Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 420: CDXX. The Three Chosen Ones

"Well. So let's go ask him" Dag replied, who, noticing that his men were all in front of him waiting for orders, began to speak.

He briefly explained to them what the mission was, without going too far, because it would not take a long time.

Not having to participate personally, after making a brief introduction and asking his soldiers who volunteered, he immediately passed the word to Kjell, giving him for a few seconds the scepter as a leader, as he liked.

"We will ride a horse, hoping that the steeds in that stable will hold our weight for the distance necessary to get to the village. The expedition will be led by Master Orvar, who is the only one of us who knows the way to our destination. Then, as you may have already understood, I will be there, ready to take out the weapons if something goes wrong, knowing the Jotunn fighting style well. Which one of you is offering to be a third volunteer?" Kjell asked, reiterating Dag's question a few minutes earlier.

As he had imagined, Terje stepped forward, always ready to expose himself more than his companions, but he was not the only one: four other warriors, three Berserkrs and a Shieldmaiden volunteered, looking determinedly at the Masters in front of them, knowing that participating in that dangerous mission would be an honor.

"You! Terje, right?" Kjell said again, pointing to the boy who had two crossed swords behind his back, similar to Gridd's.

"Yes, sir. It's me!" Terje answered, walking forward and stopping in front of the chain-warrior, who peered from head to toe.

"It's decided, you'll come with us. Start preparing some supplies and sharpening your swords, we'll leave in an hour" Kjell continued, who wouldn't even examine the other candidates.

"Of course, sir! Thank you for choosing me, sir!" Terje replied diligently, making a slight bow in front of Kjell and Dag, beside him.

Soon after, he left to carry out the orders and with him, the other warriors, who congratulated their friend for being chosen by Master Kjell himself.

"Well, now that the group is ready... Dag, what exactly are we going to ask the giants? Make me an easy request, please... you know I'm not very good with words" Kjell said, turning to the young Master, who had already prepared for that question.

"You can tell them that Master Dag is in Okstorm. I don't think they're going to ask you who I am, but if they do, you can freely say that I'm the warrior who killed Kranus's son, so as to get their attention. Also, if they make you speak directly to their leader after you have explicitly asked of him, you will tell him that I have what he craves and that if he wants to bargain, he must choose a neutral place to meet me, accompanied only by two warriors of his. He can choose the place" Dag said, explaining the whole speech in detail, exactly as he had imagined it.

"Okay, and what if they don't let me talk to their boss?"

"Believe me, if you say you represent his son's killer, he'll approach you himself. If this does not happen and Kranus does not be in the village, you will certainly be able to talk to some Jotunn commander, who will give him the message" Dag continued, explaining his lan B to Kjell and Orvar, who was listening to everything. 

"All right, Dag. I'm yours to command!" Kjell replied, making an incredible effort to pronounce those words as submissive, which did not suit a solitary and authoritative warrior like him.

Dag, who noticed this feeling, did not hesitate to put his hand on his friend's shoulder and with a smile said: "Thank you, Kjell. By entrusting this mission to you, I feel safe. I know you won't let any of us down, but be careful... according to what Orvar and Skaldr have predicted, they will be so many enemies, do not be intimidated by them, and above all... don't lose patience. All right?" Dag said again, making sure his colleague didn't say or do anything risky, knowing he had the aptitude to cause brawls, even involuntarily.

"I'll be beside him all the time. I understood the plan perfectly, so also to facilitate the task, I will alternate with him in explaining it to the giants. It's going to be okay, Dag. Tonight we will be back here at Fort Hvit and we will tell you how it went" Orvar added, who, full of optimism, reassured Dag, who nodded, confirming.

The archer seemed to be looking forward to leaving since he had not participated in a real mission for a very long time, indeed, perhaps he had never done so, considering his past misadventures.

Satisfied with the men who would perform that difficult task in his place and relaxed to know that Kjell's physical strength would be accompanied all the way, Dag walked away from them, approaching Freydis again, who was happy not to have to witness another departure of her man, fearing that she would never see him again.

"I'm glad you can stay here with me for a while. Even if it's only a day, we could dedicate it to exploring the surroundings of this place, what do you think? As we did when we were little on the outskirts of Jernhest!" she proposed.

Dag thought of those memories and immediately smiled, joyfully remembering those happy, worry-free moments.

He was also astonished by Freydis's proposal that although he had given her very little attention due to recent events, she still managed to amaze him every time, with her desire to live and spend her time with him.

The love that the young Shieldmaiden felt towards him was authentic, he could feel it in the air.

"Of course! I'd love to, Freydis. One of the four horses will stay here at the Fort. We could check if he can get us on his back, and if so, we could do a nice scouring tour of the area! It's a really good idea!" he said, who immediately after speaking aloud, approached her and whispered something in her ear, so no one could hear it.

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