Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 437: CDXXXVII. The Mutual Enemy

During those moments, the bond of friendship between the two of them was strengthened by the love they both shared for Dag, remaining ready to intervene to his rescue in case of need.


"You really don't know anything about it?! What you have in your hand is the most powerful artifact on this planet!" Kranus exclaimed, who spoke of the Crystal inside the Giantbane as if it was a divine relic.

"I wouldn't have gone all this way if I hadn't wanted to find out the truth, don't you think? I would have stayed in Okstorm, safe in my Clan's fortress. What is the Crystal Of Fire?" Dag asked, looking forward to hearing Kranus's next words, who sighed, trying to explain all the details.

"Its story is not so easy to explain... it all started in the days leading up to the creation of this planet. The mighty Ymir, King of the Ice Giants of Jotunheim, was leading the eternal battle against the rock giants when they arrived, the Frostsinners..." 

"What? The Xis?" Dag thought, without interrupting Kranus, who had to tell the whole truth.

"They forced all the giants and Gods of Asgard to abandon the Earth and destroyed Yggdrasill, the cosmic tree that connected all the nine kingdoms, exiling them here, on Skjold. Ymir failed to counter the unstoppable power of strangers, rendered invincible by their power, able to manipulate the only matter that has no space and no time: the Dark Matter, the same of which the universe is made." 

Dag tried to hold back the avalanche of emotions that were exploding inside him: the man who came out of nowhere, not only knew the function of the Giantbane but also knew what was behind its powers.

"The rock giants were completely exterminated, as were those of ice. Only Ymir managed to save himself, thanks to his strong spirit, but he was locked in the most extreme depths of the sea, at the lowest point of a pit in the center of the Great Deep See, bound by chains made of Dark Matter. But before he was exiled, someone reported to him and the Aesirs the existence of a relic that contained the power to counter the Dark Matter. That relic is the Crystal of Fire, the one embedded in your weapon. In other words, your axe is the only one that can really hurt the most powerful Frostsinners and free Ymir, to allow him to rule this world as it should be" Kranus continued, who as he spoke, looked upwards, as if he found inspiration in the deep blue sky above their heads.

Dag squinted, unable to speak after listening to the ice mage's explanation.

After a sigh, he returned to himself and said, "rule this world? He should rule over Jotunheim, that's his place, as Odin's one is Asgard, and so on. Kranus, believe me, even though I didn't know these facets, you and I are fighting for the same purpose! I am a declared enemy of the Frostsinners and they have tried several times to kill me!"

"What? Did the Frostsinners come here on Skjold?" Kranus asked aloud, as the rhinos next to him continued to snort.

"Yes, several times, in the form of animals or people. They are able to control the bodies of living beings, giving them supernatural powers. In my life, I have been forced to fight against giant crows and other animals, not to mention the dead who came back to life through the power of the Xis. They can also control people alive, but they must be consenting, otherwise, the process becomes impossible" Dag explained, who as he noticed that Kranus was inclined to listen, gave him all the information he had.

"And how did you survive? Not even the Gods have been able to counter their power... you're lying!"

"I'm not lying, believe me, it's the truth! The Xis I've fought against in the past were definitely less powerful than a real Frostsinner! Having taken possession of fairly weak bodies, their strength was limited!" Dag replied, looking at the man with sincere eyes.

Kranus paused for a few seconds, looking at the faces of Egill and Sander to see if Dag was telling the truth or not.

Reidar, feeling the magician's gaze on him, looked him straight in the eye and nodded his head, confirming his Captain's version.

"So they wanted to take over your weapon too! They know its power!" Kranus said, beginning to suspect something. 

"No, I doubt it. The first times I faced them, I didn't have my axe yet. I'm convinced they don't know anything. I'm their target. Ever since I came to this planet from Earth, they've always tested me because of my 'anomaly'."

Egill, after those words, looked at Dag, believing that telling the whole truth was not necessary and that his was an unwise move. 

"What? What are you talking about, kid?" Kranus asked, beginning to empathize with him, realizing that Dag, despite killing his son to defend himself, was not hostile to his Clan. 

"Legend describes the Frostsinners as 'purple-eyed, white-skinned demons'. Is that true?" 


When the magician answered the question, looking into Dag's eyes, it took a few seconds to realize that his right eye was of intense purple, just like those described in the ancient texts. 

"What?!" he exclaimed suddenly, fearing the worst. 

Immediately, the two Jotunns on his side pulled out their weapons ready to defend their leader. 


"What the fuck is going on?! Why did they take out their weapons?! Get ready! I think they're about to attack each other!" Gridd exclaimed, watching the scene from afar, hidden among the vegetation.

The soldiers behind her and Freyidis drew their weapons, and the four Hunters Of Ullr archers loaded arrows on their bows, ready to fire. 

"Wait! Stop! Look closely, something's going on! I don't think they're going to fight! Egill and Reidar are still in their position... if Dag had been in danger, they would surely have done something!" Freydis answered, contradicting Gridd's orders, who checked the facts with her own eyes. 


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