Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 434: CDXXXIV. Serpent Mountain

"How many caves are more or less on this mountain?" a fourth voice from behind asked.

"Master Egill, good morning. I don't know, but I think about ten" Skaldr replied, bowing his head down slightly, greeting Egill with respect.

The Master Of Healing, who had heard the whole conversation, approached them thoughtfully and after processing that information, said: "A separate delegation from ours will follow us from afar. Four of you Hunters Of Ullr will guide our men, so you can hide them until they are needed. A dozen of our soldiers will come with you to ensure the physical support you need. You said Serpent Mountain is next to the forest, didn't you?" Egill asked again.

"Yes, it is... why?" 

"Because in this way you will be able to keep yourself at a distance and stay hidden, taking advantage of the vegetation, which, unlike the white snow, can offer you shelter more easily" Egill continued, stroking his beard.

"Yes, I think that's a good idea. But if Kranus finds out about our plan, it will certainly go on a rampage and our diplomatic mission will turn into a bloody battle. Being involved also their leader, the soldiers would call reinforcements and even if we kill Kranus, we would end up being encircled and forced to flee forever from the Giants Of Ymir. Staying well hidden is a major factor, Skaldr… I want it to be entrusted to you and Orvar. Now let's go, we have to warn everyone of the change of plan, they have to prepare quickly!" Dag replied, thinking of the long-term consequences that would have a mistake in the execution of the mission and reworking in his mind the various stages of the plan.

The three warriors in front of him nodded and Skaldr, after leaving the pitchfork near the entrance to the stable, headed with them inside the palace.

In less than half an hour, the four who had participated in the discussion warned all the soldiers present, none excluded, that the plan had changed and that ten more warriors were required, in addition to the four of the Hunters Of Ullr. 

Gridd, Freydis, Terje, Runa, and six other soldiers of their two Clans volunteered, while Sander decided to stay at the fort, not yet being in a good physical condition and thinking that his wooden leg would not allow him to move nimbly between the snows and trees of the woods if things got bad.

Orvar and Skaldr, having confronted their archers, chose two of them, who honorably accepted the assignment and immediately began to equip themselves to leave the Fort.

"The time has come! The Sun is going to rise in the sky and the time to get there is about half an hour, so... come on, there is no more time to lose!" Dag exclaimed, who was determined to meet the much-feared enemy.

Quickly and furiously, he, Reidar, and Egill brought three horses out of the stable, and after equipping them with saddles and thin leather armor on their necks and between their ears, they saddle up.

Dag stroked his horse's uncovered back to calm him down, noting that he was agitating because of the crowd of people wandering around, preparing to leave the base.

"Gridd, I entrust you and Freydis with plan B! Continue without ever stopping in the woods and position yourself so you can see us, but without getting caught! Skaldr and Orvar will guide you there, making you take an alternative route! Come on!" the Warchief shouted again, who as a good leader, immediately began to galvanize his soldiers, despite the sudden change of plan.

The gates of Fort Hvit opened and he, Reidar, and Egill were the first to come out, slightly increasing the speed of their horses until they trotted.

As he advanced, Dag turned back, checking that the rest of the soldiers were also on the march.

Led by the two Hunters Of Ullr, the large group of soldiers diverged from the main path, continuing in their own direction, but at a moderate speed, as the gates rose and the few warriors left to guard the fort watched their comrades going on missions, wishing them good luck.

"Well, let's go! Although few men remained in the fort, there are Kjell and Sander with them, we have nothing to fear!" Dag said as if he wanted to comfort himself.

"Relax, Dag. The plan we're putting in place is just a precaution. At best, no one will be forced to fight and the meeting will be totally peaceful. Now you're your head up and look straight in front of us, not bending for a second so that Kranus can understand your greatness" Egill said, looking at Dag and smiling, realizing that he was agitated because unlike combat, where a warrior can get caught up in a whirlwind of emotions, a diplomatic mission required much calm and self-control.

"That's right, Captain. Kranus knows your name well, he knows how much you're worth! If he is smart even half of how Kjell and Orvar have described him, you will have been informed about his deeds! And then... he will have been told of the few soldiers in his fleet who managed to return home... those we defeated in Runar" Reidar added, fomenting his leader, whose gaze became much more determined after those words.

Continuing to ride for another twenty minutes or so, in front of the three travelers, a large mountain took shape on the horizon. 

This was exactly as described by Skaldr and its shape was very unusual: the height of its top did not reach 50 meters, but the range thickness that covered its foundation was very wide.

Focusing on the shape of the headland, with little difficulty, all three of them were able to locate the head and tail of the rolled-up serpent, from which the name of that place derived, scattered in the middle of nowhere.

"Here they are, I see someone. I think they've already arrived" Dag said, proudly riding the ailing horse of the Hunters Of Ullr.

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