiful, lovebirds... I mean it! But I can't help but interrupt your mushy stuff to ask my brother some questions... such as... what do we do once we come out to the surface if the environmental situation is identical to that before we went underground?" Gridd asked, giggling along with Reidar and looking intently at Dag and Freydis, trying to embarrass them.

Dag left Freydis's face and looked at his sister with a smile, knowing that she had interrupted them on purpose and that question was just a trivial excuse. 

"You were with me when that man told us about his village, sister" he replied, bringing back the words of the wounded man.

"Kranus... was that his name?" 

"Who are you talking about?" Freyidis asked, who was distracted when Dag told them that he had inadvertently outraged the Giants Of Ymir Clan.

"He is the commander of the ice giants. All we know is that their village is just a few miles away from the cave's exit... and also that he seeks revenge against me for killing his son, the Jotunn who in Runar tried to steal my Giantbane" he continued, resting his hand on the axe, as if he felt a deep connection with it.

"Ah, well! I missed that part! Fuck, what now? How are you going to deal with an entire village? What are we going to tell the soldiers?" 

"I don't know, I'll think of something... we could just tell them the truth. I've never been good at making up lies. One of our main goals, once we got to Krypstorm, was to seek revenge on the Giants Of Ymir, right?" 

Freyids and Gridd looked on, while Reidar thought of an effective way to communicate it to the troops, remaining silent.

"Well, that's exactly what we're going to do. I absolutely must find out the whole truth about this 'Crystal of Fire'. I'm sure it hides a lot more than I think. I don't know how, but this weapon, in addition to enclosing an incredible power, must have some other function" he replied, thinking aloud.

"Don't worry, Captain. I'm sure the soldiers will agree with you and follow you to the end! These days you have shown that you do not hesitate to risk your own life for them and this is worth a thousand promises! Even Master Kjell, who has always been reluctant to obey your orders, now seems to be on your side!" Reidar added, looking at the chain-warrior, who was eating next to Sander and the last two remaining Crows Of Odin soldiers.

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