Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 591: DXCI. This Is Your Destiny

Dag was this for them, a ray of light, which held the darkness within himself, avoiding hurting others, protecting the weakest, and spreading beliefs and knowledge.

Freydis' flickering hand grabbed the sleeve of Reidar's jacket as if she needed to cling to something, both materially and spiritually. 

Instead, he stood still without ever looking away, narrowing his eyes and focusing on Dag's face, knowing that inside him there was a fire, some incredibly powerful energy, waiting only to be unlocked.


While Dag's long blonde hair was loose and floating forward in the direction of the sphere, his gaze slowly rose towards the enemy.

At the same time, the runes tattooed on his right arm began to shine, emitting a strong white light visible even meters away. 

His body was wrapped in an electric aura, formed by many small purple and blue sparks that were released here and there, entering and exiting the head of Magni's hammer, tightened in his right hand. 


"I've never seen his arm light up like that... is another skill of your Clan? Why did Dag activate it right now?" Kranus asked, addressing Reidar, who was crying with emotion.

"Warriors of Krypstorm... the one before your eyes is not a simple earthly warrior... I present to you the human being closest to divine power, I present to you... the Primal Thunder."


When the lightning's power was finally unlocked, Dag began spinning the hammer in his hand, unleashing lightning of all shapes and sizes, charging it with energy.

Despite his powerful upgrade, the young warrior did not seem to intimidate the Xis, who was just waiting for the right moment to give him the final blow.

'I can't fight him closely, so I can't use Memory Of Mjöllnir, because I couldn't charge it in time. I have to use my speed of movement to get around that sphere and I absolutely have to find the Giantbane, which should be here somewh..." 

Just as Dag tried to think as quickly as possible, out of the corner of his eye he saw a small source of reddish light coming from the cavity between two large boulders, a few meters away from his current position.

"The Xis has already delivered his verdict... if I tried to reach the Giantbane, he would probably throw the black hole he just created at me and my strength wouldn't be enough to withstand such a powerful attack... I must first dodge the blow. I will channel all my energy into my legs and try to be as fast as possible!" Dag thought, who gradually tried to shift the electricity that was running through his entire body into his legs, electrifying them and enhancing their movements.

Knowing that that upgrade would not be enough and imagining that the Xis would not try to take power away from him until he had that huge dark sphere in his hands, Dag summoned the dark matter, which slipped on his lower limbs, totally enveloping and further enhancing them.

"Don't believe you can escape to your fate, earthling. Your destiny is already written, there is nothing you can do to change it" the Xis said, who was still waiting for the right moment to throw the black hole at the young warrior.

"You're still underestimating me, Xis. I'm no longer an Earthly child... the people of this planet have taught me that in life you have to fight to achieve your goals! Fortitude is no use unless it is accompanied by the full development of our powers... you said my dark power is still too weak compared to yours, but... you didn't think that, unlike you, it's not the only power I have!" Dag yelled, who immediately after his words, bent his knees and snapped sideways, in the opposite direction to the Giantbane's glow.

The Xis' eyes, despite Dag's incredible speed, were able to follow his movements, moving the body in his direction.

Dag changed his trajectory several times, zigzagging and trying to disorient the enemy, to gain some time and think of an effective plan to dodge the blow and counterattack the Frostsinner.

"Once the dark sphere is launched, he will need a few seconds to regain his strength. That's when I'll grab the Giantbane and hit him, hoping to be quick enough to do it! But now?! How can I dodge such a big object?!" Dag thought again, who was just postponing his end.

"The Dark Matter of which this sphere is made is the most stunning element of the entire Universe, the same that forms the cells of our Xis body. You can escape wherever you want, 813666, even miles away, but it will chase you and with the gravitational force that will be unleashed at the time of impact, it will absorb you, forever nullifying the existence of your body. You were asked a simple favor, you just had to give me a sample of your power, but... you have deliberately decided to disobey your superior and that choice cannot be changed now. Now, 813666, you will die" the Xis continued, who moved his arm forward, opening his hand well and releasing the energy sphere.

Under the astonished eyes of Dag, who believed that the enemy would wait a few more seconds before launching the attack, the black hole traveled very slowly forward, following his every move.

After detaching itself from the Frostsinner's hand, the sphere increased its attractiveness tenfold and, traveling about a meter away from the floor, sucked the first layers of soil into it, as if they were made of dust.

In addition to the tiles of the square, now reduced to shreds and the rocks that rose from under them, even many of the corpses that were on the spot were sucked by that abominable object, disappearing into nothingness, as if they had never existed.

All the young Master's companions could do was stand still and watch, ready to witness their comrade's end.

All but Reidar and Freydis, who despite knowing they could not intervene in any way, looked at Dag in the hope that he would once again amaze them.

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