Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 461: CDLXI. The Window

"Fuck!" he replied, who before the total formation of the two dark arms, threw himself from the walls. 

For an instant, before he fell, he looked around and time seemed to flow more slowly as if his mind was processing external images and information faster than reality.

He squeezed the wolf tightly and looking down, stretching out his legs in the direction of the corpse, trying to land on it.

Simultaneously, the bundle of liquid behind his shoulders widened and reached the wall, splitting into many small hard and sharp strands, which became wedged between the crevices of the white rocks, as if they were many small grappling hooks.

Dag could sense every single string of fluid that entered the pores between the bricks, and at that exact moment, when his body was perfectly hooked, time suddenly accelerated.

The arms that held him hanging on the wall were three, irregular in shape: due to the strong traction and due to the kinetic energy of the resulting fall of Dag's weight, they stretched considerably, trying to curb the descent with their elastic force.

"Aaarrgh!" Dag yelled, who, though he knew he had to be silent, could not hold back the fear.

Even the thinnest strands near the wall stretched to their limit, and just when Dag was sure that even if his feet had touched the dead body, this would not have been enough to cushion the fall, he closed his eyes, thinking that if one of his legs had broken, he would be doomed and sentenced Freydis to death.

Emitting a noise similar to that of the rubber subjected to high tension, the dark arms accompanied his body to the ground and the tips of his feet, which were stretched downwards, gently touched the back of the royal guard killed just before.

A sigh followed Dag's eyes as they opened up in the surprise of finding themselves on the ground, outside the walls, safe and sound.

"I made it! I'm out! Fuck, I managed to survive the fall!" he thought, looking at Thalos and gleefully realizing that his friend was also fine and, although he was terrified and with his tail between his legs, he had not suffered any damage.

Making him realize that by now they had reached the mainland and it was safe to descend, Dag left him on the ground, bending on his knees and resisting his weight, which was very similar to that of a grown man, given his size.

Less than a second after landing, the dark arms detached from the wall and slowly returned to their creator, floating and shortening, as he turned back and looked up toward the top of the wall.

Freydis, diligently, had come out of the window, which she had closed behind her, trying to lock it with a piece of wood wedged between the two handles and was looking down, happy that her man had managed to save himself.

"Jump, Freydis! I'm here, I'm going to catch you! Don't worry! Jump, quickly!" Dag yelled, knowing that if he delayed a few more seconds, their plan would go up in smoke and the guards would catch her from behind, pulling her back inside the building.

Freydis said nothing and took a deep breath: trying not to close her eyes in fear, she placed the tip of her foot on the edge of the wall, perceiving the height that separated her from Dag and the escape.

She swallowed empty and stopped looking down, noting that there were no birds in the sky, perhaps due to the cold temperatures in that area.


From the window behind her, sudden noises indicated that someone was forcibly trying to open it from inside and she jolted, fearing she had no more time to escape.

"Trust me! Jump, Freydis! There's no more time!" Dag screamed again, desperate to have to flee without her.

Suddenly, the piece of wood that kept the window closed broke in half and it opened wide: from inside the palace came the arms of some warriors in chrome armor, ready to grab the fluttering dress of Freydis, who at that point, took courage and jumped down the walls, screaming.

"Aaaah! Daaaag!" the Shieldmaiden yelled desperately, who had not calculated the timing and distances to jump down well, failed to maintain a straight posture, and rotated slightly with her back pointed downwards.

In a few moments, Dag's dark arms were shot at her and reached her in mid-air, totally wrapping her body and blocking her fall.

Soon after, while she was still panicking and she kept screaming in fear, her three arms gently carried her to the ground and she descended nimbly, then dashed towards Dag and clutched him in a desperate embrace, seeking comfort.

He reciprocated the gesture and squeezed her into his arms, kissing and stroking her head, looking upwards out of the corner of his eye, as the dark arms returned to his body.

Two soldiers of the Chromed Army looked out of the wall and their eyes crossed with that of the young Master, who as soon as he saw them, realized that he had almost made it, for the simple reason that those men would not reach them by jumping from that height, otherwise they would have died.

"Come on, come on... the hard part is coming now!" he said in Freydis's ear, interrupting the hug and grabbing her hand, pulling her in the opposite direction to the Fort.

She immediately wiped away her tears and began to run with her man, while their feet sank into the thick layer of snow, making the advance tiring even for Thalos, who followed them without hesitation.


"Where the hell did they go?! It is more than twenty minutes that those two boys have entered the palace, which they are plotting?!" one of the King's two personal guards exclaimed, walking back and forth in front of the entrance of the building.

King Einar made no answer, merely looking at the top of the palace.

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