Bloody Memories

16 What are you?

Vivian Yve Dandlers

The game had finally started.

"Are you really sure about this?" Liam asked. I nodded as an answer. I always keep my word. Besides, this is a great opportunity to know that guy. By this, I will know if he is a friend or a foe.

"I'm heading out," I said and looked at Tyler again who is still lying at the bed, unconscious. I looked at Sabrina and she just smiled sweetly like before.

"Take care." She stated and I began to walk. But I stopped in front of Vlad who is standing near the door.

"You must return here, alive." He said out of a sudden. I grinned at his statement.

Who would even kill me in that mansion? I feel like there's no one else living there besides Damian. I haven't seen anyone other than him and those doctors. But of course they don't stay there. It's as if he was the only one living there. I didn't even seen his men whom he was talking about. Those men who were wearing masks. I didn't see them at the mansion.

"Of course. I'll return alive." I said and finally head outside.

"See you tomorrow," I added and proceeded to walk.

I chose to take a cab even though Vlad insisted to take me there. It's inconvenient for him. I know that he is scared or somehow hates seeing Damian. I went out alone. Thanks to Liam, he gave me the pass that we brought last day. Because I can't go out without it.

I continued to walk a little further away from the Academy to get a cab. Thank goodness he didn't let me bring any luggage. He told me that we will be back everyday here so there's no point in bringing my things. Besides, there were lots of girl things there, he stated. As I was walking, a car pulled up in front of me. I saw the window of the car went down.

"Get in." He simply said and so I did. Good thing he came and get me. He silently drove towards the mansion. It's too quiet and no one ever dared to break this silence. Hence, I just look at the view outside and I noticed that were finally near the mansion. It's really close to the Academy.

Finally, it took only 30 minutes and he finally parked the car in front of the house. I got out and so did he. I'm back again at this place. I saw him proceeded to walk inside so I followed him. Just like before, the house is empty. We were heading upstairs, I think that he is leading me to my room. Then I noticed him stop. ​

"Change your clothes we'll be having dinner with my family." He said. I got numb. It took seconds for me to absorb what he have said. I forcefully pulled his arm and it made him look at me. I stared at him with a 'What the Fuck' look in my face. I mean why?

"Do as I say and you'll live. Besides, those who disobeys me dies with just one word." He said without facing me. I sighed.

Can someone please remind me why did I agree to play this kind of stupid game? Does he want to kill me or what? I just decided to keep quiet until we were finally upstairs. He let me in at one of the rooms.

"You'd be staying here. Make yourself at home." He stated and finally closed the door.

Is he gone? That's it? I sighed once again. I went to the bed and throw myself on it. I eagerly closed my eyes. I wanted to take a rest. What the hell is happening to me? Why di I feel so tired? My chest until now isn't okay. I started to massage it when I suddenly remember the statement that he said a while ago. 'Having dinner with his family.'

I stood up from the bed and looked at myself towards the mirror that I saw at the corner. It was huge and beautiful. There were carvings at its side which was made of gold. They are definitely rich! Hence, I remembered about the dinner. I haven't experienced a nice dinner with a family. I can't even recall when I had a nice dinner with someone. I was always alone.

I went towards the cabinet to see some clothes for me to wear. Damian said that there were lots of girl things here. However, when I opened the cabinet, there's nothing inside. What the hell am I going to wear?

But then, the door suddenly opened and a maid came in. There's a maid here? I haven't seen one, except for her. She seems... different. She was wearing a black dress. Her hair is been tied into a bun. I think that she is pretty but half of her face was covered with a cloth. The part of her mouth is hidden. I remembered Damian saying his men were wearing masks, so does his maids?

"Your dress Malady." She said and put down those two boxes on the bed. She immediately went out of the room without saying a word.

I went towards the bed when I heard her footsteps getting farther. I picked up the boxes and opened them. I wore it hurriedly because it's almost time for dinner. I don't need to put on a make up because that's too much of a hassle for me.

When I was finally done dressing up and wearing the heels, I looked upon the mirror once again. I really don't like the color of red. It's just that I remember blood with this pure color. I took a glimpse at my gun and dagger at the bed. I'll just leave it here. What could possibly happen in a family dinner, right?

I breathed heavily and sat down at the edge of the bed. I don't want to go out yet. He should get me here. Besides, I don't know where to go. Other than that reason, I don't like the ambiance of this house. It feels empty and scary. I probably should just lie down for a minute. But just before I got to close my eyes the door suddenly opened and revealed a fine-looking man.

"Let's go." He said in authority. I immediately stood up. When I was about to go outside, he stopped me out of a sudden and pulled my arm to face him. He's looking at me straight in the eye. Strange. I'm captivated by those eyes once again.

"Remember. Don't talk back to any of them." He stated.

I was glued onto his eyes that were still staring at me even though I already heard him stopped from talking. I should have avoided his stare but I can't do it. Here I am, stupidly staring at him. But my reality snapped when he suddenly kissed me. I immediately pushed him and looked at him furiously.

"You look beautiful." He commented and gave me a smile. Yes, he freaking smiled at me! This damn devil! Hence, what he has said made my chest ache even more.

I turned my back at him and was about to walk but he pulled my waist. My body slammed on to his. He locked me into his arms. It was like he was hugging me from the back but no. He's putting something on my neck. It was a necklace.

"What's this?" I asked and now he turned me to face him. He took a better look and smiled again.

"That means you are mine..." He said. It made me froze. I was confused. My mind was suddenly messed up. I wanted to ask what is his problem or what does he want from me but I suddenly heard a bell coming from downstairs.

"Dinner is served." He said and now pulled me. He's holding my hand.

What is this? I shouldn't be like this. I feel butterflies in my stomach. I wanted to vommit due to my heart racing rapidly. But I snapped back. Does he want anything from me? Information or something? I looked at him but he is just walking with his poker face.

"Don't take that off, ever." He suddenly said. He stopped in front of a door. He looked at me for a moment then looked at the door once again. His hands started to get cold. He is nervous.

I felt his hands tighten onto mine as the door opened and revealed the wide and long table filled with different kinds of food. There were tree people already sitting there. One was an old man, the two girls were look a likes. I think they are twins. Are they his family?

"Seems like we have a guest." The man said and looked at me. I got numb by his stares. Its as if he was piercing right into my heart. I feel like he doesn't want me to be here. I looked at Damian but just like before, his face were expressionless.

"Father." He greeted and bow. I did too.

"No need for formalities. Sit." He said and so we did. Damian helped me first on my seat then he sat down after. What a gentleman? I didn't know that men like him still exist in this selfish world of ours?

"Who is she?" The girl with straight hair asked. The other one has a curly hair. But they both have a blonde hair. They both look beautiful and I think that they are still in their 20's.

"This is Vivian. Vivian my sisters, Athena and Alethia." He said without looking at them.

"Just call us with our names. We sound old when people keep on calling us big sister or Mam. Am I right Damian?" Alethia said. She has that straight hair.

They both smiled at me and I too in return but their looks are only giving me shivers so I averted their gazes immediately. I've been trained to be an assassin to kill demons and humans who has evil intentions but I feel weak here. When I face his family, even him. I feel like I can die anytime soon.

Besides, I have never encountered the family of Samandriel's and now that they're in front of me. They all look so mysterious and dangerous. Especially this man beside Damian, his father. Why the hell did he brought me in this family dinner?

"Because he wants us to meet you of course." Athena suddenly said.

My world stopped. It's as if the ticking of the clock paused on its own as I looked at the girl who said that. She was already smiling like crazy. I froze from what she have said and it made me stood up from my seat. I wanted to cry because of fear but I'm trying my best not to. I'm scared! Hence, I felt a hand held mine tightly. It was Damian.

"Calm down." He said and made me sit. He didn't let go of my hand after that.

"You scared our guest Athena." His father said towards that girl with a curly hair.

"My bad." She said looking at me but then I literally froze when her eyes unexpectedly turned blue.

"Athena!" Mister Samandriel now shouted.

"What?" She asked mockingly.

"You..." I said holding a grip on myself. They all looked at my direction. I'm trembling in fear but I want to ask her.

"What are you?"

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