Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 416: CDXVI. The Anarchy

A small well from which drinking water could be extracted was just a few meters from the entrance, with a bucket lowered inside, hanging from a rope.

Crossing the small square courtyard, bordered by the four observation towers and its walls, Orvar led all the warriors inside the stone building that would house them at night.

Dag could not help but examine the size of that place, immediately realizing that it had been adapted to the few hunters that had lived there in recent decades: the beds were not enough for everyone and the bedrooms were too small, so they would have to settle for the floors of the entrance and maybe even the bathrooms.

The property was old and dilapidated and the decoration was almost completely absent: an old, heavy candlestick hung in the entrance room, under which there was a massive wooden table, which for a moment reminded Dag of the episode of the giant found dead in the hut.

One door led to a second room used as a kind of supply warehouse, from which they could access a hatch for the basement, and then another door led to the bathrooms.

Going back, Orvar proudly showed Dag and the other Masters the upper floor, where the bedrooms were. 

"So? Do you think it's okay?" the clan leader asked, explaining to them that by piling the straw used to make the horses eat, everyone could sleep on the floor.

"Are there any horses?" Gridd asked, before answering the question.

"Yes, they're in a barn to the right of the entrance. I think you haven't seen them because, in this cold, they all get in the back of the stable, next to each other. Anyway, they are 4 horses, but they are not in very good physical condition, unfortunately... they don't get much out of here" Orvar said, who wanted to please his new allies.

Gridd did not reply, merely thinking how useful those steeds would be for exploration, allowing them to cover large distances in less time than usual.

"Anyway, Orvar... this place is perfect. By tightening up a little, we're all going to get some rest. We can never thank you enough to share it with us, thank you" Dag replied, trying to be as courteous as possible.

Despite the poor condition of that place, the heat between its walls and the roof that would protect them from the weather, somehow made them feel at home.

Continuing to talk about this and that, Orvar and Skaldr asked in detail what had happened in the cave, not being aware of the battle between Giants Of Ymir and Claws Of Fenrir. 

The soldiers tried to familiarize with the archers, who asked them a thousand questions about Okstorm, knowing it only indirectly, through stories they had heard during their childhood, and in the meantime, in the entrance, seated at the table, the Masters together with Freydis, Karl and Reidar began to get to know each other better. 

The two new allies, after confirming to the agreement, had no intention of facing Dag, nor of challenging the rules, and responded with amazement to every short story that came out of the mouth of Egill or Sander, the two older Masters, who did not hesitate to tell many of their past experiences.

"Believe me, I would never have imagined such a thing! Until a few hours ago, our only concern was to understand the next moves of the Claws Of Fenrir, instead we are now sitting around our table talking to complete strangers about past and fascinating stories... during our childhood, the myth of Okstorm has always fascinated us... it was amazing to imagine a place where it wasn't cold all year round, inhabited by so many other Clans" Skaldr thought out loud, speaking in a nostalgic and defenseless tone as if he wanted to thank Egill and Sander for their presence.

"Well, believe me, friends... none of us have ever seen Krypstorm, which is the favorite subject of our bards, in their stories. It is described as a mythical land inhabited by ancient creatures. The disciples of the fierce wolf Fenrir, the king of the ice giants Ymir, and the master of trickery and illusion Loki, are legendary for us. We never dreamed of having to deal with it, we owe everything to the courage of this boy, who has plunged into our lives like a bolt from the blue, upsetting every canonical scheme and helping us to see the world in a different light..." Egill said, who could not help but highlight Dag, who answered with a smile.

"If the world was populated by dreamers like you, things would be different. Krypstorm is a wild place, where the law of the strongest lives. Sovereignty belongs to the Clan that conquers the largest slice of land... it's been like this for a long time now..." the archer continued, who as soon as he got the chance, asked one of his men to open two bottles of wine and take them to the guests.

"Without sovereign? King Einarr is the ruler of all the lands of Skjold, have you forgotten him?" Dag asked, to test Skaldr and see if what he had just said was true.

After his words, for a few seconds, everyone remained silent, looking at him. 

"Hahaha, boy! Don't make me laugh so much! King who? Einarr? And who the hell is he?!" Orvar asked, laughing. 

Freydis and Dag looked at each other in a confused air when Gridd spoke.

"The fact that you don't know the name of the King of all Vikings is a scandal. But other than that, trying to leave out this detail... have you ever wondered who should be responsible for creating laws and enforcing them?!" she asked. 

"As I was going to explain to you, I don't think you people of Okstorm can feel the spirit of Krypstorm. Ours is a land without rules and limits, where everyone does what he wants, worrying only about the consequences for his Clan of allies. Over the centuries, many of Okstorm's most feared criminals were exiled here, in our land, and slowly created a regime of terror, gathering groups of evil warriors and looting and robbing towns and villages" Skaldr replied, to justify their laughter. 

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