Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 444: CDXLIV. The Pleasantries

After the magician's words, the questions that gripped his mind had increased dramatically, which caused him a strong sense of determination.

Finally, the four warriors entered the palace, after the large doors were opened from the inside.

The lower floor was a huge square room with a dark stone floor, like that of the walls and two long staircases branched from the central to the side areas, leading to an upper floor not visible from their location. 

Other warriors were intent on walking in every direction, moving objects and reading books, making Dag guess that the place was their Clan's base of operations, complete with a library containing their skills scrolls.

"Commander, welcome back... I see that... we have guests! Where... where are Trako and Nok?" a low-haired man with a slick beard asked, wearing a long robe that touched the floor.

"Trako and Nok were unable to fight Dag, and they died before my eyes, dishonorably. They had the end they deserved, now find other two bodyguards for me, you have 24 hours" Kranus replied, without even stopping to talk to the man, who judging by his non-combatant appearance and the stack of books he carried in his hands, looked like one of the librarians, or an academic.

Sweating from his forehead and trying not to react to the loss of his companions, contemptuously mentioned by Kranus, who had already forgotten their sacrifice, the little man bowed his head and answered in terror: "Sure, sir! At your command, sir!"

Dag and his comrades continued to remain silent as they followed Kranus, who began to climb the right staircase.

The upper floor was similar to the lower one, with the only difference that a large table was in the middle of the room.

"Wow, this is the meeting room!" Reidar said softly, talking to Egill and thinking he wasn't used to seeing such big tables.

A large window let a beam of natural light pass through, which in addition to illuminating the large table, illuminated the rest of the room, in which the artificial lights were all turned off during the day.

"Let's go to my personal room, so no one can follow us. Hey you!" Kranus exclaimed, calling one of the guards next to another small staircase that kept going up.

The guard bowed his head, ready to take orders.

"Don't let anyone pass, not even my advisers. I need some strict privacy" the magician continued, who opened the door that followed that small staircase, inviting his guests to follow him.

"Of course sir!" the guard answered obediently, without objecting.

When everyone passed the door, Reidar, who was last in line, closed it.

The room in which they found themselves was much smaller and more reserved and the thick walls that surrounded it, isolated it almost entirely from any kind of external sound, ensuring an intimate and reserved environment.

On the walls, there were all kinds of heirlooms: ancient weapons, scrolls written in an incomprehensible tongue, body parts of exotic animals, like two huge tusks of some particularly large elephant. 

From the start, Egill focused his attention on a large bookshelf, which covered the entire wall in front of the entrance to the room, making him feel at home.

"You haven't introduced me to the warriors who accompanied you on a mission yet, Dag" Kranus said, who didn't want to skip the pleasantries.

"Of course, I apologize for my rudeness, but I did not imagine that something like this could happen today and that our meeting would become a formal event. Anyway, he's Master Egill, the Master Of Healing of my Clan, the Hammers Of Thor. He is one of Okstorm's greatest healer mage and valiantly agreed to provide us with his experience in our mission here at Krypstorm" Dag said, pointing to Egill with his hand, who bowed his head slightly out of respect.

Kranus, for the first time, did the same, being almost the same age as Egill, only a few years older.

"Very pleased, Master Egill. Welcome to the Colossus Fortress, the headquarter of our Clan" the ice mage exclaimed. 

"Thank you, the pleasure is mine. Being an academic, I was admiring your personal collection. I congratulate you, they look like very precious texts" he replied, looking incessantly at two ancient tomes with gold-plated covers.

"Yes, it is. It took me a lifetime to gather them all in the same place. Anyway, here in Tungvek we really need a good healer... you know, my Jotunn warriors are not specialized in herbalism and healing arts, and the masters who teach these disciplines are certainly not as skilled as you are" Kranus replied, praising his interlocutor, who expressed wisdom from the look.

"Thank you, but... let's continue with the talk. If the reconciliation between us will be fully achieved, I will be happy to give your warriors some lessons on my magical arts" Egill replied coolly, without too much unbalance to those kind words, which were probably not entirely sincere.

"Well, he's Reidar instead. One of my best travel companions, as well as an infallible archer. He is also part of the Hammers Of Thor" Dag interrupted, to avoid misunderstandings between the two white-bearded men.

"My pleasure, Reidar. I was looking at your bow right before. I've never seen a weapon like that, it seems very rare. Dark wood is not a common material around here." 

"Yes, it's a beautiful weapon, I inherited it from my father. It's an honor to meet you in person, Commander Kranus, we've heard a lot about you" Reidar said, who, like his Master, did not get charmed with compliments and avoided telling the true origin of Failnaught.

"Perfect. Now that I've introduced you to my most trusted warriors, I'd like you to tell me everything you know about my weapon and the Crystal of Fire" Dag replied impatiently, approaching the small table in front of the bookshelf and taking his place in a chair.

Kranus did not answer and sat right in front of him, in a large armchair, built with bones and stones, perfectly wedged together.

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