Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 549: DXLIX. The Alarm Bell

The screams lasted less than two seconds because one of the allied soldiers lowered himself towards him and mercilessly used his claws to cut his throat.

"Let's go! The doors are still far away!" Bloodfang yelled, ordering his men to continue their advance. 

"These soldiers were amateurs, but we still had a hard time defeating them because of their gift of invisibility... fuck, it's going to be a lot harder than I thought! With this hustle and bustle, it's not easy to distinguish the sounds of people around you, also because they move very silently, like felines... if it wasn't for Reidar, that soldier would have been able to stab me" Dag thought, starting running again with Bloodfang, while the Claws Of Fenrir watched him with interest after he threw the hammer and hit an invisible enemy, proving them his skill.

The alarm bell started ringing again and rumbled throughout the city, setting the highest state of alert.

"The alarm! Again! Maybe our allies outside the door are putting Lies Of Loki in trouble! We must not abandon them! Come on, faster!" Dag yelled, increasing the speed of his run and keeping his eyes peeled for what was happening around him.

Meanwhile, the castle Bloodfang had told him about shortly before arriving in the city was right above their heads.

It was a magnificent and imposing structure and in height even surpassed the Colossus Palace of Tungvek, confirming Dag's idea that the Claws Of Fenrir were great builders.

The yellowish rock on which rested its foundations emerged at the bottom, near the road, in a few corners not covered by palaces and other dwellings.

Two tall towers started from the central side of the structure and stretched for tens and tens of meters, ending with pointed roofs upwards.

"Not now... it's not the time yet... we must first take possession of the city..." Dag thought again, who was forced to resist the temptation to suddenly change direction and head for the castle, in which the leaders of the enemy Clan were located.

The road continued to another great square with a fountain in the center, in which there were still civilians, committed to storing the food displayed on their stalls, thus preventing it from being dispersed or destroyed because of that chaos.

That place was evidently a market area open to all citizens and when Dag looked at the faces of traders who noticed their presence, he swallowed empty for a moment, thinking that if those people got between them and the plan, they would be brutally killed, despite their innocence.

Between them, in fact, general panic broke out and they began to run all over the place, realizing that those unknown warriors had no good intentions.

However, the wolf warriors did not care about that detail and fortunately continued to follow their Packmaster, knowing that the entrance was a few hundred meters far. 

As they were running at a steady pace, Bloodfang and his right arm suddenly stopped and a man appeared in a blackish cloud of smoke.

Thyrius made a slight leap back and his movement was enough to dodge a sword lunge coming from his left.

The warrior who had just missed the target did not have time to look up and his head was sharply severed by Bloodfang's claws, which within moments became long and sharp as blades.

His body fell on his knees and then to the ground and his head rolled away, soiling the square's stone tiles with blood.

Bloodfang's claws continued to emit the same grayish smoke that covered them from the moment they were created out of nowhere.

"What reflections! Bloodfang was incredibly fast! He managed to dodge a shot I hadn't even seen! I doubt an Okstorm warrior would have been able to do such a thing!" Dag thought after witnessing that scene.

"Grr... stupid insects... they think they're dealing with amateurs!" 


After stepping on the corpse's back, the Packmaster spit on it with a gesture of constipation and continued to walk forward, followed by the shadow warrior, who never strayed too far from him.

Dag was still stationary for a few seconds and thought back to when he was about to face the head of the Claws Of Fenrir in the Rock Prison.

He reflected on the fact that his level of strength identified by Niva was not incredibly high, but his combat skills, combined with the primordial instincts of a true pack leader wolf, were formidable and made him a difficult warrior to defeat in a 1 vs 1 fight.

The sound of the bell continuing to ring was so loud and constant that by that moment the warriors' ears had become accustomed to that noise, which seemed to be part of the atmosphere.

And just following that sound that came from their goal, they all started marching again, catching a glimpse of the large stone door behind some palaces in front of them.

"Dag!" Bloodfang exclaimed, who still had a hand full of steaming claws.

"Yes?" the young Master replied, not knowing the reason for that call.

"After letting all our companions in, you and I will head to the castle and make our way up to the upper floors... you can imagine the rest..." the Packmaster continued with an incredibly bad look, ready to complete his vengeance.

"Yes, I'll come with you. I wanted to get into that castle before when we walked in front of it, but I thought it would be counterproductive. Come on, there's no time to waste, the warriors in the woods will be waiting!" he continued, walking and overcoming the body of the newly dead warrior to the ground, under the horrified gaze of the nearest civilians, hidden under a large wooden table. 

Finally, when they passed both of the buildings that lined the main road, the inner side of the door was visible and to its right, inside a kind of recess in the wall, a large wooden lever was stationary with the tip upwards.

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