Vivian Yve Dandlers

"You've been lying here for too long." I heard someone said as this person's hands started to caress my head. After that I felt nothing. I decided to slowly open my eyes only to find myself looking at the person near my face.

"Who are you?" I asked without letting him know that I feel uncomfortable.

Was he about to kiss me? Hence, I was surprised when he didn't reply and just gave me a grin.

"I'll get some food." He only stated and went outside the room. I stood up to sit and look around. Where am I? What happened? Why does my chest hurts?

I chose to stand up and looked outside from the veranda. There's no one guarding the house. I think that there's only the two of us here? This house is surrounded by trees though. I wonder if we are in the middle of the forest. But why is this house built in the middle of the forest? Is this some kind of hide-out? And by the way, who the hell is he?

Just then, I heared the door opened and I saw that guy again. He is handsome but why does he have white hair like the snow? It's just so unusual to see a person with white hair. It's not dyed. He really has white hair. He looks like someone though but he seems dangerous and mysterious like Damian.

"Damian." I whispered. Little did I know, I felt my tears started to fall. What the hell is happening to me?

"Are you alright? Don't stand up already." This guy said worriedly and helped me towards the bed. Does he know me?

"I said who are you?" I asked once again but he only looked at me coldly.

"Its better if you don't know me. Just act like I'm one of your men. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. That never came into my mind unlike before." He replied.

However, what does he mean by before? Did he wanted to kill me before? Hence, I didn't bother to ask him and just lie down on the bed. I feel drained. What the hell happened to me? It feels like I've been beaten up by hundreds of people and was lying on the bed for a year.

"Why am I here?" I asked looking at the ceiling.

I also wanted to ask him why am I with him but I didn't bother. He must want something from me. However, I don't really know him. Did Mr. Azier sent him? I stared at him but he's just looking at the flowers at the vase on the table beside me. They look wonderful. I have never seen this kind of flower before.

"Because I think that you'll be better here. It's much safer with me." He stated. I noticed him slightly smiled sadly. What does he mean?

"Do you-" He was about to say something but when he looked at me, he changed what he was about to say.

"Never mind, just eat. You've been sleeping for ages." He stated without finishing his first statement and just put the tray at the table beside my bed. Ages?

"What happened to me?" I asked. I really can't remember. All I know is that I'm searching for Aviana's soul.

"Its better for you not to know." He answered.

"Did they found her?" Now, I asked.

"Her?" He asked confused. Does she not know about Aviana's soul? That's impossible! Everyone knows her story.

"The person who has Aviana's soul." I stated. I noticed him flinched. What? Did I say something wrong?

"I think." He simply replied and finally went outside. They found her already?

I need to call Mr. Azier. I saw a phone at the table and reached for it but when I was about to dial up his number, I was startled when the person who just left the room was in front of me now. I saw him went outside the room. He just recently shut the door but why is he here in front of me with those red crimson eyes.

I started to cry. I can't stop myself. Images were filling up my head. Images on how she was killed in front of me. How Aviana was killed! How my mom was killed in front of me! I've just recently met her but she was killed right before my eyes. I've been searching for me. I'm so stupid!

How long have she been waiting for me to come to her? Why did I even forget about her in the first place? She's been suffering for years while I'm living without knowing anything about her. She saved me once again! She sacrificed herself once again. My mom is dead! My mom is dead because of me! I made her suffer. It's all my fault!

I started to hit my head to stop these images that kept on showing up in my head. Her smile is killing me! The words that she left for me is killing me! I hate this! I killed her! It's all because of me.

Just then, I felt this man's hands stopped me. He unexpectedly hugged me. I cried even more because of what he did. I didn't know why but I felt safe when he wrapped his arms around me. Why am I with him? Why is he with me? Who the hell is he?

"Who are you?" I cried.

"One of the demons?" I added but he didn't answer.

"If yes, please help me! Help me, please! Because I badly don't know what to do. I feel lifeless and I don't know what's my purpose in this world anymore." Hence, I felt him hugged me tighter.

"Live." He stated.

"I don't know how anymore." I said between my tears.

"That's what she wants. That is what we all want." He simply stated, which made me cry even more.

"If you want to die, think of the people who sacrificed their life for you. Thousand deaths will be waisted because of you." He added and gently pushed me to look at me in the eyes.

"They all died because they wanted you to live." He said and that made me stop.

"What do you mean? Thousands of people? I think your mistaken. My Papa and my mom are the only ones who died because of me." I said. He stayed silent looking at me straight in the eye.

"Do you want to know the truth?" He asked suspiciously. But I have nothing to worry about.

"Yes." I simply answered.

"You are the real reason why many of your descendants are getting killed." He said.

"Descendants? I was just born last 1998." I answered back while getting frustrated.

"That's what you thought." He only said.

"What?" I asked confused. What the hell is he talking about?

"Because you are their ancestor. The very first of our kind. Victoria, the bloody queen." He stated which made me numb. I feel hot. It's as if my blood were boiling into the highest temprature. I feel throwing up!

This curse of mine. How can it be stopped once again?

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