Bloody Memories

1 Once Upon a Time

Its past midnight but her eyes are still wide open. She doesn't know the reason why she can't sleep. But then her door started to creak. The door slowly opened and revealed a man standing while staring straight to her. She looked at him thoroughly but it's too dark inside her room.

He began to walk. She can hear his heavy steps heading towards her bed. Her heart started to pound. She's scared. Hence, she finally saw the person's face. He stopped when he was finally in front of her bed.

"Vivian." He called. A tear escaped from her eyes. She hurriedly came towards him and hugged him. She missed him.

"Where did you go, Papa? I was worried." Vivian asked and buried her face on to his chest. He chuckled in return.

"I went somewhere, searching for something." He explained and caressed her hair.

"Did you go there?" She asked as her eyes widened by surprise.

"Yes." He answered while nodding at the little girl.

"Do you remember the story?" He suddenly asked.

"Yes. Tell it to me again. Please!" Vivian excitedly answered. Her Papa smiled at first then he carried her back to the bed. He tucked her in then sat beside her after.

"Once upon a time, there was this young girl who's been living in fear. Afraid of getting involved with people due to her ability. An ability where you can't explain whether it came from the gods of the heaven or the demons of the underworld. The little girl is called Aviana." He said starting the story as he pinched Vivian's nose.

"Go on," Vivian said waiting for more.

"She was born into a family. But her family is not ordinary. At such a young age, they used her as a weapon of their own. She used her to kill hundreds of people and, in the end, she's been feared by all." He stopped and looked at Vivian once again.

"Ahhhh." She protested.

"It's past midnight," Her Papa said.

"Please until I fall asleep," The little girl suggested.

"Very well but you do well know that this story is not appropriate for young girls like you." He answered in return.

"I'm old enough to hear this kind of stories and besides you're there next to me so please continue," Vivian explained. He smiled in return.

"However, one day the Aviana's parents were killed right in front of her. She raged in anger. She wanted to kill those who killed her parents but then she unexpectedly met this blind boy but you see this young boy is the son of one of their enemies. The Fiera's. The father of that blind boy captured her and tried to kill her because he thought that their family, is the reason why his son became missing. But that boy protected. In return, Aviana's grandfather, her only family left suddenly showed up to kill the father of the blind boy and of course the boy too. However, the old man was surprised when Aviana insisted to let them go. But the man only made her choose. Save the boy or kill the boy. She chose to save him in exchange for her death but the boy was shot in the end." Her Papa paused and looked at her.

"I'm still awake," Vivian said and he laughed.

"The boy was saved in the end since that the bullet was supposed to land at the girl. The bullet only landed near the head of the blind boy. As a result, he had complications of remembering things. He was alive and can finally see but when Aviana secretly visited him. He didn't recognize her anymore. Aviana was disappointed and happy at the same time because now he is safe not knowing her. Aviana decided to be in his shadow protecting him from harm." He paused for a minute and looked at his watch. It's near 1 am.

"As years continued to pass, she's still hiding from him. Long until he suddenly noticed her. She wanted to drive him away but it was too late. She later found out that she fell in love with that boy. She only wanted to protect him. She didn't intend to fall for him. They became lovers in the end but tragic things began to happen." He continued.

"I don't like that kind of love story when I grew up. It's just too sad," Vivian said pouting at her Papa.

"Do you want me to continue?" He asked.

"Yes please," The little girl said and giggled.

"People began to die due to their untold secrets. Especially the Aviana's secret which is her hidden ability. They wanted to be happy but there's no such thing as happy endings, it only exists in fairy tales and fairy tales do not also exist. In the end, the boy was killed and it unleashed the demon inside Aviana." Her Papa said as he frowned.

"Papa," The little girl called for him worried when she noticed him looking at something.

"Nothing. Let's continue." He said.

"They said that Aviana killed all the people who killed his lover and then killed herself. I don't know anything other than that. But you see I went to that place to get something and that is the missing piece of the story." Her Papa said. Vivian happily nods as she waited for the last piece of the story.

"Legend says that her soul was put on to another human being, a girl. You can verify if her soul is in that person once the girl turned 18. They also said that if that person exists, she will bring death to us all. So, my child, when you meet that person, I want you to be careful." He said and kissed her forehead.

"How can I even meet her?" Vivian asked.

"Nothing is impossible my child." He answered.

"Well, this story doesn't exist right?" Vivian said smiling.

"You see my child this is a legend and some legends exist in this world." Her Papa said. That made her think.

"So that girl exists?" She asked but her Papa didn't answer her.

"Sleep. Now, remember..." He said.

"Do not ever forget." They said in unison then he finally stood up.

Vivian is not the kind of person who easily forgets things but he keeps on reminding her not to forget. She sometimes thinks that maybe when he was young, he continues to forget. She smiled and looked at him. However, she was startled when she saw someone standing behind him.

"PAPA!" Vivian shouted but it was too late, the man slit its dagger on to her Papa's neck. Her eyes widened from what she saw. What did he do?

"P-Papa," She called and came towards him.

"Run Vivian! Before they find you." He said as he gasps for air.

"No Papa I won't leave you." She said but it was too late. He's not moving anymore. She felt a liquid dripping towards the floor. Blood.

Vivian looked at where that person was again but he's not in the room anymore. She hurriedly runs outside the house. His Papa said to run but she doesn't know why and where to. She stopped walking. Her Papa died right in front of her. She began to cry.

Hence, she can't escape this. Someone killed her Papa and she won't run from the man who did that. She decided to walk and tried to follow him. Thunder started to crumble the sky and as the lightning starts to strike the grounds, the rain started to pour. She will search for him and she will never stop until she found him.

Vivian proceeded to run until all she can see are the road and the trees. That person can't be away that fast unless it was an assassin. She continued to run but suddenly she saw light coming from her back and when she looked. It was already too late to move.

All she knows is that she's flying right now. Her body hurts but why did it hurt again? Oh! It's because of that car. As that car stopped, so as her body fell towards the ground. She coughed with blood. Is this person going to kill her also?

That person got out of the car and slowly came towards her. Then after, that person suddenly held her face. She can't see who this person is due to its mask. She tried to move but she can't feel anything. At that moment, she suddenly felt something injected from her neck and just before she knows it her eyes turned shut.

"What happened? Why did they kill my father? I'm all alone. Am I going to die? It's so cold. Someone please, save me." She said through her mind as she drifted down to a deep slumber.

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