Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 457: CDLVII. The Snowflake

The appearance of the wolf, thanks to his size and his long teeth and sharp claws, was incredibly menacing and the guard took two steps back, shaking like a leaf and then pretending nothing.

Dag's companions entered the palace again and with much resentment, they headed upstairs to collect their belongings, still failing to realize how it all had happened in such a short time.

Meanwhile, he looked at Egill, who from the top of his wisdom, was imagining what was in Dag's head, noting that his gaze was lost in the void, as it happened whenever he was immersed in his thoughts.

With his unmissable four-legged friend, the one who was once just a mediocre and inexperienced student of his Clan, had now become a true leader, able to lead a small army on another continent, capable of fighting and defeating entire troops of enemies of all sizes and above all able to speak, to be understood by anyone, opening his strong and fearless heart to everyone.

And precisely on these thoughts, Egill could not hold back a tear, which slowly slipped on his cheek only to get lost in his thick white beard, which almost confused with the walls of Fort Hvit.

Dag saw the expression of his Master and thought that no one among them could know him better than he did: Egill and Magni had been his mentors, but while Magni had now lived within his soul, being part of him forever, the time spent with Egill seemed to him little.

The wise Master Of Healing had always supported him and helped him achieve his goals, unlike all the other warriors. After Magni's death and the battle against the Fangs Of Jormungandr he had immediately become his supporter and had only encouraged him to do more and more.

And that man so strong and so wise, at that moment was right there, in front of him, showing all his fragility, due to the years he carried on his shoulders.

Dag smiled at him and looked at him as if he wanted to tell him everything he was feeling at the time, sure that only he could understand it.

Soon after, his gaze fell on King Einar, who was still standing in his position, majestic like a huge golden statue.

He could sense his power even without using Niva, only by looking at him: despite this, he could not understand what kind of weapon he was using, noting that he did not have one. Apart from his glitzy armor, there were neither swords nor axes beside him.

Sander, Kjell, and all the other soldiers were behind that imposing figure, illuminated partially by the sunlight that, rising, slightly exceeded the walls of the Fort. 

Dag knew that their strength was incredible, he had seen them fight many times, never being defeated, except the time when Sander, sacrificing himself for all, had risked dying.

And despite their skills, they seemed as frightened as lambs, obedient to their King, but for no real reason, without trying to convince him that what he had decided on behalf of everyone was a great mistake.

Dag's gaze, full of disappointment, did not cross with those of the two Crows Of Odin Masters, who, knowing they were being watched, kept their heads pointed down to the ground.

After a few minutes of waiting, during which Dag's hand continued to move over Thalos' head to reassure him, Reidar, Gridd, Freydis, and Karl walked out of the palace with their belongings packed inside the travel bags, reluctantly looking at their sovereign, not fully approving his decision despite the respect they had always shown to the Crown.

Dag's hand moved over Freydis's face, then the other on Gridd's face.

They both looked at him scared and confused, not understanding the meaning of that sudden caress and fearing that he was going to do something reckless.

"The light of my eyes. This is you to me. The only reason to never give up, to keep going, at the cost of fighting against everyone and everything" he said, in a low voice.

"What are you saying?" his sister asked, looking at him with shining eyes, while Freydis preferred not to speak, not to burst into tears, knowing Dag and already guessing what he was going to do.

"I couldn't have wished for a better sister than you, Gridd. All my life I will remember your love, your kindness, and your beautiful deep blue eyes" he smiled, stroking her face and then her chin, gently moving his hand from her face.

"And you, my love... there's no need to tell you how much I have suffered far from you, how much I have longed to meet you... when I learned of the island and the fact that you could have died, I couldn't breathe anymore. Everything I knew and wanted... just… just disappeared, I could not remember anything. My mind was blinded and I could only see you, imagining holding you in my arms" he continued, turning to Freydis as Gridd slowly walked true Egill.

Freydis, who was usually a little less affectionate than Gridd, threw herself into Dag's arms, attracting the attention of everyone, even the King, who began to look at that suspicious scene.

"Are you doing it again, Dag? Are you doing this to me again?" she asked, without having the courage to look into his eyes and resting her cheek on his chest, clutching it tightly.

"No, Freydis. This time it will be all different. I'm offering you a chance. I won't be leaving again, my heart wouldn't hold that." 

After those words, Dag slipped his hand into his armor and pulled out Freydis's armband, which after breaking into a point had been clumsily repaired by him, with thin strands of string that held the broken parts together.

Before his woman could respond to his words, Dag placed it on her wrist and tied it up tightly so that she could not lose it.

A snowflake rested gently on the silver flower embedded on it as if even heaven wanted to bless once again their love, which seemed fruit of fate, and almost simultaneously, a tear fell from her eye, who could not control the emotion. 

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