Bloody Memories

25 The night has finally ended

Vivian Yve Dandlers

I stayed on the garden for too long that I didn't even noticed the time. The guests were shouting and clapping inside. I think that she's going to blow the cake. I looked at my wristwatch and it's already 12:00 am. I decided to go back for me to see what is going on inside.

When I got back, I saw Damian with Olivia on the stage. There's no cake in front though. What is the commotion about? Hence, I noticed one thing, the both of them are happily smiling at each other. What's this? My gaze searched for Athena and Altheia but when I saw them, they were running towarfs me. Why are they running? Did something happen?

​"Let's go outside for a moment," Athena stated when they finally got near me. She hold on to my hand but her hands were cold. Something feels off. She tried to pull me out but it was too late. She was too late.

​"I said yes," Olivia stated while raising her hand. I saw a ring was put in her 3rd finger.

It was as if time had stopped ticking. I slowly looked at Damian. I was surprised when he was already looking at me. No expression on his face. I smiled bitterly and removed Athena's hand from mine.

I immediately ran outside and proceed towards the garden where we are a while ago. My tears fell to my surprise. I don't even know why I am crying! It's pissing me off! I slammed my fist on to my chest. It's aching so badly. I can't breath! Don't cry Lucie! This isn't you. Why am I even like this? I don't like it! I fell down on my knees and continued to cry. Good thing that there's no one else here beside me.

​"Vivian." Someone called my name unexpectedly and touched my shoulders. I slowly looked at the person who called my name but I, even more, burst into tears when I saw who it was.

​"Please. Leave me alone." I only said. I feel so weak.

I noticed him kneel down in front of me. He lifted my chin to take a better look at me. He's smiling at me. But his eyes were sad. Don't act like this Damian! This kills me inside. You are killing me! I let my guard down and fall for this goddamn devil. I shouldn't have played his game! I shouldn't have!

​"You really look beautiful today." He said.

​"Our day finally ends here.." He added while looking at the sky.

​"Do you remember what I've said." He suddenly stated. I looked into his eyes. Those eyes that made me captivated are now looking at me sadly.

​"What you risk reveals what you value." He said. I continued to stare at him. I'm not in the mood to answer him but I was surprised when he smiled.

​"I risked something and now look what became the outcome.." He added and came closer to my face.

​"I became crazy for falling in love with you

Although it's forbidden for me to fall to the likes of you." He stated which made me froze.

What does he mean? The story. Is he really a demon? Buy why doesn't he have the presence of a demon. I was unable to say anything when his lips landed on mine. He didn't stop kissing me, as if it was the last time that he will see me. No! I don't want that!

I pushed him and look at him. He's still smiling at me. I was about to say something but the next thing I know. I was thrown at a tree. I howled in pain. It's as if my bones were all shattered because of the strong impact. I was thrown like Athena. Does it suppose to feel like this? But wait! Did Alethia did this? I slowly looked at where Damian is. To my surprise, Livia was standing close to him with those red crimson eyes. Did she saw us?

​"Damian!" I shouted. He noticed me looking behind him so he looked back too. He saw Livia but he didn't show any reaction. It's as if he was used on seeing her like that.

​"Let's leave now Livia." He stated and was about to pull her arms but he noticed something in her hands. I can still see from here and I remember that it was the necklace that Damian gave me.

​"Why is this with you?" Damian sounds angry. I noticed Livia's eyes turned back normal. She's panicking.

"I was about to return it." She unexpectadley said. I closed my eyes because of the pain coming from my back. It hurts like hell!

Why the hell is that necklace with her? Hence, I remembered her on the mansion. She was at the stairs, playing with something on her hands. Did she snatch it from my neck? But I was wide awake? How did she get it from me? Wait! Is that the reason why Damian was looking at me at my neck the following day? He was confused about why I wasn't wearing the necklace?

I looked at the two but I was surprised when they were finally lying down on the ground. I tried to stand up although my back is killing me. I came towards Damian but someone suddenly put a gas mask on my face. We were surrounded by this green smoke. I looked at the person who gave me this thing on my face and it was Tyler.

​"Tyler?" I asked confused, his tie is untied. He looks overworked or something. He looks different.

​"The night is finally finished." He stated and reached for my hand. To my surprise, he suddenly kissed it.

However, that's not the only thing he did. I felt that he injected something on my neck. Everything went black after that.

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